About The Event
The Peradeniya Medical School Annual Research Conference (PeMSARC), is a conference organised for the academic staff, non-academic staff, undergraduate students of the Peradeniya Medical Faculty (PMF) and postgraduate students, as a platform to present and discuss their research.
The event includes a pre-congress workshop followed by the scientific programme consisting of oral presentations, poster presentations, thematic research presentations and keynote lectures.
A post-conference social event has also been planned to foster fellowship amongst the students as well as the staff.
20th May 2025
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Peradeniya,
Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Undergraduate Research Symposium
Postgraduate Research
Staff Research Symposium
Guest of Honor

Professor Vasanthi Thevanesan
Senior Professor of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya.
Keynote Speaker

Professor Anuja Premawardhena
Senior Professor in Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya.
Event Venue
Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya,
Sri Lanka.
Contact Us
Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya.Phone Numbers
Prof. Samidi Navaratna (Conference Chairperson) 0718412112
Dr. Sayuri Perera (Conference Secretary) 0777214399