Prof. Samidi Navaratna
  1. Navaratna S, Estcourt MJ, Burgess J. et al. Childhood vaccination and allergy: A systematic review and meta-analyses. Allergy. 2021;00:1-18.

  2. Navaratna S, Kanda K, Dharmaratne SD, Tennakoon S, Jayasinghe A, Jayasekara N, Nagano K, Obayashi Y, Arai A, Tamashiro H. Awareness and attitudes towards HIV/AIDS among residents of Kandy, Sri Lanka. AIDS Care. 2015;27(3):387-91. 10.1080/09540121.2014.963496. Epub 2014 Oct 10. PMID: 25303094.

  3. Jayasekara, A., Dharmarathne, S., Dalugama, D., Dias, K. and Nawaratna, W.M.S.N.K, 2013. HIV, social networks and sex seeking behaviors of men who have sex with men. Sri Lanka Journal of Venereology, 3(1), pp.29–32. DOI:

  4. Jayasekara, A., Weerakoon, P., Beneragama, S., Rajapakshe, R., Rizwan, M., Wanninayake, W., Saranga, T., Nawaratna, W. and Dalugama, D., 2013. A cross sectional study on sexual practices and knowledge related to sexual health of youth in the tea plantation sector; Nuwara Eliya district, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Venereology, 3(1), pp.41–46. DOI:

  1. S Navaratna, S Dharmaratne. Epidemiology of school injuries among middle school students in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Injury Prevention 27 (Suppl 2), A69-A70 Safety 2021, Virtual Pre- conference Global Injury Prevention Showcase.  Public Health Association of Australia (March 2021)

  2. Rahinduwa H.R.B.K., Dissanayake P.V., Navaratna S. Information related to initiation of breastfeeding received during pregnancy by primi- mothers from non-professional resources. APACPH 2020 (Asia Pacific Consortium for Public Health)

  3. Navaratna S., Dharmarathna, S. Epidemiology of unintentional school injuries among middle school students in an education division in Kandy, Sri Lanka. National Health Research Symposium 2019

  4. Subasighe W.T.I.M, Thamodya W.A.T., Silva P.W.A.I.C., Shriwiddya N., Shyamini L.G.M., Silva J.NR.M., Silva S.K.S.S., Singharathna R.W.A.L.C., Siriwardena M.C.R., Thilakarathna K.R.T.M, Navaratna S. Nutrition related attitudes and practices among new medical entrants to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya. Undergraduate Research Forum 2019. Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya

  5. Jayasekara AAIN, Dalugama DACI, Navaratna WMSNK. Barriers associated with the implementation of programs for the prevention of vertical transmission of HIV: BMJ Sex Transm infect 2016;92 (Suppl 1): A44, June 2016. 10.1136/sextrans-2016-052718.128

  6. Jayasekara AAIN, Dalugama DACI, Navaratna WMSNK. Discriminatory attitudes towards people living with HIV/AIDS, a population-based study in Sri Lanka: BMJ Sex Transm infect 2016;92 (Suppl 1): A45, June 2016. 10.1136/sextrans-2016-052718.129

  7. Navaratna S.N, Dhamaratne S.D, Nugegoda D.B. Unintentional injuries among primary school students in the Gangawatakorale Education Division, Kandy. Knowledge sharing forum: Child Injuries in Sri Lanka. Child Safety Week 2015

  8. Jayasekara AAIN, Navaratna WMSNK, Dalugama DACL, Dharmaratne SD,  Pathirathna KGRV, Rajapakse OBWT et al. Bacterial Vaginosis: Another contributing factor for adverse pregnancy outcomes in the estate sector. Proceedings and Abstracts of the 19th Annual Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka College of Venereologists, 2014

  9. Rajapakse OBW, Dalugama DACL, Navaratna WMSNK, Jayasekara AAIN, Perception of Pregnant mothers and barriers to the implementation of Programmes for the prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV. Proceedings and Abstracts of the 19th Annual Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka College of Venereologists 2014

  10. Navaratna WMSNK, Dharmaratne SD, Dalugama DACL, Jayasekara AAIN et al, Awareness and attitudes related to stigma on HIV/AIDS among residents of Kandy, Sri Lanka Proceedings and Abstracts of the 19th Annual Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka College of Venereologists 2014

  11. Navaratna S, Dharmaratne SD, Tennakoon S, Jayasinghe A, Jayasekara N, Nagano K et al. Awareness and attitudes realted to stigma on HIV/ AIDS among residents in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Proceedings and Abstracts of the Conference on Sri Lanka-Japan collaborative research. 2013.

  12. Navaratna S, Dharmaratne SD, Suraweera JP, Jayasekara AAIN, Tennakoon S. Childhood Obesity in Sri Lanka – A Literature Review. Proceedings and Abstracts of the 34th Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine 2012 pg 91

  13. Jayasekara A.A.I.N., Dalugama D.A.C.I, Dharmarathne S.D., Dias N., Navaratna S. Sexual dysfunctions in an internet sample of Sri Lankan Men who have Sex with Men (MSM). Proceedings and Abstracts of the 34th Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine 2012 pg 75

  14. Jayasekara A.A.I.N., Dalugama D.A.C.I, Dharmarathne S.D., Dias N., Navaratna S. HIV, social networks and sex seeking behaviours of Men who have Sex with Men (MSM). Proceedings and Abstracts of the 34th Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine 2012 pg. 74

  15. Jayasekara A.A., Navarathne S., Dharmaratne S. Sexual Dysfunction in an internet sample of Sri Lankan Men Who Have Sex with Men. Abstract book of the 10th international conference on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP) 2011, held in Busan, Republic of Korea. 248

  16. Jayasekara N., Navarathne S., Dharmaratne S.: Internet, A Newly Emerging Risk Environment for HIV transmission in Sri Lanka. Abstract book of the 10th international conference on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP) 2011, held in Busan, Republic of Korea. 248-249

  17. Jayasekara AAIN, Dharmarathne SD, Dalugama DACL, Dias KMGAN, Navaratna WMSNK, Sar.anga TA. Knowledge, perceptions and attitudes of nurses towards HIV. Proceedings and Abstracts of the 17th Annual Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka College of Venereologists 2012

  18. Jayasekara AAIN, Dodampegamage C, Rathnayaka MCS, Dharmarathne SD, Dalugama DACL, Dias KMGAN, Navaratna WMSNK. Barriers to access to HIV prevention services: An internet survey of men who have sex with men (MSM).  College of Venereologists 2012 Abstracts of the 17th Annual Proceedings and Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka

  19. Navaratna S, Senerath U, Dharmaratne S.D., Tennakoon S. Parental Perspectives on Child Care Centres in Kandy. Proceedings and Abstracts of the National Conference on Public Health Innervations held at National Institute of Health Sciences, Kalutara, Sri Lanka April 2011.

  20. Jayasekara N, Navaratna S, Dharmaratne S.D. Internet, A Newly Emerging Risk Environment for HIV Transmission in Sri Lanka? Proceedings and Abstracts of the National Conference on Public Health Innervations held at National Institute of Health Sciences, Kalutara, Sri Lanka April 2011

  21. Navaratna S, Senerath U. Quality and Parental Satisfaction on Care Provided by Child Care Centres in Kandy Municipal Council Area. Journal of The College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka 2009. 14 (1) 24

  22. Navaratna WMSNK, Navaratna SU, Mohottiarachchi UPK, Munasinghe AS, Munasinghe KD, Munidasa UADD, Muthumala NP, Muthumuni SC, Nagarajah N, Nanayakkara DP, Nettikumara KM, Nirosha AM, Parahitiyawa N, PAthirana PCR, Pathirana RSSK, Paranathala DMLB, Tennakoon R. Drug Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction: First 48 hours. Proceedings and Abstracts of the Annual Research Sessions of University of Peradeniya (PURSE) 1999.

  1. Navaratna S., Karunanayake D., Siva Kumar P. T (2019). Sexual and Reproductive Health Module (Module 4), Capacity Development of Members of the Resource Pool of the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs and Dry Zone Development: Final Report. Module 4: 115-133. PGIHS, University of Peradeniya 2019

  2. ආචාර්‍ය දනේෂ් කරුණානායක, විශේෂඥ වෛද්‍ය සමිදි නවරත්න, පී. සිචකුමාර්. ලිංගිකත්වය සහ ප්‍රජනන සෞඛ්‍ය පිළිබඳ පුහුණු කිරීමෙ මොඩියුලය (සිංහල පරිවර්තනය), මානව සහ සමාජයීය විද්‍යා පශ්චාත් උපාධි ආයතනය, පේරාදෙනිය විශ්වවිද්‍යාලය, මාර්තු 2019

  3. Navaratna S. Health Related Sustainable Development Goals: Where are we? Inspire: The MBAA Magazine, 8:50-53. MBA Association, Peradeniya 2018.

  4. Navaratna S.N, Dhamaratne S.D, Nugegoda D.B. Unintentional injuries among primary school students in the Gangawatakorale Education Division, Kandy. Knowledge sharing forum: Child Injuries in Sri Lanka. Child Safety Week 2015

  5. A Facilitator’s Guide to Sensitize Medical Undergraduates on Gender Based Violence, Family Health Bureau, Ministry of Health 2015
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