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Contusion is an extravasation of blood in to tissues following traumatic rupture of veins, venules and small arteries.                                                                 









Haematoma is a contusion associated with a collection of blood when a blow is inflicted to a loose and lax tissue.  e.g. black eye



 Heamatoma of thigh




black eye





                                                                               Medico legal importance
  • Contusion indicates trauma


  • Gives a clue about the time of trauma

            1.                    2.      

                ? When did above contusions have taken place   



  • In certain circumstances the sequential color changes do not occur with healing.

                    e.g. - Subconjunctival contusions

                                                                            ? Why


                              - Color changes is delayed in elderly, malnourished, obese, chronic debilitating diseases.


  • Pattern of contusions may indicate the type of trauma.


 e.g. multiple contusions of different ages indicate repeated trauma - physical child abuse or domestic violence.



  • Scalp contusions are better felt than seen.         ? Why



              Arrow shows  a scalp contusion from inner aspect of the scalp



  • If more than 35% of the area of the body is contused, it may cause death.



  • Contusions may appear some time after trauma. Therefore may not be visible on first examination.

           If suspected

                        - review a patient after sometime

                        - examine a dead body for the second time 24 to 48 hours after the first examination

                        - examine by ultra violet light

                        - special autopsy dissection techniques  - specially on alleged victims of torture in order to identify deep contusions



    Deep contusions are demonstrated by a deep cut of the back of the leg in a tortured victim



  • Contusions may appear in a place away from the site of trauma.

      e.g. blow to frontal area of head -  peri-orbital contusion

             blow to arm & thigh  - contusion around elbow & knee






periorbital contusion


  • The size of a contusion does not indicate the the strength of the force.

       This is because there are other factors which affect the size of a contusion.  


  • The shape of a contusion may indicate the offending weapon.
  • 'Patterned contusions' in road traffic accident


? what is the the causative agent here

  • 'Tram line' contusion in assault










? Causative agents and the mechanism of trauma

  • 'Discoid contusions'





 caused by finger pulp


  • suction bruises by the lips (see below)





  • Distribution of contusions may indicate the circumstances of assault.

    e.g. Discoid contusions around the mouth suggest smothering

          Discoid contusions around the neck suggest manual strangulation

          Suctions bruises around genitals and breast indicate sexual assault



                                              Suction bruises of the breast



  • Postmortem contusions are rare as a large force is required to cause a postmortem contusion

       e.g. falling of the body from a trolley, dashes against rocks by the waves, rough handling of the body (evisceration leading to rupture of pharyngo-esophageal plexuses)



  • Postmortem changes and other features may mimic contusions

        - hypostasis externally or internally

        - decomposition

        - pigments

        - birth marks

? Differences between contusions and hypostasis


Hypostasis - external

    body being laterally placed







   placed on back





     pressurized from clothes caused whitish






  • Hypostasis of internal organs can mimic pathological conditions

eg. Intestines , lungs and heart







Hypostasis of the heart can mimic a fresh myocardial infarction