Prof. H.K.I. Perera |
Professor in Biochemistry, Head/Department of Biochemistry |
Book chapters authored |
1. |
H.K.I. Perera, Diversity of endocrine hormones. Chapter 28: Clinical Biochemistry for Medical Professionals Volume-2. International publisher- Paramount Publishing Enterprise-Pakistan. Accepted.
2. |
Biochemistry Made Easy. Publisher- S. Godage & Brothers (Pvt) Ltd. R. Sivakanesan (Editor) 2016. ISBN 978-955-30-6736-4.
(Six chapters) |
1.1 |
H.K.I. Perera, Chapter 6: Introduction to nucleic acids |
1.2 |
H.K.I. Perera, Chapter 7: Cell cycle |
1.3 |
H.K.I. Perera, Chapter 11: Energy for the cell- Glycolysis |
1.4 |
H.K.I. Perera, Chapter 12: Energy for the cell-Citric acid cycle |
1.5 |
H.K.I. Perera, Chapter 16: Pentose phosphate pathway |
1.7 |
H.K.I. Perera, Chapter 17: Free radicals and antioxidants |
3. |
H.K.I. Perera, Detection of aspartic proteinase activities using gel zymography. Zymography: Methods and Protocols. Springer protocols. Publisher- Springer. |
Monographs |
S.W. Gunasekera, R. Sivakanesan and H.K.I. Perera (1992). Bibliography of Research, Faculty of Medicine, Peradeniya. |
List of publications |
Full papers published in peer reviewed journals issued more than two issues/ year |
- H.K.I Perera, M. Clarke, N.J. Morris, W. Hong, L.H., Chamberlain G.W. Gould (2003). Syntaxin 6 regulates GLUT4 trafficking in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 14: 2946-2958
- D.B.G.M. Ekanayake, H.K.I. Perera, A.N.B. Ellepola and S.B.P. Athauda (2013). Analysis of blood parameters & RT-PCR results in dengue suspected patients from Sri Lanka. International Journal of Research in Medical and Health Sciences. 3(1): 21-27
- D.C.R. Wijetunge and H.K.I. Perera (2014). A novel in vitro method to identify protein glycation inhibitors. Asian Journal of Medical Science. 5(3): 15-21. http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/ajms.v5i3.8670.
- H.K.I. Perera, B.W.N.S.K. Abeywardana and S.B.P. Athauda (2014). Analysis of aspartic proteinase activity in porcine ovaries. International Journal of Research in Medical and Health Sciences. 3(7): 11-19.http://ijsk.org/uploads/3/1/1/7/3117743/2_aspartic_proteinase_activity.pdf.
- H.K.I. Perera and H.A.S.K. Ranasinghe (2015). A simple method to detect plant based inhibitors of glycation induced protein cross-linking. Asian Journal of Medical Science. 6(1): 28-33.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/ajms.v6i1.10181.
- H.K.I. Perera and C.S. Handuwalage (2015). Detection of protein glycation inhibitory potential of nine antidiabetic plants using a novel method. Asian Journal of Medical Science. 6(2): 1-6.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/ajms.v6i2.10584
- H.K.I. Perera and D.C.R. Wijetunge (2015). Strong protein glycation inhibitory potential of Clove and Coriander. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 6 (5): 306-312. DOI: 10.9734/BJPR/2015/16190. Indexed in ISI Master Journal list and Emerging Sources Citation Index.
- H.K.I. Perera, P.H.P. Fernando and S.B.P. Athauda (2015). Zymographic detection of aspartic proteinase activities in porcine ovarian extracts. International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review. 7(4): 166-174.DOI: 10.9734/IJBcRR/2015/16236
- H.K.I. Perera and C.S. Handuwalage (2015). Analysis of glycation induced protein cross-linking inhibitory effects of some antidiabetic plants and spices. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 15: 175. 9 pages. DOI: 10.1186/s12906-015-0689-1. Indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded.
- J. Poongunran, H.K.I. Perera, W. I. T. Fernando, L. Jayasinghe and R. Sivakanesan (2015). a-Glucosidase and a-amylase inhibitory activities of nine Sri Lankan antidiabetic plants. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 7 (5): 365-374. DOI: 10.9734/BJPR/2015/18645. Indexed in ISI Master Journal list and Emerging Sources Citation Index.
- H.K.I. Perera and W.K.V.K. Premadasa (2016). Heat stable inhibitors of protein cross-linking from Sri Lankan medicinal plants. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 9(3): 1-11. DOI: 10.9734/BJPR/2016/21839. Indexed in ISI Master Journal list and Emerging Sources Citation Index.
- H.K.I. Perera, W.K.V.K. Premadasa and J. Poongunran (2016). a-glucosidase and glycation inhibitory effects of Costus speciosus leaves. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 16:2. DOI 10.1186/s12906-015-0982-z. Indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded.
- H.K.I. Perera (2016). Antidiabetic effects of Pterocarpus marsupium (Gammalu). European Journal of Medicinal Plants. 13(4): 1-14.
- H.K.I. Perera, B.D.S. Jayawardana and S. Rajapakse (2016). Heat stable protease inhibitors from Sesbania grandiflora and Terminalia catappa. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 11(4): 1-9. Indexed in ISI Master Journal list and Emerging Sources Citation Index.
- H.K.I. Perera (2016). PAGE - a simple method to detect the protective effects of medicinal plants against sugar induced protein damage. Journal of National Science Foundation Sri Lanka. 44 (1): 105-107. Indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded.
- H.K.I. Perera (2016). Phyllanthus debilis: A poorly investigated plant with antidiabetic effects. International Journal of Pharma Sciences and Research. 7(6): 261-265.
- J. Poongunran, H.K.I. Perera, L. Jayasinghe, W.I.T. Fernando, R. Sivakanesan, Hiroshi Araya and Y. Fujimoto (2016). Bioassay-guided fractionation and identification of a-amylase inhibitors from the leaves of Syzygium cumini. Pharmaceutical Biology. 55(1): 206-211. Indexed in Science Citation Index expanded.
- H.K.I. Perera, W.K.V.K. Premadasa, W.I.T. Fernando and J.A.V.P. Jayasinghe (2017). Assessment of antiglycation effects of some plants used in hypolipidaemic formulations or as spices. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International. 17(3): 1-8. Indexed in ISI Master Journal list and Emerging Sources Citation Index.
- H.K.I. Perera, Pradeep APC, Devinda KDU, Ratnayake RMUK and Gunawardhana DKLR (2017). Tyrosinase inhibitory effects of Saraca asoca bark, leaf and seed. Journal of Complementary Medicine and Alterantive Healthcare 4(3): 1-3.
- H.K.I. Perera, Pradeep APC, Devinda KDU, Ratnayake RMUK, Gunawardhana DKLR and J.A.V.P. Jayasinghe (2018). Antityrosinase activities of Thespesia populnea bark and Phyllanthus emblica fruit. Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 16(3): 1-8.
- H.K.I. Perera, J. Poongunran, W.K.V.K. Premadasa, and J.A.V.P. Jayasinghe (2018). In vitro antiglycation and hypoglycaemic effects of Syzygium cumini leaf extracts. Journal of National Science Foundation Sri Lanka. Accepted for publication in September 2018 issue. Indexed in Science citation index expanded
Full papers published in proceedings of National / International Conferences |
- H.K.I. Perera, S.B.P. Athauda and T. Takahashi (2009). Effect of ovarian aspartic proteinases in modulating IGFBP-3. Proceedings of Peradeniya University Research Sessions, 14-1: 111-113
- H.K.I. Perera, B.W.N.S.K. Abeywardana and S.B.P. Athauda (2009). Comparison of acid proteinases in porcine ovaries collected before and after attaining estrous cycling. Proceedings of Peradeniya University Research Sessions. 14-1: 157-159.
- H.K.I. Perera, S.B.P. Athauda and T. Takahashi (2010). The variation of acid proteinase activity at different stages of the follicular and luteal phases of the porcine ovarian cycle. Proceedings of Annual sessions of Peradeniya University Research Sessions. 15-1: 380-382
- W.I.T. Fernando, H.K.I. Perera, S.B.P. Athauda, N.S. Kumar, U.L.B. Jayasinghe and R Sivakanesan (2010). In-vitro screening of spices for lipase inhibitory activity and antioxidant activity. Proceedings of Annual sessions of Peradeniya University Research Sessions. 15-1: 383-385.
- A. Manamperi, H.K.I. Perera, H. Inoue and S.B.P. Athauda (2010). Screening of some medicinal plant extracts for antiparasitic activity using Caenorhabditis
elegans. Proceedings of Annual sessions of Peradeniya University Research Sessions. 15-1: 386-388.
- U.V.R. Senaratne, H.K.I. Perera, A. Manamperi and S.B.P. Athauda (2012). Potential anthelmintic compounds from Solanum indicum fruit. Proceedings of International Conference on chemical Sciences. p26-29.
- H.K.I. Perera, W. K. V. K. Premadasa and W.I.T. Fernando (2014). A strong glycation induced protein cross-linking inhibitory potential of Cyperus rotundus and Picrorhiza kurroa. Proceedings of the fourth international seminar on sustainable utilization of tropical biomass- ayur informatics. p69-74.
Published as abstracts in proceedings of National / International Conferences |
- H.K.I. Perera, S.W. Gunasekera, W.H.M. Pushpa Kumari and P.A.J. Perera (1992). Inborn errors of amino acid metabolism: A separation method and results. Proceedings International medical congress, Kandy, Sri Lanka. p28.
- H.K.I. Perera, S.W. Gunasekera, P.C.A. Ratnatunga and R.O. Thattil (1994). Surgical nutrition: Anthropometric values reflecting the nutritional status of patients suffering from carcinoma of oesophagus and stomach. Proceedings of Annual sessions of Kandy society of Medicine. p34-35.
- H.K.I. Perera, S.W. Gunasekera, A.S.B. Wijekoon and N.A.N.D. Perera (1994). Investigations of aminoacidopathies. A report. Proceedings of Annual sessions of Kandy society of Medicine. p35-36.
- S.W. Gunasekera, H.K.I. Perera, P.C.A. Ratnatunga and R.O. Thattil (1994). Anthropometric and biochemical data reflecting the nutritional status of patients with carcinoma of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Proceedings of Annual research sessions, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya. p12-13.
- H.K.I. Perera, S.B.P., Athauda, and T. Takahashi (1998). Isolation and partial characterization of acid proteinases from porcine ovaries. Proceedings of Annual sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. p26.
- H.K.I. Perera, S.B.P. Athauda, and T. Takahashi (1998). Partial purification and characterization of acid proteinases from porcine ovaries. Proceedings of Annual sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. p21.
- H.K.I. Perera, S.B.P. Athauda, P.H.P., Fernando, I.V.P. Dharmawardana, and T., Takahashi (1999). Characterization of two acid proteinases from porcine ovarian
follicular fluid. Proceedings of 28th Annual sessions of Chemistry in Sri Lanka. 16(1): 42.
- H.K.I. Perera, S.B.P. Athauda, and P.H.P. Fernando (1999). Isolation and purification of two acid proteinases from porcine ovarian tissues. Proceedings of Peradeniya University Research Sessions. p50.
- H.K.I. Perera, S.B.P. Athauda, P.H.P. Fernando and T. Takahashi (1999). Purification of two acid proteinases from porcine ovarian follicular fluid and their enzymatic properties. Proceedings of Annual sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. p27.
- S.Martin, H.K.I. Perera, V.H. Maier, A. Prior, A.M. Shewan, G.W. Gould and D.E. James (2001). The emergence of an insulin-responsive glucose transport system during adipocyte differentiation correlates with the segregation of GLUT4 from recycling endosomes. In: Molecular Biology of the Cell.12:484A-484A.
- H.K.I. Perera and Gould G.W. (2003). Use of adenoviral vectors to deliver syntaxin DNA into 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Proceedings of Peradeniya University Research Sessions. p126.
- S.B.P. Athauda, A.P. Makawita, Y.M. Wijeratne Banda, H.K.I. Perera, N.R.K.B. Athauda (2007). Molecular detection and serotyping of dengue viruses by single tube multiplex reverse transcriptase genome specific polymerase chain reaction. Proceedings ofAnnual sessions of Kandy society of Medicine. p54
- B.W.N.S.K. Abeywardana, H.K.I. Perera and S.B.P. Athauda (2009). Analysis of expression of acid proteinases in porcine ovaries of different sizes. Proceedings of 38th Annual sessions of Chemistry in Sri Lanka. 26(2): 24.
- B.W.N.S.K. Abeywardana, H.K.I. Perera, W.H.M. Pushpa Kumari and S.B.P. Athauda (2009). Analysis of acid proteinase activity in follicular fluid and corpus luteum of porcine ovaries. Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association. p45.
- B.W.N.S.K. Abeywardana, H.K.I. Perera and S.B.P. Athauda (2009). Acid proteinases activity changes at different stages of luteal phase of porcine ovary. Proceedings of Annual sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. p15.
- H.K.I. Perera and D. Dissanayake (2010). Analysis of acid proteinase activity in early and late follicles of the ovary .Proceedings of 32nd academic Annual sessions of Kandy society of Medicine. p48.
- T.N. Sudusinghe, D.D.K. Abeyaratne, W.A.N.T. Wickramarachchi, M.G.P.B. Maduranga, G.C.K. Amiyangoda, T. Choden, S. Sharmila, S.M.D. Sooriyarachchi, D.M.S. Chalithanga, H.K.I. Perera and S. Agampodi. (2010). Association between febrile convulsions and low birth weight of children and knowledge, attitudes and practices about febrile convulsions among their parents. Proceedings of32nd academic Annual sessions of Kandy society of Medicine. p86. Presenter- T.N. Sudusinghe, (Corresponding author- H.K.I. Perera).
- H.K.I. Perera, W.I.T. Fernando and R. Sivakanesan. (2011). Sri Lankan studies validating antidiabetic potential of medicinal plants. International symposium on Natural Products and their Applications in Health and Agriculture (NAPAHA). p67.
- W.I.T. Fernando, H.K.I. Perera, S.B.P. Athauda, N. S. Kumar, U.L.B. Jayasinghe and R Sivakanesan (2011). Lipase & amylase inhibitory activity of spices. International symposium on Natural Products and their Applications in Health and Agriculture (NAPAHA). p69.
- W.I.T. Fernando, H.K.I. Perera, S.B.P. Athauda, N.S. Kumar, U.L.B. Jayasinghe and R. Sivakanesan (2011). Heat stability of the amylase and lipase inhibitors in methanol extracts of some spices. Proceedings of Annual sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. p6.
- U.V.R. Senaratne, H.K.I. Perera, A. Manamperi and S.B.P. Athauda (2011). Partial purification of anthelmintic compounds from Solanum indicum. Annual sessions of Peradeniya University Research Sessions.16: 78.
- W.I.T. Fernando, B.M.S. Amarajeewa and H.K.I. Perera (2011). In-vitro inhibition of pancreatic lipase by the polyherbal formula “lekhaneeya dashakaya”. Proceedings of Annual sessions of Peradeniya University Research Sessions.16: 79.
- D.B.G.M. Ekanayake, H.K.I. Perera and S.B.P. Athauda (2011).Analysis of blood parameters and RT-PCR results in dengue suspected patients from Kandy and Padaviya. Proceedings of Annual sessions of Peradeniya University Research Sessions.16: 80.
- D.C.R Wijetunge, H.K.I Perera and A.M.P.S.T.M Bandara (2012). Gel Electrophoresis - A tool to analyze in-vitro protein glycation and inhibition. Proceedings of Annual sessions of Peradeniya University Research Sessions. p124.
- B. Sivasothy, H.K.I Perera and W.I.T.Fernando (2012). Inhibitory effect on pancreatic amylase by medicinal plants collected from Jaffna Peninsula. Proceedings of Annual sessions of Peradeniya University Research Sessions. p125.
- B.D.S. Jayawardana, H.K.I Perera and S. Rajapakse (2012). Protease inhibitory activity of some medicinal plants in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of Annual sessions of Peradeniya University Research Sessions. p126.
- W.I.T. Fernando, H.K.I. Perera, S.B.P. Athauda, N.S. Kumar, U.L.B. Jayasinghe and R Sivakanesan. (2012). Bioactive compounds in Trigonellafoenum- graecum L. seeds with pancreatic amylase and lipase inhibitory activities. Proceedings of Annual sessions of Peradeniya University Research Sessions. p127
- H.K.I. Perera, P.H.P. Fernando and S.B.P. Athauda (2012). Analysis of porcine ovarian extracts for the presence of multiple aspartic proteinases. Proceedings of Annual sessions of Peradeniya University Research Sessions. p128.
- D.C.R Wijetunge and H.K.I Perera (2013). Protein glycation inhibitory potential of some medicinal plants used to treat diabetes.Proceedings of international conference on bioactive phytochemicals and therapeutics (ICBPT-2013). Oral presentation abstracts. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases. 3(4): 431.
- W.I.T. Fernando, H.K.I. Perera, S.B.P. Athauda, N.S. Kumar, U.L. B. Jayasinghe and R Sivakanesan. (2013). Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic potential of some common spices. 14th Asian Symposium on medicinal plants, spices and other natural products. December 9-12, 2013, Karachchi, Pakistan.
- W.V.V. De Silva, G.R.C. Silva, H.K.I. Perera, J. Kajendran, I. Rambukwella, R.D. Wijesinghe, P.H.P. Fernando, N. Perera, D.R.S. Adikaram and S.K. Ranaraja. (2014). The protease activity in fibroid tissue and adjacent myometrium. Book of abstracts, ISCOMS. p490. Netherland.
- J. Poongunran, H.K.I. Perera and W.I.T. Fernando (2014). α - Amylase inhibitory activity of some plants with known antidiabetic effects. Proceedings of Jaffna Peninsula. Science Association 21th Annual Sessions (1, 2, 3 & 4). p47.
- W.I.T. Fernando, H.K.I. Perera, A.M.K.C. Attanayake, N. S. Kumar, U. L. B. Jayasinghe and R Sivakanesan. (2014). Lipase inhibitory activity of Trigonella foenum-graceum seed extracts. Proceedings of Annual sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.p3.
- C. S. Handuwalage, H.K.I. Perera, M. C. N. Perera and A. M. P. S. T. M. Bandara (2014). Analysis of protein glycation inhibitory potential of some plants with hypoglycaemic effects using a novel method. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions, Sri Lanka. 18: 241.
- H.A.S.K. Ranasinghe, H.K.I. Perera and A. M. P. S. T. M. Bandara (2014). Development of a method to detect inhibitors of glycation induced protein cross-linking. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions, Sri Lanka. 18: 251.
- J. Poongunran, H.K.I. Perera, W.I.T. Fernando and C.S. Handuwalage (2014). α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of some plants with known antidiabetic effects. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions, Sri Lanka. 18: 252.
- S.L. De Silva, H.K.I. Perera, W.I.T. Fernando and M.C.N. Perera (2014). Partial purification of α- amylase inhibitor/s from Syzygium cumini leaves. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions, Sri Lanka. 18: 253.
- D. C. R Wijetunge and H.K.I. Perera (2014). The effect of some medicinal plant extracts on inhibition of HbA1c formation in vitro. Proceedings of the One Health International Conference. p11.
- S. L. De Silva, H.K.I. Perera and W. I. T. Fernando (2014). α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibitory activities of Costus speciosus and Syzygium cumini leaves Proceedings of the One Health International Conference. p54.
- D. C. R. Wijetunge and H.K.I. Perera (2014). Novel in vitro method reveals protein glycation inhibitory potential of some medicinal plants. Proceedings of the Postgraduate Institute of Science Research Congress, Sri Lanka. p62.
- C.S. Handuwalage and H.K.I. Perera (2014). Glycation induced protein cross-linking inhibitory effects of some antidiabetic plants. Proceedings of the Postgraduate Institute of Science Research Congress, Sri Lanka. p67.
- J. Poongunran, H.K.I. Perera and W.I.T. Fernando (2015) α-Glucosidase inhibitory activity of Syzygium cumini leaf extracts. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions, Sri Lanka. 19: 249.
- D.M. Gunathilaka, M.C.N Perera, S. J. Weihena, H.K.I Perera and W.M.A.P Wanigasekera (2016). Antioxidant activity and cyanide content of leaves of three different cassava varieties (Manihot esculenta crantz). Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions, Sri Lanka. 20: 97.
- W. I. T. Fernanado, L. Jayasinghe, H. Araya, Y. Fujimoto, A. M. K. C. Attanayake, H. K. I. Perera and R. Sivakenesan (2016). Isolation and identification of lipase inhibitors from Trigonella foenum-graecum seeds. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions, Sri Lanka. 20: 352
- O. Dheerasekera and H. K. I. Perera (2017). Saraca asoca as a potential inhibitor of glycation and glycation induced cross-linking. Proceedings of International Symposium on Traditional and Complementary Medicine. p123.
- C. Gunawardana, R. Sivakanesan, H.K.I. Perera (2017). Antioxidant activity of selected Sri Lankan medicinal plants and their stability during storage at room temperature. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions, Sri Lanka. 21:
- O. Dheerasekera and H. K. I. Perera (2018). Antiglycation effects of Thespesia populnea and Santalum album. Proceedings of ANRAPSL1-“Herbal approaches in combating Diabetes and common tropical diseases. p48.
- W.I.T. Fernando, H.K.I. Perera, R. Sivakanesan, L. Jayasinghe, H. Araya and Y. Fujimoto (2018). Potential lipase inhibitors from Trigonella foenum-graecum seeds. Proceedings of ANRAPSL1-“Herbal approaches in combating Diabetes and common tropical diseases. NIFS, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 17-19th January 2018, p53.
- J. Poongunran, H.K.I. Perera, L. Jayasinghe, W.I.T. Fernando, R. Sivakanesan, H. Araya and Y. Fujimoto (2018). Isolation and identification of α-amylase inhibitors from Syzygium cumini leaves. Proceedings of ANRAPSL1-“Herbal approaches in combating Diabetes and common tropical diseases. p55.
- O. Dheerasekera, H.K.I. Perera and A.M.P.S.T.M. Bandara (2018). Terminalia arjuna attenuates glycation and glycation induced cross-linking; An in vitro study. Proceedings of 5th International Science and Technology Conference, University of Ruhuna.
- H.M.D.C Herath, W.I.T Fernando, H.K.I. Perera, L. Jayasinghe (2018). Digestive enzyme inhibitory activities and anti-glycation properties of Myristica fragrans (nutmeg) seed extracts. Chemistry in Sri Lanka. 35(2): 23.
- In-vitro screening of antioxidant and antiglycation potential of Solanum nigrum.
- J.A.V.R. Jayasinghe, H.K.I. Perera, S.I. Singhatilaka, T.M.K.B.B. Weerapperuma (2018). Protective Effects of Terminalia arjuna water extracts against diabetic complications through glycation inhibition. 6th International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine.
Research news articles |
- H.K.I. Perera (2015). Medicinal plants as protein cross-linking inhibitors to reduce complications of diabetes. Hantana vision, Research magazine of the University of Peradeniya. 1(2): 18.
- H.K.I. Perera (2015). SDS-PAGE-A simple method to identify medicinal plants which can delay diabetic complications. Sri Lankan Scientist Magazine 1(2): 5-6.
- H.K.I. Perera (2016). The truth behind Thebu leaves in a diabetic diet. Hantana vision, Research magazine of the University of Peradeniya. 2(2): 16.
- H.K.I. Perera (2016). Gammalu latex: A poorly investigated remedy used for diabetes. Sri Lankan Scientist Magazine. 2(1): 6
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