Following the success of SRH and PHEMAP  programs, HEDMaTC was invited by WHO Sri Lanka office to conduct a workshop to assess Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Capacity of Sri Lanka against the WHO SEARO Benchmarks in collaboration with the WHO and the Ministry of Health Sri Lanka.

Assessment of health emergency preparedness and response capacity of Sri LankaWHO Emergency and Humanitarian Action (EHA) Programme on SEARO benchmarking on emergency preparedness and response – 2012

The assessment was held in the form of three one-day consultative workshops involving health and other sectors of Sri Lanka on 14th, 15th and 16th of May 2012 at Hotel Renuka Colombo. In this workshop, the SEARO Benchmarks Framework which consists of 12 benchmarks, developed through a participatory process that involved all 11 member countries were used as the standard against which the level of preparedness of Sri Lanka was assessed. 18, 15 and 13 participants took part to contribute their expertise in this assessment on 14th, 15th and 16th respectively.




Assessment of health emergency preparedness and response capacity of Sri LankaWHO Emergency and Humanitarian Action (EHA) Programme on SEARO benchmarking on emergency preparedness and response – 2015

SEARO Benchmark Assessment of Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Capacity of Sri Lanka, was conducted in May 2012 with the participation of 78 participants. Evaluation of the Program in Health Emergency Preparedness and Response capacity of Sri Lanka against the WHO SEARO Benchmarking was conducted in September 2015 with 14 participants being interviewed.



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