Prof. M.D. Lamawansa |
Vice Chancellor / Chair Professor |
Peer Reviewed Publications |
- Lamawansa MD, Wysocki SJ, House AK, Norman PE. Vitamin D3 exacerbates intimal hyperplasia in balloon-injured arteries. British Journal of Surgery 1996:83:1101-1103
- Lamawansa MD, Wysocki SJ, House AK, Norman PE. Morphometric changes seen in Balloon-injured porcine iliac Arteries: The influence of sympathectomy on Intimal Hyperplasia and Remodelling. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 1997; 13:43-47
- Lamawansa MD, Wysocki SJ, House AK, Norman PE. The changes seen in Balloon-injured porcine femoral Arteries following sympathectomy. Cardiovascular Surgery 1999; 7(5):526-531
- Stan J Wysocki, Ming H Zheng, Ying Fan, Lamawansa MD, House AK, Norman PE. Expression of transforming Growth Factor beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA) genes during arterial repair in the pig. Cardiovascular Research 1996; 31:28-36
- Lamawansa, MD, Bell RA, Kumar A, House AK. Radiological predictors of response to renovascular reconstructive surgery. Ann Royal College of Surgeons of England 1995 Sept; 77(5): 337–341.
- Lamawansa MD, Bell RA, Kumar A, House AK. Short-term and long-term outcome following renovascular reconstruction. Cardiovascular Surgery 1995; 3(1):50-55
- Norman PE, Wysocki SJ, Lamawansa MD. The role of Vitamin D3 in the aetiology of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. Medical Hypothesis 1995; 45:17-20
- Stan J Wysocki, Ming H Zheng, Anne Smith, Lamawansa MD, Iacopetta BJ, Robertson Terry A, Papadimitriou John M, House AK, Norman PE. Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 Gene Expression in Injured Pig artery coincided with early appearance of infiltrating Monocyte/Macrophages. J Cellular Biochemistry 1996; 62(3):303-313
- Wijayaratne SBT, Suraweera HJ, Lamawansa MD, Mudalige SP, Esufali ST, Goonasekera CDA. Post-operative critical care and outcomes of limb replantation: Experience in a developing country. Injury 2008; 39(2):203-208
- Abeysekera CK, Gunasekera CG, Abeygunasekera A, Buthpitiya AG, Lamawansa MD, Fernando O, Goonasekara CDA. First experience of pediatric kidney transplantation in Sri Lanka. Journal of Pediatric transplantation 2007; 11(4):408-413
- Lamawansa MD, Piyathilake A. Incidence of Major Physical Injuries in a rural community in Sri Lanka: Results of the First Community Survey in Sri Lanka. Indian Journal of Community Medicine 2008; 33(4):233-237
- Ratnatunga N, Lamawansa MD, Esufali ST, Aluvihare APR, Ratnayake P. Peroperative fine needle aspiration cytological diagnosis of solid cystic papillary tumour of the pancreas. The Ceylon Journal of Medical Science 1997; 40:51-52
Peer Reviewed Presentations at Conferences Published as Full Papers |
- Baduraliya CS, Weerasinghe YK, Suraweera HJ, Lamawansa MD. Pattern and Causes of Admissions of Physical Injury at Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya. PURSE Sessions; 2006 Nov 30; University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya.
- Lamawansa MD, Arachchi RNR. Knowledge on Basic Trauma Care among the Final Year Medical Students gained from Clinical work. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions; 2007 Nov 30; 12(1): 144-145.
- Lamawansa MD, Perera AP. Effectiveness of training Laboratory training of Undergraduates in Surgical Knot tying and Skin suturing Skills. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions; 2007 Nov 30; 12(1):135-136.
- Wijesinghe UAD, Rupananda ODS, Wazil AWM, Abeysekera T, Lamawansa MD. Donor characteristics on short term outcome of kidney transplantation. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions; 2008 Dec 18; University of Peradeniya.
- Wijesinghe UAD, Rupananda ODS, Wazil AWM, Abeysekera T, Lamawansa MD. Cold ischaemia time: an independent risk factor for delayed graft function in live donor renal transplantation? Proceedings of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions; 2008 Dec 18; University of Peradeniya.
- Wettasinghe MC, Rosairo S, Nagaraja N, Lamawansa MD. There is no difference between 10mm and 15mm length radio-cephalic arterio-venous fistula created for haemodialysis, in relation to fistula failure. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions; 2008 Dec 18; University of Peradeniya.
Published in Abstract Form |
- Wijeratne CN, Galketiya KB, Lamawansa MD, Mel CP de, Sheriff MHR, Dharmadasa K. A study of the clinical profile of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. SLMA centenary congress; 1987 March 25-29
- Lamawansa MD, Bell R, Chen A, Kumar A, House AK. Renal Revascularization. Royal Australasia College of Surgeons (WA Branch) - Surgical Registrars Scientific Paper Day; 1992 Aug 8; Perth, Western Australia.
- Lamawansa MD. Outcome following renovascular surgery, Research Seminars, University Department of Surgery; 1993 April 19.
- Lamawansa MD, Bell R, House AK. Outcome following Renovascular Surgery. Annual Scientific Congress of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons; 1993 May 10-14; Adelaide, Australia.
- Lamawansa MD. The effect of Sympathectomy on arterial intimal hyperplasia, Research Seminars, University Department of Surgery, 12.7.1993
- Lamawansa MD, Wysocki SJ, House AK, Norman PE. The effect of sympathectomy on arterial intimal hyperplasia. The Sandoz prize for young clinical and Scientific Investigators, Postgraduate Center, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and Sandoz Pharmaceuticals; 1993 Aug 10;Perth,Western Australia
- Lamawansa MD, Wysocki SJ, House AK, Norman PE. Trophic effect of sympathetic nerves on balloon injured arteries. Transactions of WA Neuroscience colloquium; 1993 Nov 18; Perth, Western Australia.
- Lamawansa MD, Wysocki S, House AK, Norman P. Effect of Symathectomy on Arterial Intimal Hyperplasia. Royal Australasia College of Surgeons (WA Branch)-Surgical Registrars Scientific Paper Day; 1993 July 31; Perth, Western Australia
- Stan J Wysocki, Lamawansa MD, Ming H Zheng, Ying Fan, House AK, Norman PE. Transforming Growth Factor beta1 and type II receptor Gene Expression During arterial repair; Scientific conference on the Molecular Cellular Biology of the Vascular wall. American Heart Association; 1993 Oct 15-17; Boston, Massachusetts.
- Lamawansa MD, Wysocki SJ, House AK, Norman PE. Vitamin D enhances intimal thickening in balloon-deendothelialised arteries. The Sandoz prize for young clinical and Scientific Investigators, Postgraduate Center, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and Sandoz Pharmaceuticals;1994 Aug 9;Perth, Western Australia
- Lamawansa MD, Wysocki SJ, House AK, Norman PE. Vitamin D exacerbates intimal thickening in balloon-deendothelialised arteries. Royal Australasia College of Surgeons (WA Branch)-Surgical Registrars Scientific Paper Day; 1994 Aug 27; Perth, Western Australia
- Lamawansa MD, Bell R, Chen A, Kumar A, House AK. Angiographic predictors of response to renovascular reconstructive surgery. Annual Scientific Congress of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons; 1994 May 1-6; Hobart, Australia.
- Lamawansa MD, Wysocki SJ, House AK, Norman PE. Vitamin D exacerbates intimal thickening in balloon injured arteries. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons; 1995 May; Perth, Western Australia.
- Norman PE, Lamawansa MD, Wysocki SJ, House AK. The influence of sympathectomy on intimal thickening and remodeling in balloon-injured arteries. Aust NZ Journal of Surgery 1997; 67:202 (abstract form)
- Lamawansa MD, Weerawardane WAK, Ratnatunga N, Gunawardane R. Outcome of suspicious solitary thyroid nodules on fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). 8th International Surgical Congress-Society of Surgeons of Bangladesh; 2002 Dec 20-23
- Weerawardane WAK, Gunawardane R, Ratnatunaga N, Lamawansa MD. Total Thyroidectomy is not required for suspicious solitary thyroid nodules on fine needle aspiration cytology. 6th International Medical Congress-Peradeniya Medical School Alumni Association and Faculty of Medicine, Peradeniya; 2002 Dec 13-15.
- Weerawardane WAK, Lamawansa MD, Gunawardane R, Ratnatunga N. Outcome of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) of Thyroid Nodules. 25th Annual Academic Sessions of KSM; 2003 Feb 6-8.
- Dissanayake DMM, Lamawansa MD, Suraweera HJ. Outcome of trauma care at the Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya. 25th Annual Academic Sessions of KSM;2003 Feb 6-8.
- Wijayaratne STB, Suraweera HJ, Lamawansa MD, Esufali ST, Goonasekera CDA. Post operative critical care of limb replantation. Annual scientific sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka and International conference of the SAARC surgical care Society; 2003 Aug 13-17. (Best trauma paper)
- Weerawardane WAK, Lamawansa MD. The role of isotope scan in detecting malignant thyroid lesions. Annual scientific sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka and International conference of the SAARC surgical care Society; 2003 Aug 13-17.
- Lamawansa MD, Dangahadeniya U, Abeysekera RA, Abeygunawardane SC, Abeyrathna SMBH, Abeywardana MDMA, et al. Are antibiotics used appropriately in the surgical wards? An audit of Antibiotic use in the surgical wards of Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya. PURSE sessions; 2004 Oct 8; University of Peradeniya, Kandy
- Piyathilaka PAS, Lamawansa MD. Prevalence of Physical Injuries in a rural community. Annual scientific sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka; 2006 Aug 2-5
- Baduraliya CS, Weerasinghe YK, Suraweera HJ, Lamawansa MD. Audit of Trauma admissions to Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya. Annual scientific sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka; 2006 Aug 2-5.
- Lamawansa MD, Fernando B, Fernando O, et al, Delayed Graft Function in British Transplant Society S Poster presentation in March 2007
- Lamawansa MD, Buthpitiya AG, Rupananda ODS, Wazil AWM, Abeysekera DTDJ. Short-term outcome of live donor renal transplants done at the Teaching Hospitals Kandy and Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. 10th International Surgical Congress; 2007 Dec 7-10; Society of Surgeons of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Lamawansa MD. Effectiveness of training of undergraduates in Surgical Knot tying and Skin suturing in a Laboratory setting, 10th International Surgical Congress; 2007 Dec 7-10; Society of Surgeons of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Ekanayake EMUJB, Lamawansa MD. Major Injuries are seen more among road trauma victims than in victims falls and assaults, Annual Academic Sessions of College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka; 2007 July 25-28.
- Lamawansa MD, Piyathilake PAS. TRISS score and Mortality of Trauma Victims: Experience of Teaching Hospital Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. 9th International Surgical Congress; 2004; Society of Surgeons of Bangladesh, Bangladesh.
- Piyathilake PAS, Lamawansa MD. Paediatric Trauma Score and Out come of Injured Children. 27th Annual Academic Sessions of KSM; 2005 Feb; Kandy
- Lamawansa MD, Piyathilake PAS. Nine year experience of Basic Surgical Skills Training for Postgraduates in Sri Lanka. 9th International Surgical Congress; 2004; Society of Surgeons of Bangladesh, Bangladesh.
- Weerasinghe C, Lamawansa MD, Wazil AWM, Abeysekera T, Sumithraarachchi IB, Rupananda ODS, Agampodi SB. Risk of graft rejection after changing the preoperative cyclosporin regimen-Before and after study. 30th Academic sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine; 2008 Feb; Kandy
- Abeysekera C, Abeygunawardane A, Lamawansa MD. Outcome of Paediatric Renal Transplantation. 11th Annual Scientific Congress 2008, Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians.
Participation in International Meetings and Committees |
- Annual Scientific sessions of the Royal Australasian College of surgeons 1992, Adelaide Australia
- Annual Scientific sessions of the Royal Australasian College of surgeons 1992, Hobart Australia
- Followed one day course in major limb reconstruction at the Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre in Perth, Western Australia in 1993
- Annual Sessions of College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka and the International Conference of the SAARC Surgical Care Society 12th to 14th September 1996
- Participated for the 57th conference of Association of Surgeons of India on 26th to 30th 1997 in Bangalore
- Participated at the 8th International Surgical Congress of the Society of Surgeons of Bangladesh on 20th to 23rd December 2002
- Participated and presented papers in the 9th international surgical congress of the Society of Surgeons of Bangladesh and SAARC from 3rd to 4th December 2004
- Participated at ASICON, Chennai, representing the CSSL
- Attended the Birmingham Vascular Access Master class on 27th and 28th January 2005 Solihull Education Centre, Solihull Hospital, Solihull
- Attended the Southwest Thames Renal Network Meeting of Royal College of Surgeons, London on 29th April 2005
- Attended a 3rd congress of the International Paediatric Transplant Association held on 6th to 9th August 2005 in Innsbruck, Austria
- Attended a Renal Access meeting at Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam in Netherlands on 5th October 2005
- Attended the 10th congress of Asian Society of Transplantation held on 1st – 4th December 2007, Thailand
- Attended the world congress of Transplant Society XXII international congress held on 9th to 14th August 2008 in Sydney, Australia.