Prof. Indu Nanayakkara |
Professor in Physiology |
Thesis |
- University of Western Australia, Australia – PhD (2011)
Thesis title: The physiological mechanisms of scrotal temperature regulation and the effects of its dysregulation on endocrine function of the testes
- University of Peradeniya (Sri Lanka) - M.Phil (2002)
Thesis title: Validation of the Rose Questionnaire and the Resting ECG against
Exercise ECG for Screening of Coronary Heart Disease
Journal Articles |
- Nakandala P, Nanayakkara S & Nanayakkara I. Blinded randomized controlled study to evaluate the influence of positive verbal suggestions on the perception of pain during the use of myofascial trigger point dry needling technique. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine, 31(2), 2022. pp 11-17. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljm.v31i2.326
- S D I Nanayakkara, M C Gihan, P S K Nanayakkara. A review of scrotal temperature regulation and its importance for male fertility. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2021, 43: 308-313. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljog.v43i4.7982
- Nanayakkara S, Nanayakkara SDI, Wijekoon P & Sewwandi C. Do conventional predictors of “Difficult airway” truly predict difficult airway? Experience with cleft surgeries. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine 2021, 30(1), pp 53-61. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljm.v30i1.244
- Saman Nanayakkara, Indumathie Nanayakkara, Piumi U. Nakandala, Yamuna R. Athukorala, Parakrama Wijekoon, Sithara Rathnayake. Efficiency of post-operative pain management in infants undergoing cleft lip and palate repairs: A study using the FLACC scale, Sri Lanka Journal of Anaesthesiology, 2021; 29(1): 24-28.
DOI: http:/doi.org/10.4038/slja.v29i1.8646
- Nanayakkara, S., Nanayakkara, S.D.I and Pinto, M.V.G. Comparison of the Level of Sensory Blockade Achieved When Spinal Anaesthesia is performed for Caesarean Section Before and After Urinary Bladder Catheterization: A Randomized Controlled Study. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine 2020, 29(2), pp 25-30. DOI:http://doi.org/10.4038/sljm.v29i2.221
- Saman Nanayakkara, Indumathie Nanayakkara, Mahen Kothalawala. A Review of Corpse Handling Guidelines in the Backdrop of Covid-19 Pandemic.
American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Development. Volume 2, Issue 10 (October- 2020), PP 46-50
- Saman Nanayakkara, Piumi Nakandala, Upuli Nakandala, Indumathie Nanayakkara. A Review on COVID-19: A Global and Sri Lanka Perspective. American Journal of Research & Development. Volume 2, Issue 8 (August- 2020), PP 63-70
- N.D.P.U. Nakandala, S.D.I. Nanayakkara, S.I. Wadugodapitiya, I.B. Gawarammana.
Efficacy of physiotherapeutic interventions in the treatment of adhesive capsulitis – A systematic review. The Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation (2020). Article accepted and in press
S.D.I. Nanayakkara, R.K. Dissanayake, P.S.K. Nanayakkara. The presence of dehydration in paddy farmers in an area with chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology (CKDu). Nephrology 2019 DOI:10.1111/nep.13605
T.D.P. Nandadeva, A.M.S.D.M. Dissanayake, A.A.J. Rajaratne, S.D.I. Nanayakkara (2019). Effect of iron supplementation during high altitude training on haemoglobin and iron status of Sri Lankan Middle- and Long-distance athletes. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine 2019, 7(1), 29-40. DOI: 10.4038/sljm.v28i1.114
S. Mayooran, S.D.I. Nanayakkara, A.A.J. Rajaratne, H.M.S.R.B. Kotakadeniya. Prevalence and Associated Factors of Injuries Related to Running: A Study among Runners in Sri Lanka. American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2019, 7(2), 28-33. DOI: 10.12691/ajssm-7-2-1
S.D.I. Nanayakkara, S. Mendis, V.S. Weerasinghe& C. Samarakoon. Validation of the Sinhala version of the Rose Questionnaire against the Exercise Electrocardiogram in a group of patients with chest pain, Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine, 2002; 11(1): 8-17.
Abstracts |
- Piumi Nakandala, Saman Nanayakkara, Indumathie Nanayakkara, Jeewani Udupihille, Surangika Wadugodapitiya, Indika Gawarammana. Efficacy of manual therapy interventions and short wave diathermy on the perception of pain, range of motion and function of the patients with adhesive capsulitis. 2022. 10th Annual Academic Sessions of the Faculty of Pain Medicine. pp. 60. ISBN: 978-624-6024-01-7.
- Nakandala P, Nanayakkara I, Udupihille J, Wadugodapitiya S, Gawarammana I. Randomized controlled study to compare the effectiveness of physical therapy interventions in the treatment of adhesive capsulitis. Proceedings of the 8th Biennial conference of the South Asian Association of Physiologists (SAAP 8). 2022. pp. 122. ISBN: 978-624-5873-43-2. doi: http://doi.org./10.4038.sljm.v3li2.326.
- Karunarathne LJU, Nanayakkara I, Amarasiri WADL, Waidyarathne AOK, Gomis PDL, Fernando ADA. Cardiovacular autonomic function in healthy long-term meditators: A Comparative cross-sectional study. Proceedings of the 8th biennial conference of the South Asian Association of Physiologists, 2022. Page 130.
- EMNK Ekanayake, WRL Withana, SDI Nanayakkara. Normative data for cardiac autonomic function tests in a sample of Sri Lankan Adults. Proceedings of the 8th biennial conference of the South Asian Association of Physiologists, 2022. Page 168.
- Malwanage K., Liyanage E., Weerasinghe V. Antonypillai C. & Nanayakkara, I. (2022). Proprioception deficits in patients with diabetic polyneuropathy. Proceedings of the 8th biennial conference of the South Asian Association of Physiologists. 2022. Page 118.
- Ekanayake EMNK, Withana WRL, Anthonypillai C, Ralapanawa DMPUK, Nanayakkara SDI. Heart rate variability in type 2 diabetics and hypertensives compared to healthy volunteers. Abstracts of the 2022 European Federation of Autonomic Societies (EFAS) Congress. Clinical Autonomic Research. 32, 381–390 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10286-022-00899-6
- Chathurika SN, Rathnayaka C, Nanayakkara D.I, Thenakoon T.M.S.U.B, Physical activity level among primiparous pregnant mothers during third trimester. Proceedings of the 8th biennial conference of the South Asian Association of Physiologists (2022), Page 131.
- Ekanayake EMNK , Withana WRL, Nanayakkara SDI. Sympathetic response to isometric Isometric Handgrip test: Age and gender related variation in a normal population. Proceedings of PeMSARC 2022, 76.
- Chathurika SN, Rathnayaka C, Nanayakkara DI, Thenakoon TMSUB, Relationship between physical activity & low back pain during pregnancy, International South Asia-Pacific Research Conference in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Sri Lanka college of Obstetrics & Gynecologists, 2022
- Chathurika SN, Rathnayake RMCJ, Nanayakkara SDI, Thennakoon TMSUB. Low back pain disability during pregnancy among mothers who attend the ante-natal clinic in a tertiary care hospital, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Research Conference in Health Sciences 2022-FAHS, USJ (2022). 92.
- Abeyagunawardena IA, Atapattu AMJ, Manathunga SS, Lenadora SD, Gunawardena DLV, Weerahandi MP, Hemachandra EPGKG, Nanayakkara SDI. A study of heart rate variability in sportsmen engaged in different forms of sports in Sri Lanka. Proceeding of the 44th Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine (2022), 184.
- Minindu P, Madushanka ADS, Mahenthiran T, Maleeha MAF, Malwatta MAGM, Mirihagalla MKKNS, Miyurangi APN, Munasinghe PMIL, Muramudalige DC, Tamang KC, Arachchi SPU, Nanayakkara SDI., Nanayakkara PSK. Assessment of prevalence and risk factors of eye strain and headache among medical students in University of Peradeniya who are engaged in online learning during Covid-19 pandemic. Proceeding of the 44th Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine (2022), 205.
- Kavinda Malwanage, Indumathie Nanayakkara , Esther Liyanage, Vajira Weerasinghe, Charles Antonypillai. Translation & reliability of the Tamil version of the short-form health survey (SF36) as a self-reported measure of health-related quality of life. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka, 2021. p 39.
- Piumi Nakandala, Saman Nanayakkara, Indumathie Nanayakkara. Comparative study to evaluate the effectiveness of attention distraction method on the perception of pain during myofascial trigger point release technique in a Sinhala speaking community. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Academic Sessions of the Faculty of Pain Medicine, of the COAISL. October 2021. p 48
- Piumi Nakandala, Saman Nanayakkara, Indumathie Nanayakkara. The influence of positive verbal suggestions on the perception of pain during myofascial trigger point release technique in a Sinhala speaking community. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Academic Sessions of the Faculty of Pain Medicine, of the COAISL. October 2021. p 51.
- R. K. Dissanayake, S. D. I. Nanayakkara. Biomarkers of renal function in paddy farmers in an area with chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology. In Proceedings of Laboratory Medicine Congress & Exhibition 2021 and the 62nd Annual meeting for the Korean Society of Laboratory Medicine.
- Weerahandi M P, Weerasekara W M Y K, Weerakoon W M H M, Wanasinghe W M D C, Thilakarathne M G N I, Weeraprameshwara H K, Vithanage T P K, Wanigasingha S C, Nanayakkara S. D. I. and Dissanayake J K. Awareness, Knowledge and Attitudes regarding Sexually Transmitted Infections among Undergraduate Students from Non-Biology Streams of The University of Peradeniya who follow The Course in English Medium, Proceeding of the Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine (2021), 23.
- S. Mayooran, A.A.J. Rajaratne , H.M.S.R.B. Kotakadeniya, Asela J.B. Rathnayaka, S.D.I. Nanayakara. Rehabilitation of acute hamstring strain injuries in runners: A comparison of two rehabilitation programmes (2020), Abstract accepted but conference postponed to December 2021 due to COVID 19 pandemic.
- W.M.K. Perera, S.D.I. Nanayakkara, A.S. Ariyasinghe, S.A.T.K. Subasinghe, A.P. Kariyawasam. Comparison of heart rate variability (HRV) between professional hockey players and untrained healthy controls. The Galle Medical Journal 2020. Volume 25(1), p 16.
- W.M.K. Perera, A.S. Ariyasinghe, S.D.I. Nanayakkara, A.P. Kariyawasam. Association of muscle strength with flexibility in school rugby players in Sri Lanka: A preliminary study Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka, 2019. p 30.
T.D.P. Nandadeva, S.D.I. Nanayakkara, D.M. Dissanayake, U.P.G.N.D. Karunaratne, M.K.W. Perera, L.S.P. Abeygoonaratne, M.H. Dharmawardane. Red Cell Profile and Iron Status of Sri Lankan ARMY Endurance Athletes Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka, 2018. p 38.
S. Nanayakkara, S. Rathnayake, R. Pallegama, Y. Athukorala, P. Wijekoon, I. Nanayakkara, K. Kapugama. A study to assess post-operative pain relief using FLACC scale among infants and toddlers undergoing Cheiloplasty and Palatoplasty in a low resource setting. 17th world congress on PAIN. Presented at the 17th World Congress in Pain (E publication available online), 2018
- S.D.I. Nanayakkara, R.K. Dissanayake. Hydration status in farmers living in a community with high prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown aetiology (CKDu), Proceeding of the Peradeniya University international Research Sessions, Sri Lanka, 2017; Vol 21, p 178.
- W. S. P. Y. U. S. Yapa, L. D. Wijerathne, H. M. S. Wijerathne, J. M. Wijerathne, W. E. W. M. G. W. D. N. Wijerathne, D. P. D. N. P. Wijesooriya, W. S. P. Wimalarathne, M. H. Yathramulla, Z. M. F. Z. Zeinab, M. G. R. G. Muruththettuwa, N. T. Weerasinghe*, B. L. Goonapienuwala, S. D. I. Nanayakkara. Body image dissatisfaction among a group of medical undergraduates in Sri Lanka. Proceeding of the Peradeniya University international Research Sessions, Sri Lanka, 2017; Vol 21, p 187.
- T.D.P. Nandadeva, S.D.I. Nanayakkara, A.M.S.D.M. Dissanayake. A study of blood lactate measurements and VO2max among male and female long distance athletes. Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka, 2017. p 43
N. L. Dinaratne, A. Rajaratnam, W.A.I. Pushpamali, C.K.M. Rajapaksha, E.P.G.K.G. Hemachandra, T.D.P. Nandadeva, A.Kariyawasam, S.D.I.Nanayakkara. Cardiovascular autonomic functions: A comparison between trained athletes and sedentary controls. Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka, 2017. p 44.
- W. E. W. M. G. W. D. N. Wijerathne, W. S. P. Y. U. S. Yapa, L. D. Wijerathne, H. M. S. Wijerathne, J. M. Wijerathne, D. P. D. N. P. Wijesooriya, W. S. P. Wimalarathne, M. H. Yathramulla, Z. M. F. Z. Zeinab, N. T. Weerasinghe, S. D. I. Nanayakkara. Level of physical activity and anthropometric measurements among university undergraduates. Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka, 2017. p 53.
- Nandadeva TDP, Dissanayake AMSDM, Nanayakkara S.D.I., Silva WAIC, Rajaratne AAJ. Effect of micronutrient supplementation during altitude training on haematological and performance parameters of endurance athletes (2016). Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions, Sri Lanka, Vol. 20, p 172.
- Mudiyanse RM, Edussuriya D, Jayawardhana R, Liyanapathirana V, Nanayakkara, S.D.I. Developing a tool for evaluation of student’s engagement in learning activities (2016). Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions, Sri Lanka, Vol.20, p 40.
- Mudiyanse RM, Edussuriya D, Liyanapathirana V, Nanayakkara S.D.I., Jayawardana R. Effect of student-engagement on acquisition of knowledge from an interactive lecture (2016). Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions, Sri Lanka, Vol.20, p 41.
S. Mayooran, S.D.I. Nanayakkara, H.M.S.R.B. Kotakadeniya, A.A.J. Rajaratne. Prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries related to running and predisposing factors leading to injuries: A study among short distance runners in Sri Lanka (2016). Proceedings of the 38th Annual academic sessions of Kandy Society of Medicine. p 49.
- H.M.A.H. Abayasinghe, A.M.W.B.M.T.M. Ekneligoda, Y.M. Gunasekara, H.M.D.R.B. Hindagoda, H.D.H. Nambige, B.A.M. Premadasa, C.G. Senevirathne, K.A.D. Thilaksha, S.D.I. Nanayakkara, P.S.K. Nanayakkara. Optimum cuff inflation volumes of endotracheal tube for different tube sizes in srilankan adults (2015). Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions, Sri Lanka, Vol.19, p 203.
- B.M.C.R. Wimalasiri, A.M.S.D.M. Dissanayake, S.D.I. Nanayakkara, K.B. Jayasekera, P.W.K.K. Amunugama, R.M.I.U. Ratnayake, D.M.T.S. Dissanayake. Provision of Natural spring water and renal tubular functions of farmers in Padaviya area (2013). Proceedings of the 35th Annual academic sessions of Kandy Society of Medicine. p 67.
B.M.C.R. Wimalasiri, A.M.S.D.M. Dissanayake, S.D.I. Nanayakkara, K.B. Jayasekera, P.W.K.K. Amunugama, R.M.I.U. Ratnayake, D.M.T.S. Dissanayake. Assessment of hydration status and renal function of farmers in the North Central Province (2013). Proceedings of the 35th Annual academic sessions of Kandy Society of Medicine. p 65.
B.M.C.R. Wimalasiri, S.D.I. Nanayakkara, A.M.S.D. Dissanayake, K.B. Jayasekera, R.M.I.U. Ratnayake. The effect of dehydration on renal tubular function in farmers from an area with high prevalence of chronic renal disease (2012). Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the South Asian Association of Physiologists. p 86.
- Mohamed RS,Bandaranayake CA, Karunarathna PMNK, Fazla MYF, Navarathna KCCK, Premarathne UDMP, Rathnayake DWS, Sasanka PLL, Thudugala TMSA and Nanayakkara S.D.I. Glomerular filtration rate in post renal transplant patients at the teaching hospital Kandy (2011). Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka p 15.
S.D.I. Nanayakkara, A.M. Insiraj, N.S. Jayakody, H.D.C. Jayamalie, J.M.S.M. Jayapathma, J.M.S.W. Jayasundara, V.K.B. Jayanetti, J.M.M.S. Jayasinghe, M.D.G.V. Jayasinghe, G.A.M.C.K. Jayathilake. Comparison between visual and auditory short-term memory in a selected sample of university medical students (2009). Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka. p 19.
D. Nandadeva, B.K. Dassanayake, K.C. Ratnatunga, K.I. Karunaratne, S.D.I. Nanayakkara, A.A.J. Rajaratne. The effect of occupational exposure to paddy husk dust on the respiratory health of paddy mill workers in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine (2008). P 36.
Nanayakkara S.D.I., Bakker AJ, Maloney SK. Contractile physiology of isolated tunica dartos muscle in response to electrical thermal and pharmacological stimulation (2009). Proceeding of the 3rd International Symposium on Physiology and Pharmacology of Temperature Regulation. p 130.
Nanayakkara S.D.I., Maloney SK, Bakker AJ. The response of isolated tunica dartos muscle acute and prolonged cold stimulation and noradrenaline (2008). Proceedings of the Australian Physiological Society. 39: p 98.
Nanayakkara S.D.I., Maloney SK, Bakker AJ. The response of isolated tunica dartos muscle acute and prolonged cold stimulation and noradrenaline (2008). Proceedings of the 18th Annual Combined Biological Sciences Meeting, p 47.
B.K. Dassanayake, K.C. Ratnatunga, K.I. Karunaratne, D. Nandadeva, S.D.I. Nanayakkara and A.A.J. Rajaratne. The Effect of Occupational Exposure to Paddy Husk Dust on the Respiratory Health of Paddy Mill Workers in Sri Lanka, Proceedings of PURSE 2007. 41(4):p 146
S.D.I. Nanayakkara, T.N.C. Athureliya, V.S. Weerasinghe, H. Abeykoon, R. Rajapakse. A comparison between measured and calculated creatinine clearance in a selected healthy adult population in Sri Lanka.
Proceedings of 28nd Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine 2006, p 67.
K.G.A.D. Weerakoon, W.N.L. Weerasinghe, H.T. Welagedara, C.D. Wickramasinghe, P.B. Wijayasinghe, P.V.H.D.K. Wijayatilake, P.K.I. Wijegunawardana, W.M.D.A.B. Wijekoon, S.D.I. Nanayakkara. Effect of acute exposure to Mosquito coil smoke on respiratory function in young adults. Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka 2005, p 13.
N.H. Kumarasinghe, A.I. Kodituwakku, P.N. Kalpage, N.A.A. Karunathilake, B.A.I.S. Kumara, S.J.S. Kumara, W.A.W.R. Kumara, K.W.M.P.P. Kumarihamy, W.A.R. Madurika, S.D.I. Nanayakkara. Thresholds of Two-point Discrimination in the Upper Limb of Young Adults. Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka, 2004, (abstract) p. 6
S.D.I. Nanayakkara, S. Mendis, V.S. Weerasinghe.
Slurring and Notching of QRS Complexes: Is it a useful Criterion for detection of Cardiac ischaemia, Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka, 2003, (abstract) p. 3
U. Illangasekera, S.D.I. Nanayakkara, S. Badureliya. Screening for Asymptomatic Coronary Artery Disease in High Risk Diabetic Patients', Proceedings of 24nd Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine 2002, (abstract) p. 40
S.D.I. Nanayakkara, S. Mendis, P. Balasuriya, V.S. Weerasinghe. Cardiac Stress Testing in Diabetics and Hypertensives with Atypical Chest Pain', Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka 2000 (abstract) p. 3
S.D.I. Nanayakkara, V.S. Weerasinghe. Cold Pressor Response as an Autonomic function test in normal individuals', Proceedings of 22nd Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine 2000, (abstract) p. 27
S.D.I. Nanayakkara, S. Mendis, P. Balasuriya, V.S. Weerasinghe. Validation of the Rose Questionnaire for the Diagnosis of Ischaemic Heart Disease in Sri Lankans', Annual Research Sessions of University of Peradeniya 2000 (abstract) p. 22