Dr. Wasana Kudagammana |
Senior Lecturer |
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Peradeniya. |
Consultant Medical Microbiologist Teaching Hospital Peradeniya and District General Hospital, Nawalapitiya (Off-site) |
wasana.kudagammana@med.pdn.ac.lk, wasanakudagammana@yahoo.co.uk |
+94 77 398 1378 |
https://scholar.google.com/citations |
https://www.researchgate.net |
https://orcid.org/ |
Educational / Professional Qualifications |
- MBBS (Peradeniya) 1998
- SLMC Registration: 15430
- Diploma in Medical Microbiology (PGIM, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka) 2011
- MD in Medical Microbiology (PGIM, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka) 2015
- Board Certification (BOF Medical microbiology) 2017
- FRCPath Medical Microbiology Part I (Spring 2018-UK)
Undergraduate Teaching, Training and Examination |
- Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya in Microbiology
- Faculty of Allied Health Science - Visiting lecturer, Module coordinator, examiner and research supervisor for BSc in Medical Laboratory Science
Postgraduate Teaching, Training and Examinations |
- Resource person and examiner for MSc Medical Microbiology, Postgraduate Institute of Science (PGIS), University of Peradeniya – MSc in Medical Microbiology
- Trainer for diploma in medical microbiology and MD in Medical Microbiology, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Peradeniya
- MD in Medical Microbiology conducted by the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo
- Analysis of etiological agents in children with community acquired respiratory infections admitted to TH Peradeniya and SBSCH Peradeniya' (Main supervisor - 2023)
- Modified Carbapenem Inactivation Method (mCIM) as a tool of antibiotic stewardship for Gram Negative bacteremia in Teaching Hospital Kandy (co-supervisor - 2022)
Research Interests |
- Main research interests are on emerging and re-emerging Infections including coronavirus, healthcare associated infections, improvements in diagnostics, screening and prevention facilitating antibiotic-stew
Research Grants |
- University Research Grant No RG/AF/13/38/M and the US National Institutes of Health (Contract No. HHSN272201500006C) - 2015 Completed
- University of Peradeniya Research Grant No: UGR/2022/50/M - ongoing
Professional Affiliations and Memberships |
- Member of Sri Lanka Medical Association (15430) from1999
- Member of Sri Lanka Society for Microbiology (SSM0084) from 2012
- Member of Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists LM 159 from 2012
- Member of General Medical Council UK (7587507) 2017
- Diplomate Member of Royal College of Pathologists UK (20006700) from 2018
- Member of Health Care Infection Society UK (HIS) from 2018
- Member of British Infection Association UK (BIA) from 2018
- Member of Asia-Pacific Biosafety Association (APBA)from 2020
- Council member for the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists for the year 2020/21
Editor and reviewer for scientific journals/Funding agents/ Higher degree |
Reviewer for Academic Journals |
- Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Disease (Journal of the Sri Lankan Society for Microbiology)
- Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine (Journal of the Kandy Society of Medicine)
Reviewer for Higher degrees/ Funding agents |
- Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya
- Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Peradeniya
- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Peradeniya