Dr. C. N. Kahathuduwa |
Lecturer in Physiology |
Full-text Research Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals |
- Kahathuduwa C. N.,Binks M., Martin C. K., Dawson J. A. (2017) Extended Calorie Restriction Suppresses Overall and Specific Food Cravings: A Systematic Review and a Meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews.DOI: 0.1111/obr.12566 [Epub ahead of print], PMID: 28557246. [Pubmed]
- Binks M., Kahathuduwa C. N., Davis T. (2017) Challenges in accurately modeling the complexity of human ingestive behavior: the influence of portion size and energy density of food on fMRI food-cue reactivity. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. DOI: 116.150813[Epub ahead of print], PMID: 28100508. [Pubmed]
- Kahathuduwa, C. N., Boyd, L. A., Davis, T., O'Boyle, M., &Binks, M. (2016). Brain regions involved in ingestive behavior and related psychological constructs in people undergoing calorie restriction. Appetite. DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2016.08.112. [Epub ahead of print], PMID: 27565377. [PubMed]
- Chin S-H., Kahathuduwa C., Binks M. (2016) Is sedentary behaviour unhealthy and if so, does reducing it improve this? International Journal of Clinical Practice. DOI:10.1111/ijcp.12925. [Epub ahead of print], PMID: 28238228. [PubMed]
- Chin S., Kahathuduwa C. N., &Binks M. (2016) Physical Activity and Obesity: What We Know and What We Need to Know. Obesity Reviews. DOI: 10.1111/obr.12460. [Epub ahead of print],PMID:27743411 [PubMed]
- Kahathuduwa, C. N., Dassanayake, T. L., Amarakoon, A. T., &Weerasinghe, V. S. (2016). Acute effects of theanine, caffeine and theanine–caffeine combination on attention. Nutritional Neuroscience. DOI: 10.1080/1028415X.2016.1144845. [Epub ahead of print], PMID: 26869148. [PubMed]
- Kahathuduwa, C. N., Weerasinghe, V. S., Dassanayake, T. L., Priyadarshana, R., Dissanayake, A. L., &Perera, C. (2015). Task-specific kinetic finger tremor affects the performance of carrom players. Journal of Sports Sciences, 34(10), 923-28. DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2015.1078487; PMID: 26280452. [PubMed]
- Mathurageethan, M., Kahathuduwa, C. N., Badanasinghe, N., Corea, E., & Fernando, R. (2014). Melioidosis associated with chronic osteomyelitis and visceral organ abscesses. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery, 32(2), 41-42. [link]
Oral and Poster presentations |
- Kahathuduwa C. N., Davis T., Binks M. Limited Potential of the Food Craving Inventory and Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire to Predict Brain Food-cue Reactivity in Subjects with Obesity. 5th Canadian Obesity Summit; 2017 Apr; Banff Springs, Canada.
- Kahathuduwa C. N., Davis T., O’Boyle M., Binks M. Effects of a 3-week moderate calorie restriction intervention on cerebral white matter connectivity in subjects with obesity. Annual Scientific Meeting of Experimental Biology; 2017 Apr; Chicago, IL. [web-link]
- Kahathuduwa C. N., Davis T., O’Boyle M., Binks M. Primary Motor Cortex Mediates the Association between Body Mass Index and Reaction Times to Visual Food-cues in Subjects with Obesity: An fMRI Food-cue Reactivity Study. Annual Scientific Meeting of Experimental Biology; 2017 Apr; Chicago, IL. [web-link]
- Quarles W., Kahathuduwa C. N., Davis T., O’Boyle M., Binks M. Self-reported Stress is Not Associated with Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Food-cue Reactivity in Adults with Obesity. Annual Scientific Meeting of Experimental Biology; 2017 Apr; Chicago, IL. [web-link]
- Quarles W., Kahathuduwa C. N., Davis T., O’Boyle M., Binks M. BMI and Body Fat Mass Are Differentially Associated with fMRI Food-cue Reactivity in Individuals with Obesity. Annual Scientific Meeting of Experimental Biology; 2017 Apr; Chicago, IL. [web-link]
- Stearns M., Kahathuduwa C. N., Chin S., Boyd L. A., Johns B., Binks M. Exposure to Rewarding Visual Food Cues: Relationship to Self-reported Hunger in Adults with Obesity. The 9th Ann TTU Undergraduate Research Conference; 2017 Mar; Lubbock, TX.
- Kahathuduwa C. N., Chin S., Boyd L. A., Johns B., Stearns M., Davis T., Binks M. Higher Body Mass Index and Longer Duration of Fasting are Associated with Shorter Response Times to Visual Food Cues in Adults with Obesity. 16th Annual TTU Graduate Research Poster Competition; 2017 Mar; Lubbock, TX.
- Chin S., Kahathuduwa C. N., Boyd L. A., Johns B., Stearns M., Davis T., Binks M. How Should Hunger be Modelled When Analyzing Outcomes of Food-cue Reactivity Paradigms. 16th Annual TTU Graduate Research Poster Competition; 2017 Mar; Lubbock, TX.
- Quarles W., Kahathuduwa C. N., Davis T., Binks M. Change in Food Craving Inventory Scores are Not Associated with Change in Weight Loss during a Three Week Calorie Restriction Intervention. 16th Annual TTU Graduate Research Poster Competition; 2017 Mar; Lubbock, TX.
- Akter S., Quarles W., Kahathuduwa C. N., Davis T., Binks M. Does the Three Factor Eating Questionnaire Predict Change in Body Weight or Body Fat During a Three-Week Calorie Restriction Intervention? 16th Annual TTU Graduate Research Poster Competition; 2017 Mar; Lubbock, TX.
- Kahathuduwa, C. N., Davis, T., O’ Boyle, M., Boyd, L. A., Chin, S., Paniukov, D., Binks, M. Total Meal Replacement- and Typical Food-based Calorie Restriction Differentially Affect Visual Food-cue Reactivity of the Human Brain as Measured by fMRI. Proceedings of the 34th Ann. Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society; 2016 Nov; New Orleans, LA.
- Kahathuduwa C. N., Binks, M., Martin, C. K., Dawson, J. A. Extended Calorie Restriction Suppresses Overall and Specific Food Cravings: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Proceedings of the 34th Ann. Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society; 2016 Nov; New Orleans, LA.
- Kahathuduwa, C. N., Chin, S., Johns, B., Boyd, L.A., Stearns, M., Binks, M. Hours since Last Meal Predict Subscales of Food Craving Inventory and Three Factor Eating Questionnaire in Healthy Obese Adults. Proceedings of the 34th Ann. Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society; 2016 Nov; New Orleans, LA.
- Stearns, M., Kahathuduwa, C. N., Chin, S., Boyd, L. A., John,s B., Binks, M. Exposure to Rewarding Visual Food Cues: Relationship to Self-reported Hunger in Adults with Obesity. Proceedings of the 34th Ann. Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society; 2016 Nov; New Orleans, LA.
- Chin, S., Kahathuduwa, C. N., Boyd, L.A., Johns, B., Stearns, M., Davis, T., Binks, M. How Should Hunger be Modelled When Analyzing Outcomes of Food-cue Reactivity Paradigms. Proceedings of the 34th Ann. Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society; 2016 Nov; New Orleans, LA.
- Kahathuduwa, C. N., Chin, S., Boyd, L. A., Johns, B., Stearns, M., Davis, T., Binks, M. Higher Body Mass Index and Longer Duration of Fasting are Associated with Shorter Response Times to Visual Food Cues in Adults with Obesity. Proceedings of the 34th Ann. Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society; 2016 Nov; New Orleans, LA.
- Kahathuduwa, C. N., Binks, M. Effects of extended calorie restriction on neurotransmitter levels in human brain food reward circuitry: an MRS study. Early Career Grant Challenge at 34th Ann. Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society; 2016 Nov; New Orleans, LA.
- Kahathuduwa, C., Weerasinghe, V., Dassanayake, T., Amarakoon, T., &Binks, M. (2016). High Doses of Theanine Improve Visual Stimulus Discrimination in a Dose-dependent Manner.First Annual Meeting of The Center of Excellence for Translational Neuroscience and Therapeutics of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX – April, 2016.
- Kahathuduwa, C., Weerasinghe, V., Dassanayake, T., Amarakoon, T., &Binks, M. (2016). High Doses of Theanine Improve Visual Stimulus Discrimination in a Dose-dependent Manner. The FASEB Journal, 30(1 Supplement), 1284-3.
- Weerasinghe, V., Kahathuduwa, C., Amarakoon, T., Dassanayake, T. (2015). Synergistic effect of theanine and caffeine on visual reaction time, evoked potentials and cognitive event related potentials. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 32 (4), 396.
- Boyd, L., Kahathuduwa, C., Kaufmann, K., Wood, M., Barker, C., Reif, R., Whitfiled, K., Edwards, C., Binks, M., BMI and Pain Predict Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) in an Obese Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) Clinic Population, 15th Annual Graduate Research Poster Competition, Texas tech University, April, 2015 (Lubbock, TX, USA.)
- Hill, L. K., O’Garo, K. N., Binks, M., Wood, M., Feliu, M., Barker, C. S., Keys, A., Kaufman, K., Kahathuduwa, C.,Dorfman, C., Putilin, D., Applegate, K., Robinson, E., Edwards, C. L. Risk of overweight and obesity in adult patients with sickle cell disease: Are all types created equal? Obesity Facts. 2015;8(suppl 1):230.
- Kahathuduwa C. N., Weerasinghe V. S., Amarakoon T., Dassanayake T. L., Higgoda R., Uragoda B. Improvement of recognition reaction time with high doses of theanine: a preliminary study. Physiological Society of Sri Lanka - Annual Academic Sessions 2013.
- Weerasinghe V. S., Kahathuduwa C. N., Perera S. L. A. D. C. B., Bandara W. M. M., Priyadharshana H. K. R., Dissanayake D. H. M. A. L., Leelaratne A. Y. N., Nawaratne E. M. N. T., Semini K. A. I., 2011, Assessment of task specific kinetic finger tremor while playing Carrom using surface electromyography. PURSE 2011 Proceedings.
Thesis |
- Assessment of cognitive processing studied using reaction time, evoked potentials and event-related potentials and examination of the effects of theanine on cognitive processing, 2016 (For the Degree of the Master of Philosophy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)
- Study of task specific kinetic finger tremor while playing carom using surface electromyography, 2009 (Undergraduate thesis approved by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)