Prof. J.G.S. Ranasinghe |
Senior Professor in Biochemistry |
Research Publications |
- JGS Ranasinghe "Prevalence of Lactobacillu bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus stability in commerciallyavailable yogurts in Sri lanka" to Asian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2016 April (Accepted)
- Sumanadasa PDNS, Pethiyagoda AUB, Ranasinghe JGS , Pitawala HMGTA (2016). Influence of Organic Matter and Preexisting Cavitations of Urinary Stones on the Success Rate of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy. International Journal of Analytical, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences. July-2015, Volume-4, Issue-7, 28-39.
- Sumanadasa PDNS, Pitawala HMGTA, Ranasinghe JGS , Pethiyagoda AUB, Study on Impact of Anatomical Location of Renal Stones on Mechanism of Nucleation and Growth in Sri Lankan Population. International Journal of Current Research Vol. 8, Issue, 01, pp.25563-25568, January.
- Harshi Weerakoon , Ayanthi Navaratne, Shirani Ranasinghe , Ramaiah Sivakanesan , Kuda Banda Galketiya , Shanthini Rosairo (2015) Chemical characterization of gallstones: an approach to explore the aetiopathogenesis of gallstone disease in Sri Lanka. PLOS ONE Published: April 8, 2015 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121537
- Harshi Thilanka Welegedara Weerakoon, Shirani Ranasinghe, Ayanthi Navaratne, Ramaiah Sivakanesan, Kuda Banda Galketiya4 and Shanthini Rosairo (2014) Serum lipid concentrations in patients withcholesterol and pigment gallstones. BMC Research Notes 7:548
- Harshi TW Weerakoon*, Jamburagoda GS Ranasinghe, Ayanthi Navaratna, Ramaiah Sivakanesan, Kuda B Galketiya and Shanthini Rosairo (2014) Can the type of gallstones be predicted with known possible risk factors?: a comparison between mixed cholesterol and black pigment stones? BMC Gastroenterology 2014, 14:88
- Ranasinghe , JGS, Silva SSP, Herath, N .Changes of Serum Lipids and Proteins during Probiotics Feeding and Its Exposure. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (2013) Volume 3, Issue 1, January 1 page 1-5 ISSN 2250-3153
- Niroshini KHKT1, Rajapakse RPVJ , Ranasinghe JGS.(2013) Detection of Antigenic proteins in salaivary glands of female Armigeres Subabatus mosquito. International Journal of Biological & Pharmaceutical Research. 2013; 4(12): 1212-1216 .
- Peiris HH, Mudduwa LKB, Liyanage T, Ranasinghe , JGS (2013). Effect of Morphological preservation artifacts on the quality of immunochemical staining for ER and Her-2 Galle Medical Journal:15, 7-12
- Ranasinghe JGS (2012) Effect of Mannan Oligosaccharides on Some Nutritional and Biochemical Parameters of Mice. Indian J. Anim. Nutr. 2012.29 (2) : 204-208
- Nanayakkara DP & Ranasinghe JGS (2009). Histopathological changes in vital organs of mice following intramuscular administration of krait venom.
- Ranasinghe JGS & D P Nanayakkara (2007). Comparative study of lethal effects of Bungarus species in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine.16: 5-10. Ceylon Journal of Science (Biological Sciences) 38: 1, 1-10.
- M Suziki, T Ithoh, BM Anuruddhe,, IK Badaranayake, JGS Ranasinghe, S Athauda, Molecular diversity in venom proteins of the Russell’s viper (Daboia russellii russellii) andthe Indian cobra (Naja naja) in Sri Lanka.31 (1)71-81 2010.
- Biomedical research,Ranasinghe ARAH & Ranasinghe JGS (2007-2008). Ectopic- pregnancy in a cat Veterinary Journal 54,55: 15-16.
- Ranasinghe JGS (2009).Sulphation of Environmental Estrogenic Compounds in vivo Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal 2009-10,56 and 57 (A )37-40.
- Nanayakkara DP & Ranasinghe JGS (2009). Histopathological changes in vital organs of mice following intramuscular administration of krait venom. Ceylon Journal of Science (Biological Sciences) 38: 1, 1-10.
- Ranasinghe JGS, Ranasinghe ARAH & Samitha S (2008). Prevention of Antibiotic Induced Diarrhoea in Dogs. Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition. 25: 3, 288-292.
- Ranasinghe JGS, Gamlath GRRDK, Samitha S& Abeygunwardena AS (2007). Prophylactic use of yoghurt reduces antibiotic induced diarrhea in children. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 36: 53-56.
- Ranasinghe JGS, Ranasinghe H & Sivakanesan R (1994). Rubber (Hevia Braciliancis ) latex as a cause of indigestion in cattle. Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal 41:1, 1-4.
- Ranasinghe JGS, Liu MC, Sakakibara Y, Suiko M (2000). Manganese administration induces the increased production of dopamine sulfate and depletion of dopamine in Sprague-Dawely rats. Journal Biochem.128: 477-480.
- Ranasinghe JGS, Sakakibara Y, Harada M, Nishiyama K, Liu MC & Suiko M (1999). Structural identification of sulfated tyrosine in human urine. Bioscience Biotechnology Biochemistry 63:1, 229-231.Bioscience Biotechnology Biochemistry 63:1, 229-231.
- Suiko M, Sakakibara Y, Awan-Khan R, Sakaida H, Yoshikawa H, Ranasinghe JGS & Liu MC (1998). Substrate specificity of human monoamine (M)- form phenol sulfotransferase: Preparation and analysis of Dopa 3-O-sulfate and Dopa 4-sulfate. Journal Biochemistry 124: 4, 707-711.
Research publications in Non-Refereed Journals |
- Sivakanesan R Abeygunawardena H. & Ranasinghe JGS (1995). Effect of urea treated straw supplementation on the serum concentrations of progesterone and its precursor of cholesterol in buffaloes. Regional symposium on the role of buffalo in rural development in Asia p239-250.
- Sivakanesan R, Abeygunawardena H & Ranasinghe JGS (1995). Effect of urea treated straw supplementation on reproductive performance and on some blood metabolic and nutritional indices in buffaloes. Proceedings of the second Asian Buffalo Association Congress. p 300-313.
Published in Abstract Form |
- Sivakanesan R, Ranasinghe JGS & Perera PAJ (1992). An analysis of lipid profiles of apparently healthy individuals with a family history of myocardial infarction. Proceedings of the International Medical Congress July/August Kandy p.27.
- Sivakanesan R, Ranasinghe JGS & Perera PAJ (1992). Incidence of hyperlipidemia in first degree relatives of subjects in myocardial infarction.
Proceedings of Galle Clinical Society Sep/Oct Galle p 24.
- Sivakanesan R, Ranasinghe JGS & Watawana L. (1994). Serum lipids in subfertile women. Proceedings of International Medical Congress July/August Kandy p 19.
- Ranasinghe JGS, Ranasinghe H & Sivakanesan R (1992). Ruminal impaction due to rubber latex in cattle. Proceedings of the Veterinary Association 45 th Annual session
- Ranasinghe JGS, Takeshita U, Sakakibara Y, Masahiro M, Fukuda, T & Liu M-C (1998). Stereoselective and manganese-dependent sulfation and urinary excretion of D-form and L-form meta-tyrosine 0-sulfate by Sprague-Dawely rats. Proceedings of the Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology & Agrochemistry, Yamaguchi p57.
- Ranasinghe JGS, Sakakibara Y, Yoshitaka N Liu Ming-Cheh & Suiko M (2000). Manganese administration induces the increased production of dopamine sulfate and depletion of dopamine in Sprague-Dawley rats. Proceedings of the Japan Society for Bioscience Biotechnology and Agrochemistry. Okinawa p 49.
- Ranasinghe JGS, Suzuki M, Athauda SBP, Perera PAJ & Moriyama A (2004).
A study on cardiotoxin of Sri Lankan Cobra.M, Proceedings of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions (PURSE) p 113.
- Ranasinghe JGS (2004). A study on metabolism of bisphenpol A in Sprague Dawely rats. Proceedings of the 60 th Annual session Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science p. 1
- Ranashinghe JGS, Asano Shoji1, Hayashi Ikuhiro, Suzuki Mieko1, Athauda SBP & Moriyama Akihiko (2005). Analysis of venom components in the Indian cobra living in Sri Lanka - Comparison with those of the same species in India. Proceedings of the 53 rd symposium on Toxins 7 th July Yatsugatake Royal Hotel, Japan
- Danajaya KA, Liyanage NGM, Bandaranayake AIK, Ranasinghe JGS & Athuda SBP (2007) Proteomic characterization of Sri Lankan Cobra venom Institute of Chemistry Ceylon. Chemtech p.18
- Nanayakkara DP, Gunathilake PGL Ratnayake RMP& Ranasinghe JGS (2007). Histopathological changes induced by venom of Bungarus ceylonicus on laboratory mice. Proceedings Peradeniya University Research Sessions PURSE - p 105-106.
- Nanayakkara DP, Athauda SBP, Sivakanesan R & Ranasinghe JGS (2007). Assessment of toxicity of Bungarus ceylonicus (ceylon krait) venom in a laboratory set up. Proceedings Peradeniya University ResearchSessions PURSE-2007. p 131.
- Halpage S, Kumara KBJ, Nananyakkara DP, Dangolla A, Ranasinghe JGS (2007). The effect of different doses of cobra venom on mice as a model for investigation of the tissue damage. Proceedings of the 63 rd Annual session Annual session Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. - p 131.
- Jayantha Kumara KB, Ranasinghe ARAH, Dangolla A & Ranasinghe JGS, (2007). Possible Curative Effect of an Ayurvedic Medicinal paste on Cobra (Naja naja). Envenomised Laboratory Mice. Proceedings of the 63 rd Annual session Annual session Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. p. 162
- Nanayakkara DP, Sivakanesan R, Athauda SBP, Rathnayake RMP & Ranasinghe JGS (2007). LD50 of venom of Bungarus ceylonicus (Ceylon krait) following an intramuscular injection to mice. Proceedings of the 63 rd Annual session Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. p. 160
- Ranasinghe ARAH & Ranasinghe JGS (2007). Prevention of antibiotic induced diarrhoea in dogs by fermented milk products. Proceedings of the 63 rd Annual session Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science . p. 4
- Danajaya NGM, Bandaranayake AIK, Ranasinghe JGS & Athauda SBP (2007). Proteomic characterization of Sri Lanka Russel’s Viper, Institute of Chemistry Ceylon. Chemtech p.21
- Nanayakkara DP, Ranasinghe JGS , Gunathilake PGL & Ratnayake RMP (2008). Comparative study of histopathology changes induced by venom of Bungarus species in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 30th Annual academic sessions Kandy Society of Medicine p. 50.
- Herath N, Ranasinghe JGS, Silva S, Gunawardena G, Sivakanesan R,Wijeratena Banda YM, Nawaratena JMNS (2008). Serum cholesterol lowering effect of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus in guinea pigs. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Academic Sessions Kandy Society of Medicine p. 52.
- Gregory N, Ranasinghe JGS, Gunawardena GAB, Silva SSP & Wijekkoon ASB (2008). Dose response relationship of Salmonella enteridis infection.
Proceedings of the Sri Lanka college of Paediatricians 11th Annual scientific Congress 19 th -22 nd June Kandy Sri Lanka p96
- Ranasinghe JGS & Ranasinghe H (2008). An Introduction of a clinical score for the evaluation of bacterial infection of dogs. Proceedings of the 63 rd Annual session for the Advancement of Science. p. 204.
- Ranasinghe JGS (2008). Introduction of numerical scores for the evaluation of diarrhoea. Proceedings of the 63 rd Annual session Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. p 5.
- Bandaranayake BMIAK Vasanthakrishnana RKBS, Ariyadasa TU, Athauda NRKBA, Ranasinghe JGS & Athauda SBP (2008). Production and characterization of antibodies against proteins of venom of Sri Lankan cobra. Proceedings of the 63 rd Annual session Annual Session Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. p. 213
- Kumbukage TR, Silva SSP, Ranasinghe JGS, Walisinghe HA, Sugeshwari S& Sivakanesan R (2009). Effect of Bio-Mos mannan oligosaccharides on biochemical and immune parameters of laboratory mice. Proceedings of the 25 th International Symposium Science and Technology in the Food Industry
- Walisinghe HA, Silva SSP, Ranasinghe JGS, Kumbukage TR, Sugeshwari S & Sivakanesan R (2009). Effects of organic selenium on selected biochemical and immune parameters of laboratory mice. Proceedings of the 25 th International Symposium Science and Technology in the Food Industry
- Sugeshwari S, Silva SSP, Ranasinghe JGS, Kumbukage TR, Walisinghe HA & Sivakanesan R (2009). Effects of protein preparation containing nucleotides on biochemical and immune parameters of laboratory mice. Proceedings of the 25 th international Symposium Science and Technology in the Food Industry
- Asano Shoji1, Ranashinghe JGS, Suzuki Mieko, Hayashi Ikuhiro, Seijiro Anhara, Moriyama Akihiko (2004). Peptidome Analysis of Sri Lankan Cobra and the Primary Structure of its Cytotoxin Zoological science 21(12) pp.1328 The Zoological Society of Japan
- Can the spinal spread be changed with blood or CSF sodium concentrations? MVG Pinto, JGS Ranasinghe, JMN Priyadarshana, U Amarasinghe, GB Thenuwra, JMPVB Jayasinghe, WMSK Weerabahu, SU Dunukearachchi. The college of anaesthesiologists of Sri Lanka, 27 th annual scientific sessions 2011.
- Histopathological effects of crude venom and purified Phospholipase A(2) from Russell’s Viper (Daboia Russell II) in mice: A preliminary study. Peradeniya university research sessions V.P. Gunaratne, A.G.G.Wijeratne, S.B.P.Athauda, R.M.P.Ratnayake, J.G.S.Ranasinghe and D.P.Nanayakara. 2010.
- Study of antigenic salivary gland proteins of mosquitoes and detection of antibodies against them in rabbit and human. Peradeniya university research sessions KH.K.T.Niroshini, R.P.V.J.Rajapakse, JGS.Ranasinghe, R.Kulasekera, K.B.A.T.Bandara, and N.A.N.D.Perera 2010.
- Purification of Russell’s viper phospholipase A2 (RV-PLA2): Production and preliminary characterization of antibodies against RV-PLA2. Peradeniya university research sessions B.M.A.I.K.Bandaranayake, J.G.S.Ranasinghe 2010.
- Can the spinal spread be changed with blood or CSF sodium concentrations? MVG Pinto, JGS Ranasinghe, JMN Priyadarshana, U Amarasinghe, GB Thenuwra, JMPVB Jayasinghe, WMSK Weerabahu, SU Dunukearachchi. The college of anaesthesiologists of Sri Lanka, 27 th annual scientific sessions 2011.
- HTW Weerakoon, JGS Ranasinghe, KB Galketiya, R Sivakanesan, A Navaratne. Types of gallstones found in a Sri Lankan community. Presented at 3rd Annual Research sessions, Rajarata university of Sri Lanka; (2013)
- H.T.W. Weerakoon, J.G.S. Ranasinghe, A.N. Navaratne, R. Sivakanesan, K.B. Galketiya, S. Rosairo. Socio-demographic characteristics of gallstone disease found in a cohort of patients in Kandy District, Sri Lanka. Accepted for an oral presentation at international annual research sessions, University of Peradeniya on 4th and 5th July 2014.
- HTW Weerakoon, JGS Ranasinghe, AN Navaratne, R. Sivakanesan, KB Galketiya, S. Rosairo. Chemical composition of gallstones in patients with gallstone disease. Presented at 36th Annual Academic sessions, Kandy Society of Medicine. (2014)
- Sumanadasa PDNS, Pethiyagoda AUB, Ranasinghe JGS , Pitawala HMGTA. Influence of organic matter and preexisting cavitations of urinary stones on the success rate of extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy. (Ceylon College of Surgeons Annual Sessions 2015)
- Sumanadasa PDNS, Pitawala HMGTA, Ranasinghe JGS , Pethiyagoda AUB, Study on Impact of Anatomical Location of Renal Stones on Mechanism of Nucleation and Growth in Sri Lankan Population. Peradeniya University Research Sessions (iPURSE), 2015