“Logical and Scientific thinking in learning and practicing Medicine”


Department of Pathology comprised sub-disciplines of Pathology, Haematology, and Chemical Pathology. We provide undergraduate training, postgraduate training, and research and clinical laboratory and clinical Haematology services.

Undergraduate training

The main objective of the undergraduate course in Pathology is to give a sound understanding of the scientific basis of disease occurrence, clinical manifestations, and complications. Furthermore, the teaching of rational use of laboratory investigations and their interpretations, Transfusion Medicine, and Clinical Haematology are additional components of the Pathology course.

We encourage logical and scientific thinking in students in learning and practicing medicine.

Postgraduate training

We offer research degrees MPhil and PhDs in the fields of Pathology, Haematology, and Chemical Pathology.

Furthermore, we provide in-service training for postgraduate doctors following MD in Histopathology and MD in Haematology conducted by the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine.


We encourage collaborative basic science research and clinical research.

Clinical Service
  • We provide laboratory services in Pathology and cytology, Haematology and Biochemistry, and Clinical Haematology service to the Teaching Hospital Peradeniya.
  • We also provide national-level diagnostic services in Renal Pathology, Lymphoma Pathology, Muscle diseases and referral service in immunohistochemistry.
  • Paid laboratory services in histopathology and Haematology are available.
  • We also provide training for medical laboratory technicians/technical officers in special laboratory techniques.


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