Academic Programme

The Department of Paediatrics conducts teaching programmes for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Undergraduate Programme

  • Introduction
  • Course Information
  • Exams
  • References
  • Model MCQs
  • Past essay questions


Undergraduate Trainees who pass their Third MBBS part II Examination, qualify for the Final MBBS course of one year duration.

Course information

The Final MBBS Course includes clinical rotations at the Teaching Hospital Peradeniya in Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Paediatrics with daily lectures from 1pm to 2pm in all clinical specialties.

The Paediatrics Professorial Appointment in the Paediatric Unit, comprises ward rounds and ward classes, teaching at clinics and seminars. Around 45 students follow clinicals in Paediatrics at any given time and are rotated among the three consultants in batches of 15. Lectures in Paediatrics are conducted every Wednesday. At the end of each appointment lasting eight weeks, students are evaluated by means of an OSCE and Viva Vocé. They are also required to study a Family and submit a report to the Department.


Final MBBS Exams are conducted yearly, at faculty and the marks are given in the following way.

Theory papers: MCQ: (40 MCQs to be answered in 2 hrs.) 20 Marks. True / False type. A correct answer will be awarded with a plus mark and a wrong answer will receive a negative mark which will be carried on to the next question.

Essay: (Six Essay Questions in 3hrs) 20 Marks
Clinical (Short Cases): (Two cases 10min each) 20 Marks
Clinical (Long Case): (One case 40min) 20 Marks

In course Assessment:
Attitude : 7 Marks
Attendance : 3 Marks
MCQ : 5 Marks
Osce: 5 Marks

Final marks will be calculated by the sum of above marks and the mark categories are as follows:
Minimum of 50% for clinicals is essential.
Fail: <50 Marks
Pass: 50-60 Marks
Second Class: 60-70 Marks
Distinction: >70 Marks



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