Prof. Neelakanthi Ratnatunga |
Research Interest |
Renal Pathology in Sri Lanka, Tissue response to infections and infestations |
Oral and Poster Presentation( with abstract) 2010 |
Siriweera HE Ratnatunga NVI Profile of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis in Sri Lankans. Is there an increased risk of ancillary pathologies in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis? Journal of thyroid research 2010 Article ID 124264, 5 Pages |
Herath CHP Ratnatunga NVI et al Waduge R, Rathnayake P, Ratnatunga CN, Ramadasa S A histopathologyical study of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Sri Lanka
Ceylon Medical Journal 2010 55 (4) 106-11 |
S.C.Medagedara, SAM.Kularatne, I.B.Gawarammana,NVI Ratnatunga. Annual presentation of Histopathological types of Bronchial asthma diagnosed at THP: A retrospective analysis. PURSE 2010. |
Welegedara HT, Galketiya KB, Ratnatunga NVI, Gunawardana R, Waduge R, Amarasinghe IAU, Thirumurugan T. Goitres In males: The Clinical Presentation and Histopathological Varieties KSM 2010 |
Postpartum hemolytic uremic syndrome: a study of 2 cases KSM 2010(7th author)
Herath HNMJ, Wazil AWM, Abeysekara DTDJ, Jeewani NDC, Rathnathunga NVI, Bandara EHCK, Badurdeen AS. Unusual Cause of Nephrotic Syndrome. KSM 2010. |
Goitres in males. The clinical presentation and histopathological varieties KSM 2010(3rd author)
Snake bite causing chronic Kidney disease. Analysis of 42 cases in the nephrology unit Kandy Sri Lanka.CMJ 2010 vol55 supplement and 12th Asian pacific congress of Nephrology |
HerathHMNJ, WazilAWM, AbeysekeraDTDJ, JeewaniNDC, WeerakoonKGAD, RatnautngaNVI et al One of 8 authors Snake bite causing chronic kidney disease: analysis of 42 cases in the nephrology unit Kandy Sri Lanka. Kandy Society of Medicine 2010 page 23 and CMJ 2010 55 supp1 |
Herath N, Bandara K, Badurdeen S, Wazil A, Abeysekara T, Jeewanie C, Weerakoon K, Ratnatunga N et al One of 9 authorsEffectiveness of current immunosuppressive treatment in induction phase of proliferative lupus nephritis (PLN): our experience at nephrology unit Kandy Sri Lanka Asian Pacific Congress of Nephrology 2010 page 120 |
Herath N, Bandara K, Badurdeen S, Wazil A, Abeyseara T, Jeewanie C, Weerakoon K, Ratnatunga N et al One of 10 authors Effectiveness of current immunosuppressive treatment in maintenance phase of proliferative lupus nephritis (PLN): our experience at nephrology unit Kandy Sri Lanka. Asian Pacific Congress of Nephrology 2010 page 120 |
HerathHMNJ, WazilAWM, AbeysekeraDTDJ, JeewaniNDC, RatnatungaNVI et al
One of 7 authors Unusual cause of nephrotic syndrome Kandy Society of Medicine 2010 page 107 |
HGWAPL Bandara, AUB Pethiyagoda, NVI Ratnatunga, RN Waduge, RTAW Gunewardena, K Pethiyagoda. Does Chronic Prostatitis Have More Association with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or Cancer? KSM 2010 |
Oral and Poster Presentation( with abstract) 2011 |
HGWAPL Bandara, AUB Pethiyagoda, NVI Ratnatunga, RTAW Gunawardana, RN Waduge, S.Wijetunga Association of intra Prostatic Inflammation among Patients with Benign prostatic Hyperplasia KSM 2011 |
HGWAPL Bandara, AUB Pethiyagoda, NVI Ratnatunga, RTAW Gunawardana, RN Waduge, S.Wijetunga, WARV Weragoda Incidence of Occult malignancy in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia : A Single institution Experience, KSM 2011 |
HGWAPL Bandara, UAD Wijesinghe, MD Lamawansa, KB Galketiya, W Tissera, VC Halakoon, NVI Ratnatunga, RTAW Gunawardana, RN Waduge, S.Wijetunga, Descriptive study on pathological characteristics of Breast carcinoma in patients who presented to the Teaching Hospital Peradeniya in the past five years. KSM 2011 |
WijesingheUAD,BandaraHGWAPL, Lamawansa MD, Galketiya KB, Tissera W, Halahakoon VC, RatnatungaNVI et al One of 10 authors The pattern of benign breast diseases in patients who underwent surgical excision: a 5 year experience in Teaching Hospital Peradeniya. Kandy Society of Medicine 2011 page 111 |
Badurdeen AS, HerathHMNJ, RajakrishnaPN, BandaraEHCK, SubasingheNDNS, Ratnatunga N et al 8 authors An analysis of 325 native renal biopsy specimens at nephrology and transplant unit, Teaching Hospital Kandy Kandy Society of Medicine 2011 page 109 |
HerathHMNJ, RatnatungaNVI et al One of 10 authors Acute and chronic kidney injury following snake bite: a clinico-histopathological study in Sri Lanka. Kandy Society of Medicine 2011 page 76 |
HerathHMNJ, Badurdeen AS, RajakrishnaPN, Kularatne SAM, SubasingheNDNS, Wazil AWM, Weerakoon K, Agampody S, AbeysekeraDTDJ, Medagedara S, RatnatungaNVI et al One of 12 authors A comparison of snake envenoming and leptospiral infection causing acute and chronic kidney disease in Sri Lanka. Kandy Society of Medicine 2011 page 73 |
BandaraHGWAPL, WijesingheUAD, Lamawansa MD, Galketiya KB, Tissera W, Halahakoon VC, RatnatungaNVI et al One of 10 authors Descriptive study on pathological characteristics of breast carcinoma in patients who presented to the Teaching Hospital Peradeniya in the past five years. Kandy Society of Medicine 2011 page 54 |
Oral and Poster Presentation( with abstract) 2012 |
HGWAPL Bandara, AUB Pethiyagoda, NVI Ratnatunga, RTAW Gunawardana, RN Waduge, S.Wijetunga Relative Incidence of Different Types of Bladder Carcinoma: Single Institutional Experience. KSM 2012 |
HGWAPL Bandara, AUB Pethiyagoda,S.Rosairo, NVI Ratnatunga, RTAW Gunawardana, RN Waduge, S.Wijetunga, RMS Priyadarshani, Histological Outcome of Testicular Biopsies in men with Azoospermia, Hospital Based preliminary study. KSM 2012 |
Rajakrishna PN, Bandara BD, Bandara SK, Wazil AWM, Nannayakkara N, Ratnatunga N, et al ( 0ne of 8 authors) Prediction of graft rejection by changing serum creatinine patterns in live donor kidney transplants THU.PO31.030 24th International congress of the transplantation society. 2012 Berlin Germany. POSTER |
Rajakrishna PN, Bandara BD, Bandara SK, Wazil AWM, Nannayakkara N, Ratnatunga N, et al ( 0ne of 8 authors) Serum creatinine profile of complicated live donor renal transplant recipients. A descriptive study of 15 cases. 24th International congress of the transplantation society. 2012 Berlin Germany
THU.PO31.031. POSTER |
Rajakrishna PN, Bandara BD, Bandara SK, Wazil AWM, Nannayakkara N, Ratnatunga N, et al ( 0ne of 8 authors) Single center analysis of graft biopsies of live donot kidney transplantation THU.PO31.03224th International congress of the transplantation society. 2012 Berlin Germany. POSTER |
Rajakrishna PN, Bandara BD, Bandara SK, Wazil AWM, Nannayakkara N, Ratnatunga N, et al ( 0ne of 8 authors) Analysis of time Vs Serum creatinine graphs in acute renal allograft rejections treated with methylprednisolone pulse therapy THU.PO31.033 24th International congress of the transplantation society. 2012 Berlin Germany POSTER |
Journal Publications 2010 |
Herath CHP RatnatungaNVI et al (6 authors) A histopathological study of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Sri Lanka CMJ 2010 55 4 106-111 |
H. Siriweera and N. V. I. Ratnatunga (2 authors) Profile of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis in Sri Lankans: Is There an Increased Risk of Ancillary Pathologies in Hashimoto's Thyroiditis? Journal of thyroid research 2010; 2010: 124264. Published online 2010 October 10. doi: 10.4061/2010/124264 E. |
(9th author)Effectiveness of current immunosuppressive treatment in induction phase of proliferative lupus nephritis: experience at the Nephrology unit Kandy Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal 2010 vol 55 supplement and 12 Asian pacific Congress of Nephrology |
Journal Publications 2011 |
Dissanayaka IU Ratnatunga N Correlation between the Estrogen Progesterone receptor status and Her2neu expression of primary breast carcinoma and lymph node metastases in a Sri Lankan population Ceylon Medical Journal 2011 In Press |
DissanayakeIU Ratnatunga NVI(2 authors) Correlation between the steroid receptor status and Her 2neu amplification of Primary breast carcinoma and lymph node metastases: a retrospective analysis CMJ 2011 56,3, 131-2 |
Siriweera EH, Ratnatunga NVI, et al (4 authors)Isolated intracranial Roasi-Dorfman disease Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 2011 (6) 1 44-6 |
Journal Publications 2012 |
Herath H.M.N.J, Wazeel A.W.M, Ratnatunga N.V.I, Badurdeen.A.S, Weerakoon K.S.A.D. 2012, Could the latex of Semecarpus anacardium(Kiri Badulla) cause nephritic syndrome. CMJ |
HerathHMNJ, WazilAWM, ABeysekeraDTDJ, JeewaniNDC, WeerakoonKGAD, Ratnatunga NVI et al (8 authors)Chronic kidney disease in snake envenomed patients with acute kidney injury in Sri Lanka: a descriptive study Postgraduate Medical Journal 2012 doi10:1136 /postgradmedj2011-130225 |
Herath N, Wazil A, Kularatne S, Ratnatunga N et al (9 authors) Thrombotic micoangiopathy and acute kidney injury in hump nosed viper (Hypnale species) envenoming: A descriptive study in Sri Lanka. Toxicon 2012 60 61-5 |
Seneviratne L, Abeysekera T, Nanayakkara S, Chandrajith R, Ratnatunga N et al (10 authors) Risk factors associated with disease progression and mortality in chronic kidney disease of uncertain etiology: a cohort study in Medawachchiya Sri Lanka. Environ HeatlthPrev Med 2012 Volume 17, Number 3 (2012)191-8 |
Nanayakkara S Komiya T. Ratnatunga N et al (10 authors) Tubulointerstitial damage as the major pathological lesion in endemic chronic kidney disease among farmers in North Central Province of Sri Lanka. Environ Heatlth Prev Med 2012 May;17(3):213-21 |
Journal Publications 2013 – International |
Siriwardena, B.S.M.S., Jayasinghe, R.D., Ratnatunge, N., Tilakaratne, W.M.,Solitary mastocytoma: A rare presentation on the buccal mucosa. Case Reports in Clinical Medicine, 2013. 2(3):174-5. |
Journal Publications 2013 – National |
Abeysekera, R.A., Kularatne, S.A.M., Noordeen, E., Ratnatunga, N.V.I., Bandara, J.M.R.P., Fatal pulmonary haemorrhage following adenovirus infection. Ceylon Medical Journal, 2013. 58(2): 84-6. |
Galketiya, K.B., Pinto, V., Ratnatunga, N., Wanasinghe, W.M.M.P.B., Peiris, S.P.M., Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy: A Sri Lankan experience. The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery, 2013. 31(1): 22-23. |
Jayasekera, J.M.K.B., Dissanayake, D.M., Adikari, S.B., Bandara, P., Geographical distribution of chronic kidney disease of unkown origin in North Central region of Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal, 2013 Mar. 58(1): 06-10. |
Sugathadasa, W.D.P., Ratnatunga, N.V.I., Kiriwattuduwe, K.S.U., Ariyawanse, P.H., Heterotopic brain tissue in the sacrococcygeal region. Ceylon Medical Journal, 2013. 58(3): 126-8. |
Galketiya, K.B., Pinto, V., Ratnatunga, N., Wanasinghe, W.M.M.P.B., Peiris, S.P.M., Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy: A Sri Lankan experience. The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery, 2013. 31(1): 22-23. |
Sugathadasa, W.D.P., Ratnatunga, N.V.I., Kiriwattuduwe, K.S.U., Ariyawanse, P.H., Heterotopic brain tissue in the sacrococcygeal region. Ceylon Medical Journal, 2013. 58(3): 126-8. |
Wijetunge, S., Ratnatunga, N.V.I., Abeysekera, D.T.D.J., Wazil, A.W.M., Selvarajah, M., Ratnatunga, C.N., Retrospective analysis of renal histology in asymptomatic patients with probable chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal, 2013. 58(4): 142-47. |
Prof. A.M.S. Dhammika Menike Dissanayake |
Research Interest |
Haemoglobinopathies in Sri Lanka
Nutritional Anaemia
Chronic Renal Failure of Unknown Aetiology of Sri Lanka
History of Medicine |
Oral and Poster Presentation( with abstract) 2010 |
Shihana HSF, Dissanayake AMSDM, Dawson AH, Buckley N. A, Effect of methaemoglobin bedside test on clinical practice and out come. Selected abstracts from the 9th Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology, Hanoi, Vietnam, 16-19 November 2010. (Oral Presentation) |
Dissanayake D. M, The cyanobacterial toxins: A hidden health hazard, Selected Invited speaker abstracts from the 9th Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology, Hanoi, Vietnam, 16-19 November 2010. (Oral Presentation) |
Dissanayake. DM, Jayasekara JMKB, Ratnayake P, Radella Y A. Effect of concentrated water of reservoirs of high prevalence area for CKD-U of unknown origin of Sri Lanka on mice. Selected abstracts from the 9th Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology, Hanoi, Vietnam, 16-19 November 2010. (Poster Presentation) |
Dissanayake. DM, Jayasekara JMKB, Palugaswewa W. B.,Ratnayake RMPGCR, Malkanthi KGK, The role of environmental toxins in the pathogenesis of chronic renal disease of unknown origin in Sri Lanka. Selected abstracts from the 9th Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology, Hanoi, Vietnam, 16-19 November 2010. (Poster Presentation) |
Dissanayake. DM, Jayasekara JMKB, Ratnayake P, Suranga MBM, Prevalence of interstitial nephritis in cattle of high prevalent area for chronic kidney disease of unknown origin. Selected abstracts from the 9th Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology, Hanoi, Vietnam, 16-19 November 2010. (Poster Presentation) |
Jayasekara JMKB, Dissanayake, DM, Kumara DMT, Biodiversity of toxin producible cyanobacteria in water reservoirs and canals of high prevalence regions of chronic interstitial nephritis of unknown origin. Selected abstracts from the 9th Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology, Hanoi, Vietnam, 16-19 November 2010. (Poster Presentation) |
Jayasekara JMKB, Dissanayake,. DM, Bandara P, Adhikari SB, Malkanthi KGK, Ratnayake RMPGCR, Mahindaratne DGP, Epidemiology of chronic kidney disease of unknown origin in Sri Lanka. Selected abstracts from the 9th Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology, Hanoi, Vietnam, 16-19 November 2010. (Poster Presentation) |
Oral and Poster Presentation( with abstract) 2011 |
Dissanayake DMTS, Jayasekara KB, Shihana F, Dissanayake DM, 2011, Modification of methaemoglobin reduction test / Brewer’s test for rapid diagnosis of G6PD deficiency for screening. PURSE 2011 |
Ratnayke RMIU, Ratnayke RMPM, Dissanayake DM, 2011, The cut- off value of mean corpuscular volume for screening Thalassaemia carrier state PURSE 2011 |
Jayasekara JKMB, Dissanayake DM , Ratnayake P, Wickramasinghe W, Radella YA, 2011, The short term effect of cyanobacterial toxin extracts on mice kidney. PURSE 2011 |
Dissanayake DM, Jayasekara JKMB, 2011, Adikari SB, Bandara P, 2011A study of geographical distribution chronic kidney disease of unknown origin in Sri Lanka using GIS and GPS mapping. PURSE 2011 |
J.M.K.B. Jayasekara, D.M. Dissanayake, M.D.N. Gunaratna, S. Thilakarathna and R. Sivakanesan (2011). Agricultural Risk Index for Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Origin. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions (PURSE), Volume 16, p 91 |
J.M.K.B. Jayasekara, D.M. Dissanayake, M.D.N. Gunaratna, S. Thilakarathna and R. SIVAKANESAN (2011). Agricultural Risk Factors of Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Aetiology in North Central Region of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions (PURSE), Volume 16, p 92 |
J.M.K.B. Jayasekara, D.M. Dissanayake, P.W.K.K. Amunugama, M. Wazeel and R. SIVAKANESAN (2011). Estimation of 24-Hour Protein Excretion in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients by Analysing the Protein to Creatinine Ratio of Four Timely Urine Samples. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions (PURSE), Volume 16, p 93 |
Oral and Poster Presentation( with abstract) 2012 |
BMC Randika Wimalasiri, SD Indu Nanayakkara, AMS Dhammika Dissanayake, Kithsiri B. Jayasekara, RMI Upuli Ratnayake, The Effects Of Dehydration On Renal Tubular Funvtion In Farmers From An Area with High Prevalence Of Chronic Renal Disease. Biennial Conference of the South Asian Association of Physiologists(SAAP-3) Nov 2012 |
Journal Publications 2010 |
Shihana, F., Dissanayake, D. M., Dargan, P. I., and Dawson, A. H. A modified low cost colorimetric method for Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) measurement in plasma" Clinical Toxicology (2010) 48: 42-46. |
Journal Publications 2011 |
F Shihana , Andrew Dawson, Dhammika M. Dissanayake, Method for stabilizing blood for determination of Methhaemoglobin Journal of clinical Laboratory Analysis 25: 366-318 (2011) |
Journal Publications 2013 - National |
Jayasekera, J.M.K.B., Dissanayake, D.M., Adikari, S.B., Bandara, P., Geographical distribution of chronic kidney disease of unkown origin in North Central region of Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal, 2013 Mar. 58(1): 06-10. |
Journal Publications 2013 - International |
Jayasekera, J.M.K.B., Dissanayake, D.M., Gunaratne, M.D.N., Amunugama K., Estimation of 24 hour protein in CKD patients by analyzing the protein/ creatinine ratio of four spot urine samples. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2013 Mar. 3(3): |
Jayasekera, J.M.K.B., Dissanayake, D.M., Gunaratne, M.D.N., Sivakanesan, R., Prevalence of G6PD deficiency in patients with chronic kidney disease of unknown origin North Central region of Sri Lanka: case control study. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 2013. 4(4): 455-8. |
Jayasekera, J.M.K.B., Dissanayake, D.M., Gunaratne, M.D.N., Thilakarathna, S., Sivakanesan, R., Agricultural and life style related risk factors of chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology: case control study. International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical sciences. 3(12):21-29. |
Dr. S. Wijetunge |
Research interest |
Gastrointestinal Pathology
Renal Pathology
Adipose tissue pathology |
Oral and Poster Presentation( with abstract) 2010 |
Perera SN, Jayanthi N, Wijetunga S, Paranagama N, Ariyarathna Y. Incidence of Oesophageal cancers in Sri Lanka” evidence from Sri Lankan cancer registry 1985-2005. 32nd Annual meeting of International Association of Cancer Registries; Society and cancer registration: towards Harmonization, Yokohama, Japan. Book of Abstracts 2010. |
Wijetunga S , Perera S. Are the trend in Oesophageal carcinoma changing in Sri Lanka? Annual academic sessions of College of Pathologists of Sri Lanka-2010. |
Wijetunga S, Chandrasoma PT. Carcinoid tumours of the appendix with glandular differentiation. Annual academic session of college of Pathologists of Sri Lanka – 2010. |
Wijetunga S, Ahilan S, Chandrasoma PT. The spectrum of cystic mucinous lesions of the appendix. Annual academic sessions of College of Pathologists of Sri Lanka – 2010. |
Weerasinghe GS, Gunawardana R, Gunawardana K, Galketiya KB, Wijetunge S. A woman with an ovarian tumour and unexpected appendiceal pathology. 32nd annual academic sessions, Kandy Society of Medicine – 2010. |
Oral and Poster Presentation( with abstract) 2011 |
HGWAPL Bandara, AUB Pethiyagoda, NVI Ratnatunga, RTAW Gunawardana, RN Waduge, S.Wijetunga Association of intra Prostatic Inflammation among Patients with Benign prostatic Hyperplasia KSM 2011 |
HGWAPL Bandara, AUB Pethiyagoda, NVI Ratnatunga, RTAW Gunawardana, RN Waduge, S.Wijetunga, WARV Weragoda Incidence of Occult malignancy in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia : A Single institution Experience, KSM 2011 |
HGWAPL Bandara, UAD Wijesinghe, MD Lamawansa, KB Galketiya, W Tissera, VC Halakoon, NVI Ratnatunga, RTAW Gunawardana, RN Waduge, S.Wijetunga, Descriptive study on pathological characteristics of Breast carcinoma in patients who presented to the Teaching Hospital Peradeniya in the past five years. KSM 2011 |
S. Wijetunge, V.C. Halahakoon, K.B. Galketiya, P.V. R. Kumarasiri, T.R.D.S.K. Tennakoon, H.M.N.D. Herath. Detection of Helicobacter pylori by histology in biopsy speciemens of patients with gastric ulcers in a selected group pf patients from teaching Hospital Peradeniya. In proceedings of Peradeniya University Research Sessions 2011. |
Oral and Poster Presentation( with abstract) 2012 |
HGWAPL Bandara, AUB Pethiyagoda,S.Rosairo, NVI Ratnatunga, RTAW Gunawardana, RN Waduge, S.Wijetunga, RMS Priyadarshani, Histological Outcome of Testicular Biopsies in men with Azoospermia, Hospital Based preliminary study. KSM 2012 |
HGWAPL Bandara, AUB Pethiyagoda, NVI Ratnatunga, RTAW Gunawardana, RN Waduge, S.Wijetunga Relative Incidence of Different Types of Bladder Carcinoma: Single Institutional Experience. KSM 2012 |
Weerasingha G, Wijetunge S. Incidence patterns of upper gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma in a suburban and predominantly estate sector population. In conference proceedings of Annual academic sessions of College of Pathologists of Sri Lanka 2012 |
S Wijetunge, N Ratnatunga, C Ratnatunga, D T D J Abeysekera, A W M Wazil, M Selvarajah. Endemic Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Aetiology of Sri Lanka: histopathological changes in kidneys of asymptomatic patients. In proceedings on Sri Lanka Medical Association research symposium on chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology 2012. |
Journal Publication 2010 |
Chandrasoma PT, Wijetunge S, DeMeester SR, Hagen J, DeMeester TR. The Histologic Squamo-oxyntic Gap: An Accurate and Reproducible Diagnostic Marker of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. American Journal of Surgical Pathology., 34(11):1574-1581, 2010. |
Wijetunge S, Ma Y, Hagen J, DeMeester S, DeMeester T, Chandrasoma PT. Association of adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus, “gastro –oesophageal junction” and “gastric caqrdia” with gastric pathology. American Journal of Surgical Pathology; 34 (10); 1521-1527; 2010.
Journal Publication 2011 |
Chandrasoma P, Wijetunge S, Ma Y, DeMeester, S, Hagen J, DeMeester T. The Dilated Distal Esophagus: A New Entity That Is the Pathologic Basis of Early Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. American Journal of Surgical Pathology; 35 (12); 1873 - 1881; 2011 |
Wijetunge S, Perera SN. An analysis of changing trends of oesophageal adenocarcinoma in Asia. Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 1; 2011. (in press). |
Wijetunge S. Barrett oesophagus: past, present and future ( a review). Uva Medical journal 6; 10 -14;2011. |
Wijetunge S, Perera SN. Changing trends of oesophageal adenocarcinoma and cardia carcinoma incidence in Asia: review of literature and analysis. Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 6 (1); 17 – 27; 2011. |
Journal Publication 2012 |
Chandrasoma P, Wijetunge S, DeMeester S, Ma Y, Hagen J, MD, Zamis L, DeMeester T. Columnar-lined oesophagus without intestinal metaplasia has no proven risk of adenocarcinoma. Am J Surg Pathol 2012; 36 (1): 1 – 7. |
Journal Publications 2013- National |
Buharideen, S.M., Kotakadeniya, H.M.S.R.B., Galketiya, K.B., Samarasinghe, A.K.B.B.T.B., Peris, S.P.M., Dharmapala, A., Noordeen, F., Tennakoon, T.R.D.S.K., Wickramasinghe, S.M., Wijetunge, S., Prevalence of heicobacter pylori infection in a sample of patients with dyspeptic symptoms and gastric antral inflammation. Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists Bulletin, 2013 Jul. 11 (1): 13. |
Dr. R. Waduge
Research interest
Neuromuscular disease/Muscle biopsies |
Oral and Poster Presentation( with abstract) 2010 |
Welegedara HT, Galketiya KB, Ratnatunga NVI, Gunawardana R, Waduge R, Amarasinghe IAU, Thirumurugan T. Goitres In males: The Clinical Presentation and Histopathological Varieties. KSM 2010 |
Waduge R Work shop on bones and neuropathies. Organised on behalf of college of Pathologists. |
K.B.Galketiya, A.B.Wickramanayake, NVI Ratnatunga, RN Waduge, RTAW Gunawardana, The Surgical Treatment of Follicular Lesion and Follicular Neoplasia on Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) of the Thyroid. KSM 2010 |
HGWAPL Bandara, AUB Pethiyagoda, NVI Ratnatunga, RN Waduge, RTAW Gunewardena, K Pethiyagoda. Does Chronic Prostatitis Have More Association with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or Cancer? KSM 2010 |
Oral and Poster Presentation( with abstract) 2011 |
HGWAPL Bandara, AUB Pethiyagoda, NVI Ratnatunga, RTAW Gunawardana, RN Waduge, S.Wijetunga Association of intra Prostatic Inflammation among Patients with Benign prostatic Hyperplasia KSM 2011 |
HGWAPL Bandara, AUB Pethiyagoda, NVI Ratnatunga, RTAW Gunawardana, RN Waduge, S.Wijetunga, WARV Weragoda Incidence of Occult malignancy in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia : A Single institution Experience, KSM 2011 |
HGWAPL Bandara, UAD Wijesinghe, MD Lamawansa, KB Galketiya, W Tissera, VC Halakoon, NVI Ratnatunga, RTAW |
Gunawardana, RN Waduge, S.Wijetunga, Descriptive study on pathological characteristics of Breast carcinoma in patients who presented to the Teaching Hospital Peradeniya in the past five years. KSM 2011 |
Oral and Poster Presentation( with abstract) 2012 |
HGWAPL Bandara, AUB Pethiyagoda, NVI Ratnatunga, RTAW Gunawardana, RN Waduge, S.Wijetunga Relative Incidence of Different Types of Bladder Carcinoma: Single Institutional Experience. KSM 2012 |
HGWAPL Bandara, AUB Pethiyagoda,S.Rosairo, NVI Ratnatunga, RTAW Gunawardana, RN Waduge, S.Wijetunga, RMS Priyadarshani, Histological Outcome of Testicular Biopsies in men with Azoospermia, Hospital Based preliminary study. KSM 2012 |
RN Waduge and 6 more authors, severe Liver necrosis in two fatal cases of Dengue shock Syndrome(DSS) : Autopsy study , 34th Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine 2012 |
RN Waduge Case History of Pseudopapillary tumour of Pancreas in a young child. Poster. 34th Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine 2012 |
RN Waduge Current management – Controversis in thyroid disorders. Anuradhapura Clinical Society University of Rajarata |
Journal Publication 2010 |
RN Waduge Deep coma and hypokalaema of unknown aetiology following Bungarus caeruleus bite and Exploration of pathophysiological mechanism with two case studies. (Journal of venom research 2010 ) |
Herath CHP Ratnatunga NVI et al Waduge R, Rathnayake P, RatnatungaCN,RamadasaS A histopathologyical study of cutaneous leishmaniasis in SriLanka Ceylon Medical Journal 2010 55 (4) 106-11
Journal Publications 2013 – International |
Dharmarathne, S.L.C.A., Wickramasinghe, S., Waduge, R.N., Rajapakse, R.P.V.J., Kularathne, S.A.M., Does Carica papaya leaf-extract increase the platelet count? An experimental study in a murine model. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 2013 Sep. 3(9):720-4. |
Journal Publications 2013 – National |
Abeysekera, R.A., Kularatne, S.A.M., Waduge, R., Sandeepana, A.G., Bandara, J.M.R.P., Imbulpitiya, I.V.B., Kikuchi – Fujimoto’s disease: a case series from Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal, 2013 Mar. 58(1): 31-3. |
Dr. R. Gunewardane |
Research Interest |
Dermatopathology |
Oral and Poster Presentation( with abstract) 2010 |
GS Weerasinghe, R.Gunawardana, K.Gunawardana, KB Galketiya, S.Wijetunga. A woman with an ovarian tumour and Unexpected Appendiceal Patholagies: A case Report |
Dr. E. Siriweera |
Journal Publications 2013 – International |
Ibrahim, Z., Siriweera, E., Pellets in the Appendix. The New England Journal of Medicine, 2013 Aug. 369(6): e7. |
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