Prof. Amal Vadysinghe |
Professor in Forensic Medicine |
* Publications in refereed journals (ORCID ID – 0000-00032-1994-78-30) |
Journal publication |
- Vadysinghe AN, Ekanayake KB, Kulathunga N. Child sexual abuse unmasked due to vaginal foreign body: case review. Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology. 2023. doi: 10.1007/s12024-022-00574-2
- Kumarasinghe W.G.G.B, Ekanayake E.M.K.B, Amarakoon A.A.L.I.S, Bandarage S, Daraniyagala D.H.U, Liyanage L.P.M, Vadysinghe A.N. Harmonizing tradition and child welfare: The ordination of Buddhist child monks in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of iPURSE 2023 International Conference, 21st September 2023, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
- Vadysinghe AN*, Senasinghe DPP, Dassanayake PB, Sivasubramanium M, Ekanayake EMKB, Premaratne BG, Rathnayake RMISD, Wickramasinghe WMMHP. Fatalities Following Fall from Heights Presented to Three Medico-Legal Units in Sri Lanka. Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka. 2023;11(2):1-8.
- Vadysinghe, A.N., Seneviratne, P., Ekanayake, K.B. et al. A death due to faulty airbag system—case report. Forensic Sci Med Pathol (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12024-023-00715-1
- B. Sanjaya, A. N. Vadysinghe, M. Sivasubramanium, E. M. K. B. Ekanayake, G. Rodrigo, L. S. Nawarathna,L. P. M. Liyanage Sex Determination by Evaluation of Foramen Magnum on Computer Tomography Scanning Among Sri Lankan Population Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka Year: 2023 Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 20-26 DOI: 10.4038/mljsl.v11i1.7476
- Gunasekara RMSB1 *, Vadysinghe AN1 , Sivasubramanium M2 , Attanayake A PROSPECTIVE STUDY ON THE SEXUAL VICTIMIZATION OF ADOLESCENT FEMALES BY ROMANTIC PARTNERS AND THE RELATIONSHIP TO THE AGE GAP BETWEEN THE PARTNERS AMRM3 Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law — 2023; 14(1):10-18 DOI: https://doi.org/10.4038/sljfmsl.v14i1.7929
- Amal Nishantha. Vadysinghe Wickramasinghe, Chathula Ushari;, Blast Injury from Locally Manufactured “Hakka Patas”. Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine 9(1):p 81-83, Jan–Mar 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/jfsm.jfsm_69_21
- Wickramasinghe C, Vadysinghe AN, Kodikara S, Udupihilla J. Frontal sinus pattern analysis for human identification using non-contrast computed tomography images: A Sri Lankan experience. SAGE Open Medicine. 2022;10. doi:10.1177/20503121221143628
- Vadysinghe, A.N., Nayakarathne, T.B., Banda, I. et al. Choking together with aspiration of gastric contents: rare form of maternal death. Egypt J Forensic Sci 12, 58 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s41935-022-00318-x
- Amal Vadysinghe, MurugapillaiSivasubramanium, ChathulaWickramasinghea A fatal muzzle/barrel injury by home-made firearm-an unusual mechanism journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine Volume 91, October 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2022.102426
- Kulathunga, N.P., Vadysinghe, A.N., Sivasubramanium, M., Ekanayake, K.B. and Wijesiriwardena, Y., 2022. Variation of the human skull bone thickness with the age, gender, and body stature: an autopsy study of the Sri Lankan population. Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka, 10(1), pp.1–6. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/mljsl.v10i1.7451
- Munasinghe, K.R., Rascon, M.A., Diaze, J., Vadysinghe, A.N. and Vidanapathirana, M., 2022. Suicide firearm deaths in El Paso, Texas, USA: A retrospective study. Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka, 10(1), pp.13–22 DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/mljsl.v10i1.7456
- Kodikara SK, Wickramasinghe C, Kudagammana V, Fernando DMG, Vadysinghe AN, Edussuriya DE, Siddique S, Kumarasinghe G, Nayakarathna T, Gunasekara S, Chandradasa S, Kulathunga N. Upgrading infrastructure of an autopsy laboratory to conduct autopsies of bodies infected with SARS CoV-2 virus. SLMA news, 2021;14(07):25-26
- Kodikara SK, Wickramasinghe C, Muthugala R, Fernando DMG, Vadysinghe AN, Edussuriya DE, Siddique S, Kumarasinghe G, Nayakarathna T, Gunasekara S, Chandradasa S, Wijetunge S. SARS CoV-2 epidemic and autopsy practice in Sri Lanka: Can it be erroneous without a comprehensive autopsy? SLMA news, 2021;14(06):24
- Wickramasinghe, Chathula and Vadysinghe, Amal and Kodikara, Sarathchandra and Udupihilla, Jeevani. Frontal Sinus Pattern Analysis for Human Identification Using Non- Contrast Computed Tomography Images- a Sri Lankan Experience. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4075238
- Siddique, M.S., Vadysinghe, A.N. and Wickramasinghe, W.M.L.N., 2022. Profile of children presenting for clinical forensic examination to the Teaching Hospital complex, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law, 2022;13(1):8–14.
- Balachandra T, Vadysinghe AN, Sergi CM. Infantile Appendicitis: A Deceptive Challenge with Disastrous Consequences. Case Rep Gastroenterol. 2022 Apr 21;16(1):258-263. doi: 10.1159/000524191. PMID: 35702445; PMCID: PMC9149446.
- Kumarasinghe, W.G.G.B., Rowel, W.W.J.S.M. and Vadysinghe, A.N. A Study on Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs of Sri Lankan Forensic Practitioners towards Sexual Assault Survivors. Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka, 2021;9(2):20–24.
- Vadysinghe A.N. FORENSIC PRACTICE IN SRI LANKA: PRESENT AND FUTURE Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law-December 2019-Vol.10 No.2 DOI: 10.4038/sljfmsl.v10i2.7827
- Vadysinghe, A.N., Kumarasinghe, W.G.G.B., Kodikara, S. et al. Suicide by ethylene glycol/brake oil poisoning - a case report. Egypt J Forensic Sci. 2021
- Amal Nishantha Vadysinghe, Balachandra Thambirajah Kevin Matthias Dennissc. Abuse of defibrillator pads: Suicide by electrocution. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine. 2021:83
- Vadysinghe AN, Attygalle U, Ekanayake EMKB, Dharmasena EGIA. Ammonia Exposure: A Review of Six Cases. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2021.
- Amal Nishantha Vadysinghe, R. P.Jayasuriya, Ishara Gunarathna. Navoda Wickramasinghe Castration of an Infant: A Case of Physical Child Abuse. Published online: Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice. 2021
- Udukubhura D. G. Dissanayaka, Amal N. Vadysinghe, Yapa M. G. I. Banda, Thenuwara H. I.Gayathree . The Magnitude, Clinical Presentation and Consequences of Patients with Burn Injuries Admitted to Tertiary Care Hospital, Kurunegala, Sri Lanka: A Prospective Analysis. Arab journal of forensic sciences and forensic medicine. 2020
- Nanayakkara, D., Vadysinghe, A.N. and Nawarathna, L.S., 2020. Reconstruction of the Length of the Humerus from its Fragments. Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka, 8(2), pp.7–12.
- Vadysinghe A, Banda YM, Thilakarathne SM, Liyanage LM. Unexpected deadly outcome of a body packer – a case of drowning and illegal drug trafficking with review.; Archives of Forensic Medicine and Criminology. 2019;69(3):129-136.
- Peiris R, Vadysinghe A, Nanayakkara D.; Morphometric evaluation of the foramen magnum in a Sri Lankan population. Sri Lanka Anatomy Journal. 2019;3(2):29–41.
- Bandara, K.V.U.K.S., Vadysinghe, A.N. and Edussuriya, D.H., Medico legal aspects of injuries sustained by occupants of three wheelers in road traffic crashes: a study conducted in a tertiary care hospital in the central province of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2019, 10(1), pp.25–33
- Vadysinghe, A.N., Gayathree, T.H.I., Madarasinghe, D.S. and Siddique, M.S., Basal skull fracture of non- traumatic origin - a case report. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2019; 10(1), pp.17–24
- Vadysinghe, A.N. & Thambirajah, B. Bizarre use of log splitter: a case of decapitation. Forensic Sci Med Pathology. 2019;
- Amal NishanthaVadysinghe, Herath Mudiyanselage Yudhayangani, Yureka Bandara, Solokara Mudiyanselage, Nirmani Kaushalya Thilakarathne, Liyanage Madhuka Malshani Liyanage. Acetaminophen overdose followed by ingestion of an herbicide: A case of unique combination. Forensic Science International: Reports. 2019;1,
- Nanayakkara D, Vadysinghe AN, Nawarathna LS, Sampath H. Determination of sex from the tibia in a contemporary Sri Lankan population. Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine. 2019;5(1):24
- Vadysinghe AN, Dassanayake PB, Katugaha BHMKD. A Hidden Aspect of Physical Child Abuse: A Case of Voyeurism. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice. 2019;19(1):1-8.
- Vadysinghe AN, Edussuriya D, Lakma MR. A study of injury patterns and socio-demographic profiles of victims of intimate partner violence in Sri Lanka. Arab journal of forensic sciences and forensic medicine. 2019;1(8):1025-33.
- Sivasubramanium M, Vadysinghe AN, Thilakarathne SMNK. Asphyxia using a piece of a sarong at a psychiatric unit: a case of self-strangulation. Archiwum Medycyny Sądowej i Kryminologii / Archives of Forensic Medicine and Criminology. 2018;68(3):179-187.
- Vadysinghe AN, Thilakarathne SMNK. Overdose of carbamazepine before hanging by a child: a case report of a complex suicide. Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2018;8(1):62.
- Nanayakkara D, Vadysinghe A, Nawarathna LS. Prediction of the length of the femur from its fragments in a Sri Lankan population. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2018; 28:1-0.
- Vadysinghe AN, Katugaha BH, Piyarathna C, Colombage SM. Injury Patterns and Causes of Death Among Occupants of Three-wheelers Succumbed to Their Injuries from Road Traffic Accidents in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine. 2018;8(2 (Spring)):55-64.
- Vadysinghe AN, Dassanayaka PB, Edussuriya DH, Rukshana MJ. Tissue donation and transplantation program in Sri Lanka: a medico-legal point of view. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2018;25;9(1).
- Vadysinghe AN, Sivasubramanium M. Anesthetized by chloroform before hanging. Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology. 2018;14(3):381-5.
- Nanayakkara D, Manawaratne R, Sampath H, Vadysinghe A, Peiris R. Supraorbital nerve exits: positional variations and localization relative to surgical landmarks. Anatomy &cell biology. 2018;51(1):19-24.
- Nanayakkara D, Sampath H, Manawaratne R, Peiris R, Vadysinghe A. Positional Variation and Localization of the Mental Foramen. MOJ Anat & Physiol. 2018;5(1):00162.
- Vadysinghe AN, Edussuriya D, Lakma MR, Kaluarachchi CI, Nanayakkara DN. Sociodemographic Profile: Nature of Abuse and Help Seeking Behavior of Victims of Intimate Partner Violence Presenting to Two Tertiary Care Units in the Central Province of Sri Lanka. International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine. 2018;8(1 (Winter)):21-8.
- Vadysinghe AN, Senasinghe P, Sivasubramanium M, Jayasooriya P, Premarathna BG, Rathnayake RM, Wickramasinghe WM. Unnatural deaths of the elderly population of Sri Lanka: a descriptive analysis. The American journal of forensic medicine and pathology. 2018;39(2):148-51.
- Vadysinghe AN, Wickramashinghe CU, Nanayakkara DN, Kaluarachchi CI. Suspicious scars: physical child abuse vs Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Autopsy & case reports. 2018;8(1).
- Vadysinghe AN, Edusooriya D, Dayaratne SP, Manoratne NM, Abeysekara Y, Nissanka PW. Is the undergraduate forensic medicine teaching adequate to produce an expert medical witness?. Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka. 2017;5(2).
- Ekanayake PM, Amaratunga HA, Vadisinghe AN, Senasinghe P, Adikari SB. The Position and Morphology of the Vermiform Appendix in Sri Lankans: A Study on Autopsies. Sri Lanka Anatomy Journal. 2017;1(2):31.
- Vadysinghe AN, Edussuriya D, Wickramasinghe M, Attapattu R. A child with imperforate anus for twelve years: a case report of neglect and exploitation. Archiwum medycyny sadowej i kryminologii. 2017;67(2):134-41.
- Vadysinghe AN, Sivasubramanium M, Jayasooriya RP. A tree branch instead of a ligature: an unusual accidental hanging. Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology. 2017;13(4):441-3.
- Vadysinghe AN, Jayasooriya RP, Gunatilake GK, Sivasubramanium M. Unexpected sudden death in pregnancy–arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia: a case report. Forensic sciences research. 2017;2(3):161-3.
- Vadysinghe A, Dassanayake P, Wickramasinghe M. Unusual case of suicide with a modified trap gun. The American journal of forensic medicine and pathology. 2017;38(2):97-9.
- Vadysinghe AN, Dassanayaka PB, Sivasubramanium M, Senasinghe DP, Samaranayake AN, Wickramasinghe WM. A study on sexual violence inflicted on individuals with intellectual developmental disorder. Disability and health journal. 2017;10(3):451-4.
- A preliminary study of domestic violence in a rural community in Central province, Sri Lanka Amal Nishantha Vadysinghe R. M. I. S. D. Rathnayake, B. G. Premaratne,Medhani Wickramasinghe February 2017 Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine Science & Law 7(1):13
- Vadysinghe AN, Senavirathna P, Samaranayake A, Wickramasinghe MH. Acting Out of the Ordinary: A Case of Sudden Death after Abnormal Behavior Due to a Craniopharyngioma. J Clin Case Rep. 2016;6(891):2.
- Nanayakkara D, Peiris R, Mannapperuma N, Vadysinghe A. Morphometric analysis of the infraorbital foramen: the clinical relevance. Anatomy research international. 2016;2016.
- Vidanapathirana M, Dasanayake PB, Ilangarathne Banda YM, Vadysinghe A, Ratnaweera RH, Siddhisena KA. Comparison of Deaths due to Lethal Weapons During and After Civil Strife in Sri Lanka; A Medico-legal Analysis. Glob J Nurs Forensic Stud. 2016;1(1).
- Vadysighe AN, Senasinghe DP, Attygalle U, Abeysekara AM, Gunasena MD, Ratnayake RM, Banda YM. An analytical study on socio-demographic and medico-legal factors of victims of sexual assault from the Central and Sabaragamuwa Provinces in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka journal of forensic medicine, science and law. 2015;6(1):e7758.
- Vadysinghe AN, Dayaratne KM. A Case of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy: Is it a Misdiagnosis?. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2015;5(2).
- Vadysinghe AN, Senasinghe DP, Attygalle U, Banda YI, Ramanayake RS. A study on modes of communication in cases of sexual assault. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2014;5(1).
- Vadysinghe A, Munasinghe A, Abeysekera Y, Premasinghe K, Gamage S, Dassanayaka P. A study on awareness of “legally accepted age limits” among school children in Kandy district Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2014;4(2).
- Vadysinghe AN, Wickramsinghe CD. Sudden death due to a colloid cyst of the third ventricle: case report. Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka. 2014;1(1).
- Vadysinghe AN, Abeysekara AM, Gunasena MD, Ratnayake RM. Life insurance policy: is it an indication for inquest?. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2012;3(1).
- Fernando DM, Vadysinghe AN, Subasinghe N, Premasinghe K. Use of seat belts: prior to the legal requirement. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science and Law. 2011;2(2).
- Vadysinghe AN, Gunasekara IS, Gunasena MDP. Importance of neurological assessment in psychiatric patients; missed diagnosis of brain tumours- two case reports. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science and Law. 2011;2(2).
- Vadysinghe AN, Ranmohottige US, Weerakkody IR, Aluthgedara R. Is Knowledge on" Medico-Legal Aspects of Child Abuse" Adequate among Police Officers? Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2011;1(2).
- Balachandra AT, Vadysinghe AN, William AL. Practice of forensic medicine and pathology in Sri Lanka. Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine. 2011;135(2):187-90.
- Hewavisenthi SD, Vadysinghe AN. Interfollicular Hodgkin's disease with histological features of Castleman's disease. Ceylon Medical Journal. 2000;45(3):138-139.
Oral and Poster Presentations (with abstract) |
- Seneviratne P, Ekanayake E.M.K. B, Wickramasinghe C.U, Liyanage L.S.L, Vadysinghe A.N.Single papillary muscle hypertrophy: a Sudden teenage death. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Academic Sessions of College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka, 09th -10th December 2023, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Wijethunga W.M.K.B, Vadysinghe A.N, Ekanayake E.M.K.B, Gunasekara R.M.S.B, Vidanapathirana M. Sudden unexpected death due to coeliac trunk thrombosis. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Academic Sessions of College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka, 09th -10th December 2023, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Sanjaya B, Vadysinghe A.N, Ekanayake E.M.K.B, Daraniyagala D.H.U, Amarakoon A.A.L.I.S, Liyanage L.P.M. An unexpected death due to peptic ulcer: is it due to bad communication? Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Academic Sessions of College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka, 09th -10th December 2023, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- De Silva P.B.P.M.N, De Silva B.K.M, Deshapriya N.D.S.C, Dewagiri D.M.S.N, Dhammadinna N.B.U, Ekanayake E.M.K.B, Vadysinghe A.N. Impact of intimate partner violence on academic performances among medical undergraduates in university of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Academic Sessions of College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka, 09th -10th December 2023, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Seneviratne P, Ekanayake E.M.K.B, Wickramasinghe C.U, Liyanage L.S.L, Vadysinghe A.N. Methotrexate instead of metolazone: a fatal overdose. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Academic Sessions of College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka, 09th -10th December 2023, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake E.M.N.K, Senasinghe D.P.P, Ekanayake E.M.K.B, Vadysinghe A.N. Suicide of a healthcare worker by intravenous administration of potassium chloride: a case report. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Indo Pacific Association of Law Medicine and Science, 13th-16th December 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Sanjaya B, Vadysinghe A.N, Ekanayake E.M.K.B, Murugupilai S, Ganganath R, Liyanage L.P.M. Sex determination by evaluation of foramen magnum on computer tomography scanning among the Sri Lankan population. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Indo Pacific Association of Law Medicine and Science, 13th-16th December 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Nayakarathne N.M.T.B, IlangarathnaBanda Y.M.G, Vadysinghe A.N. Socio-demographic profiles, and medico legal aspects of the perpetrators of intimate partner violence who presented to Teaching Hospital Kurunegala, Sri Lanka. 19th Annual Academic Sessions of College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka.
- Gunasekara R.M.S.B, Sivasubramaniam M, Vadysinghe A.N. Sexual victimization of the adolescent female by a romantic partner, in relation to the age gap between the couple: a prospective study. 19th Annual Academic Sessions of College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka.
- Gunasekara R. M. S. B, Sivasubramaniam. M, Vadysinghe A.N. Injuries sustained in a police cell: mimicking torture. 19th Annual Academic Sessions of College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka.
- Nayakarathne N.M.T.B, IlangarathnaBanda Y.M.G, Vadysinghe A.N. Unexpected maternal death: case of choking with aspiration. 19th Annual Academic Sessions of College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka.
- Gunasekara R. M. S. B, Sivasubramaniam. M, Vadysinghe A.N. Self-inflicted injuries: mimicking torture. 19th Annual Academic Sessions of College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka.
- Nayakarathne N.M.T.B, Ilangarathna Banda Y.M.G, Vadysinghe A.N. Death from grinder injury: a rare presentation. 19th Annual Academic Sessions of College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka.
- Wickramasinghe C.U, Vadysinghe A.N. Meleney’s synergistic gangrene: a rare case of soft tissue infection. 19th Annual Academic Sessions of College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka.
- Waidyaratne D.L, Vadysinghe A.N, Gunatilake P.G.L, Dharmasena E.G.I.A. Importance of diatoms in drowning: analyzing of six deaths. 19th Annual Academic Sessions of College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake EMKB, Kulathunga NP, Kodikara KAS, Vadysinghe AN, Sanjaya B. Cardiac and great vessel injuries secondary to blunt trauma to the chest. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine, 9th-11th February, 2023, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake EMKB, Ekanayake EMNK, Vadysinghe AN, Kulathunga NP, Sanjaya B. Silenced sexual harassment among healthcare workers: A case masked by a burn injury. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine, 9th-11th February, 2023, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Siddique MS, Vadysinghe AN, EdusooriyaDE. Medicolegally significant issues among children, presenting to the Peradeniya Teaching Hospital Complex. Annual Scientific Session 2018, Medicolegal Society of Sri Lanka – 2ndFebruary 2019.
- Jayasooriya RP, Gunawardena DHGMW, Gunasekera HDTS, Ilapperuma CS, Jayasinghe LPTR, Thilakarathne SMNK, Vadysinghe AN. Suicidal deaths: a descriptive study. 17th Annual academic sessions College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka –December 2018.
- Jayasooriya RP, Vadysinghe AN, Liyanage LMM, Gunawardena DHGMW. Castration of an infant- a case of physical abuse. 17th Annual academic sessions College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka –December 2018.
- Siddique MS, Vadysinghe AN, Madarasinghe DS. Are strictures on back of knee pathognomic of Child abuse?. 17th Annual academic sessions College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka – December 2018.
- Vadysinghe AN, Bandara HMYY. Acetaminophen overdose followed by ingestion of herbicide: a case of complex suicide. 17thAnnual Academic Sessions, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka – December 2018.
- Madarasinghe DS, Vadysinghe AN,Siddique MS, Gayathri THI. Basal skull fracture – trauma or artefact?. 17th Annual academic sessions College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka –December 2018.
- Bandara KVUKS, Vadysinghe AN. Sudden unexpected death due to neck tumor. 17th Annual academic sessionsCollege of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka – December 2018.
- Vadysinghe AN. Management of the abused child. 7th Annual Academic Sessions, Hill Country Clinical Society in collaboration with College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka – 4th and 5th May 2017.
- Siddique MS, Vadysinghe AN, Fernando DMG. Near fatal air gun injury in a child: case report. 16th Annual Academic Sessions, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka – 23rd and 24th November 2017.
- Jayasooriya RP, Tiemensma M, Vadysinghe AN. Untold story behind genital skin lesion of a child: case report of molluscum contagiosum. 16th Annual Academic Sessions, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka – 23rd and 24th November 2017.
- Bandara KVUKS, Vadysinghe AN, Edussuriya D. Medicolegal aspects of injuries sustained by occupants of three wheelers in road traffic crashes: a study conducted in a tertiary care hospital in the central province of Sri Lanka. 16th Annual Academic Sessions, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka – 23rd and 24th November 2017.
- Vadysinghe AN, Wickramasinghe WMMHP. A child with imperforate anus for twelve years: a case report of chronic child abuse. 9th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka – 8th to 9th September 2016.
- Vadysinghe AN, Rathnayake RMISD Rathnayake, Premaratne, Wickramasinghe WMMHP. Are we doing enough? A preliminary study on domestic violence among suburban community in central province. Annual Scientific Sessions, Medico-legal Society of Sri Lanka – 27th August 2016.
- Dassanayake PB, Vadysinghe AN,Wickramasinghe WMMHP. Unusual case of suicide with a modified Trap Gun. Annual Scientific Sessions, Medico-legal Society of Sri Lanka – 27th August 2016.
- Vadysinghe AN, Senasinghe DPP, Dassanayaka PB, Sivasubramanium M, Wickramasinghe WMMHP, Premaratne BG, Rathnayake RMISD.A Study of Fatalities Following Fall from Height.14th Annual Academic Sessions, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanoka – 4th&5th March 2016.
- Vadysinghe AN, Dassanayaka PB, Sivasubramanium M, Senasinghe DPP, Samaranayake AN, Wickramasinghe WMMHP. A study on sexual violence inflicted on individuals with Intellectual Development Disorders. 14th Annual Academic Sessions, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka – 4th&5th March 2016.
- Sivasubramanium M, Vadysinghe AN, Jayasooriya RP. A man killed by coffee branches: a rare case of fatal neck compression. 15th Annual Academic Sessions, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka – 30th December 2016.
- Sivasubramanium M, Gunatilake GKK, Vadysinghe AN, Jayasooriya RP. Maternal death due to arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. 15th Annual Academic Sessions, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka – 30th December 2016.
- Izzath MHMA, Vadysinghe AN, Dissanayaka UDG. Death due to rare complications of surgical interventions; will it mount to medical negligence?.14th Annual Academic Sessions, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka – 4th and 5th March 2016.
- Vadysinghe AN, Sivasubramanium M, Nanayakkara N, Jayasooriya RP, Thennakoon S. Preliminary analysis of cardiac measurements in Sri Lanka: an autopsy study. 15th Annual Academic Sessions, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka – 30th December 2016.
- Senevirathne P, Vadysinghe AN, Samaranayake AN. An unusual presentation of a craniopharyngioma culminating in unexpected death. Annual Academic Sessions 2016, The Kandy Society of Medicine – 11th to 13th February 2016.
- Vadysinghe AN, Perera UCP, Ubhayasiri SK, Abeysiriwardhana NJ, Fernando R. Towards optimizing the process of “Death Investigation” in Sri Lanka: Knowledge of coroners, police officers and lawyers on death investigation. Annual Scientific Sessions, Medico-legal Society of Sri Lanka – 12th September 2015.
- Senevirathne P, Vadysibghe AN, Samaranayake AN. “Better safe than sorry?”: a critical look at the prescription of long-term reversible contraceptives to teenage girls in Northcentral Province, Sri Lanka. Annual Scientific Sessions, Medico-legal Society of Sri Lanka – 12th September 2015.
- Vidanapathirana M, Dasanayake PB, Ilangarathne Banda YMG, Vadysinghe AN, Ratnaweera A, Siddhisena KAP. Comparison of deaths due to lethal weapons during and after civil strife in Sri Lanka: a medicolegal analysis. 13th Annual AcademicSessions, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka – 28th February 2015.
- Vadysinghe AN, Illangarathna Banda YMG, Ramanayake RSMRS, Rajapakshe RAMD, Dayaratne KMPL. A study on psychosocial and behavioural patterns associated with suicides in Sri Lanka. 23rd Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine, International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Dubai – 19th to 21st January 2015.
- Vadysinghe AN, Attygalle U, Dayaratne KMPL. “Cauliflower Ear”: a strong telltale mark of physical maid abuse. 23rd Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine, International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Dubai – 19th to 21st January 2015.
- Vadysinghe AN, Dayaratne KMPL, Samaranayake RS, Kiriwaththuduwa KAS. Ilio-psosas abscess; a rare presentation of child abuse. 23rd Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine, International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Dubai – 19th to 21st January 2015.
- Vadysinghe AN, Dayaratne KMPL, Izzath MAM. Carbamazepine poisoning/ hanging; do they cause tenacious white frothing?. 13th Annual Academic Sessions, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka – 28th February 2015.
- Vadysinghe AN, Ramanayake RS, Dayaratne KMPL, Edussuriya D, Ekanayake T, Izzath A. A study on knowledge and help seeking behaviour regarding child abuse among school children. Annual Scientific Sessions, Medico-legal Society of Sri Lanka – 30th August 2014.
- Samaranayake A, Dassanayake PB, Vadysinghe AN, Attygalle U, Vidanapathirana M, Wijewardhana HP. Investigation of the air craft tragedy occurred 15 years back in the Indian Ocean. Annual Scientific Sessions, Medico-legal Society of Sri Lanka – 30th August 2014.
- Samarasekara A, Dassanayake PB, Vadysinghe AN, Attygalle U, Vidanapathirana M, Wijewardena HP. Recovery of “Lion-Air”. Annual Scientific Sessions, Medico-legal Society of Sri Lanka – 30th August 2014.
- Dassanayake PB, Vadysinghe AN, Dayaratne KMPL, Madagama RI. Ahidden aspect of physical child abuse: a case of voyeurism. Annual Scientific Sessions, Medico-legal Society of Sri Lanka – 30th August 2014.
- Vadysinghe AN, Abeysekara Y, Nissanka WAPDPM, Manoratne NMK, Dayaratne KMPL. Is the undergraduate forensic teaching enough to produce an expert medical witness? Evaluation of OSPE marks of Forensic Medicine in medical undergraduates of University of Peradeniya. 12th Annual Academic Sessions, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka – 22nd March 2014.
- Vadysinghe AN, Dayaratne KMPL. Is it misdiagnosis?: a case of Munchausen syndrome by proxy. 12th Annual Academic Sessions, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka – 22nd March 2014.
- Samarasekara A, Dasanayake P, Vadysinghe AN, Attygalle U, Vidanapathirana M, Wijewardana H. Do forensic investigations evaluate the aircraft tragedy which happened 15 years back in the Indian Ocean?. World Forensic Festival 2014, Seoul, Korea – 12th to 18th October 2014.
- Vadysinghe AN, Dayaratne P, Dasanayake P, Senasinghe P. Analysis of psychological impact among victims and assailants following alleged sexual assault in Sri Lanka. World Forensic Festival 2014, Seoul, Korea – 12th to 185y October 2014.
- Ekanayake PMNS, Vadysinghe AN, Senasinghe P, Adikari SB. Anatomical variations of the human vermiform appendix as observed during autopsies. Peradeniya University Research Sessions 2012, University of Sri Lanka – 4th July 2013. (Annexure 2.1.2a.1)
- Vadysinghe AN, SenasingheDPP, AttygalleU, Illangarathnabanda, Izzath A. A study on impact of communication methods in cases of sexual assaults in Sri Lanka.International Conference on Public Health Innovations, Sri Lanka – May 2013.
- Dassanayake PB, Vadysinghe AN, Abeysekara Y, Manoratne NMK, Nissanka WAPDPM. A study on awareness of medico-legal aspects among victims and assailants regarding alleged sexual assault. Annual Scientific Sessions, Medico-legal Society of Sri Lanka – 14th September 2013.
- Vadysinghe AN, Manoratne NMK, Abeysekara Y, Nissanka WAPDPM, Athapaththu APMR. Impact of parental decisions at case conferences in management of child abuse; an analysis of five cases. Annual Scientific Sessions, Medico-legal Society of Sri Lanka – 14th September 2013.
- Vadysinghe AN. A study on socio-demographic factors and knowledge of medico-legal aspects of sexual assault among victims and assailants.11th Indo Pacific Congress on Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia– October 2013.
- Vadysinghe AN, Perera WNS, Paranitharan P, Perera BPP, Priyadarshani BAM, Madushani MD. Public knowledge towards inquest and autopsy: Sri Lankan Perspective. 11th Indo Pacific Congress on Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia– October 2013.
- Perera WNS, Paranitharan P, Perera BPP, Priyadarshani BAM, Madushani MD, Vadysinghe AN.Patients knowledge on informed consent in clinical practice, a preliminary study at North Colombo Teaching Hospital in Sri Lanka. 11th Indo Pacific Congress on Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia– October 2013.
- Vadysinghe AN, Attygala U. Influence on parental decisions on case conferences in management of child abuse: An Analysis of five cases. 11th Indo Pacific Congress on Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia– October 2013.
- Vadysinghe AN, Abeysekara AMG, Gunasena MDP, Ratnayake RMUC. Insurance policy, is it a prerequisite for an inquest?. Annual Scientific Sessions 2012, Medico-legal Society of Sri Lanka – 1st September 2012.
- Vadysinghe AN, Senasinghe DPP, Attygalle U, Abeysekara AMG, Gunasena MDP, Ratnayake RMUC. An analytical study on socio-demographic factors and important aspects in victims of sexual assault. Annual Scientific Sessions 2012, Medico-legal Society of Sri Lanka – 1st September 2012.
- Vadysinghe AN, Gunasekara IS, Gunasena MDP. Importance of Neurological assessment in patients withpsychiatric disease; missed diagnosis of brain tumours.6th Annual Scientific Sessions, Association of Sri Lankan neurologists – November 2012.
- Fernando DMG, Vadysinghe AN, Athapaththu R. Mobile phone use while in charge of a vehicle. 10th Annual Academic Sessions, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka – 25th of February 2012.
- Vadysinghe AN, Nanayakkara DN, Kaluarachchi CI. Help seeking behaviour of intimate partner violence according to socio-demographic aspects in Central Province Sri Lanka.The 2nd International Forensic Science Symposium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – 14th to 16th November 2011.
- Vadysinghe AN, Nanayakkara DN, kaluarachchi C. “Classical Ehlers Danlos Syndrome mimicking physical child abuse”. The 2nd International Forensic Science Symposium Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – 14th to 16th November 2011.
- Edussuriya D, Vadysinghe AN, kaluarachchi C, Marambe KN, Abeysinghe N, JayawickramarajahPT.Establishing Consensus on Developing Forensic Medicine Curriculum. The 2nd International Forensic Science Symposium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – 14th to 16th November 2011.
- Edussuriya D, Vadysinghe AN, Kaluarachchi C, Marambe KN, Abeysinghe N, Jayawickramarajah PT. Competencies that are expected from a medical officer in performing Medico-legal duties: A Delphi study conducted in Sri Lanka.The 2nd International Forensic Science Symposium Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia– 14th to 16th November 2011.
- Vadysinghe AN, Nanayakkara D. Multiple abrasions on the neck: Is it physical child abuse? An analysis of three cases. 19th IAFS world meeting, 9th WPMO Triennial Meeting and 5th MAFS Meeting, Potugal – 12th to 17th September 2011.
- Vadysinghe AN, Weerakkody IR, Ranmohottige USN, Dayaratne KMPL. A descriptive study on types, patterns and category of hurt in head, facial and neck injuries seen in intimate partner violence.33rd Annual Academic Sessions, the Kandy Society of Medicine – 2011.
- Vadysinghe AN, Weerakkody IR, Ranmohottige USN, Munasinghe A. “The legal age for consensual sex with male”: an analytical study on awareness among female school children in the Central Province. Proceedings of Peradeniya University Research Sessions, Sri Lanka – 16th December 2010.
- Vadysinghe AN, Weerakkody IR, Ranmohottige USN, Wickramasinghe CD, FernandoD. How to identify and demonstrate brain lesions in a set up with lack of facilities: Analysis of 03 Case reports.10th Indo Pacific Congress on Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Amity University Campus Noida, India – 25th to 30thOctober 2010.
- Vadysinghe AN, RanmohottigeUSN, WeerakkodyIR, Aluthgedara R. Is Knowledge on “Medico-Legal Aspects of Child Abuse” adequate among Police Officers who are more than 10 years in police service in central province?. Annual Scientific Sessions of the Medico-Legal Society, Sri Lanka – 31stJuly 2010.
- Vadysinghe AN, Balachandra AT. Decapitation using a domestic log splitter a case report. 10th Indo Pacific Congress on Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Amity University Campus Noida, India – 25th to 30thOctober 2010.
- Vadysinghe AN, Munasinghe A, Premasinghe K, Gamage SMK, Colombage SM, Dasanayaka P. Awareness of legally accepted age limits among school children. 8th Annual Academic Sessions, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka – 7th November 2009.
- Vadysinghe AN, Dayaratne KMPL. Injury pattern and socio-demographic aspects of intimate partner violence in Sri Lanka.XXI Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine Lisbon, Portugal– 2009.
- Fernando DMG, Vadysinghe AN, Sudasinghe N, Premasinghe K.Why do vehicle occupants not wear seat belts?. 8th Annual Academic Sessions, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka – 7th November 2009.
- Vadysinghe AN, Wickramasinghe CD. Sudden death due to colloid cyst in third ventricle: case report. 8th Annual Academic Sessions, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka – 7th November 2009.
- Balachandran AT, Vadysinghe AN, William AL. Practice of forensic medicine and pathology in Sri Lanka. 59th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Pathologists, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada – July 2008.
- Vadysinghe AN, Colombage SM, Piyarathna TACL. An analysis of injury patterns and causes of death among occupants of three-wheelers who have succumbed to their injuries from road traffic accidents in Sri Lanka. 9th Indo Pacific Congress on Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Colombo, Sri Lanka– 22nd to 27th July 2007.
- Vadysinghe AN. A cot burn of a neonate in a PBU.9th Indo Pacific Congress on Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Colombo, Sri Lanka – 22nd to 27th July 2007.
- Oral and Poster Presentations (with abstract) 2002
- Vadysinghe AN, Colombage SM. A case of fatal child abuse. 2nd Annual Academic Sessions, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka – 5th October 2002.