Feedback 9th PHEDMa
  1. 100 % of the participants agreed / strongly agreed that the food was satisfactory
  2. 80% of the participants agreed/ strongly agreed that the accommodation was   comfortable and convenient
  3. 80% of the participants agreed/ strongly agreed that social and recreational activities were appropriate and enjoyable
  4. 90% of the participants agreed/ strongly agreed that the administrative matters were dealt with effectively and efficiently. (To attend the course)
  5. 100% of the participants agreed/ strongly agreed that the classroom activities were very well managed
  6. 100% of the participants greed / strongly agreed that the level of expertise among the facilitators was of a very high standard
  7. 80% of the participants agreed/ strongly agreed that this course fully met their needs to be the representative for Disaster Management
  8. 80 % of the participants agreed / strongly agreed that they are confident to apply what they learned in this course to work

Some other comments and suggestions

1. The administrative matters were dealt efficiently
2. Great workshop



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