Dr. Kasun Ekanayake |
Lecturer (Probationary) |
Journal Publications |
- Roshini N, Jayarathna SL, Madushani N, Wickramasinghe CU, Ekanayake KB, Fernando DMG. Knowledge and practices on the usage of pesticides among farmers in Sevanagala, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine. 2024;33(4):8-15. 10.4038/sljm.v33i4.513.
- Vadysinghe AN, Nayakarathne TB, Ilangarathna Banda YMG, Ekanayake KB, Perera I, Wijesiriwardena Y. Sociodemographic background and psychosocial behaviors of perpetrators of intimate partner violence: A hospital-based retrospective study. Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine. 2024;10(3):176-183. doi: 10.4103/jfsm.jfsm_143_23.
- Vadysinghe AN, Kumarasinghe GB, Ekanayake EMKB, Amarakoon AALIS, Daraniyagala DHU. Harmonising tradition and child welfare: ordination of Buddhist child monks in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2024;15(1):18-23. doi: 10.4038/sljfmsl.v15i1.7957.
- Ekanayake KB, Sanjaya B, Vadysinghe AN, Kumarasinghe G, Kodikara S, Fernando D, Wickramasinghe C, Nayakarathne N. A case of Gloriosa superba poisoning. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2024;56(S1):S147–S149. doi: 10.1080/00450618.2024.2324759.
- Kumarasinghe G, Vadysinghe AN, Kodikara S, Edussuriya D, Ekanayake KB. Sex and stature determination by handprint measurements of a Sri Lankan population. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2024;56(S1):S150–S152. doi: 10.1080/00450618.2024.2324761.
- Kumarasinghe G, Sivasubramanium M, Ekanayake KB, Rambukwella D, Sanjaya B. A fatal misdiagnosis of page kidney–case report. Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology. 2024. doi: 10.1007/s12024-024-00807-6.
- Vadysinghe AN, Senasinghe DPP, Dassanayake PB, Sivasubramanium M, Ekanayake EMKB, Premaratne BG, Rathnayake RMISD, Wickramasinghe WMMHP. Fatalities Following Fall from Heights Presented to Three Medico-Legal Units in Sri Lanka. Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka. 2023;11(2):1-8. doi: 10.4038/mljsl.v11i2.7483.
- Vadysinghe AN, Seneviratne P, Ekanayake KB, Wickramasinghe CU, Kumarasinghe WGGB, Sanjaya B. A death due to faulty airbag system—case report. Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology. 2023. doi: 10.1007/s12024-023-00715-1.
- Ekanayake KB. ChatGPT: To cite or not to cite? Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2023;14(1):1-2. doi: 10.4038/sljfmsl.v14i1.7942
- Sanjaya B, Vadysinghe AN, Sivasubramanium M, Ekanayake EMKB, Rodrigo G, Nawarathna LS, Liyanage LPM. Sex determination by evaluation of foramen magnum on computer tomography scanning among Sri Lankan population. Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka. 2023;11(1):20-26. doi: 10.4038/mljsl.v11i1.7476
- Vadysinghe AN, Ekanayake KB, Kulathunga N. Child sexual abuse unmasked due to vaginal foreign body: case review. Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology. 2023. doi: 10.1007/s12024-022-00574-2
- Fernando DMG, Ekanayake KB. Medico-Legal Death Investigation Systems–Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2022;13(Special):53-6. doi: 10.4038/sljfmsl.v13i0.7923
- Edussuriya DH, Perera S, Marambe K, Wijesiriwardena SY, Ekanayake KB. The associates of Emotional Intelligence in medical students: A systematic review. The Asia Pacific Scholar. 2022;7(4):59-70. doi: 10.29060/TAPS.2022-7-4/OA2714
- Siddique MS, Vadysinghe AN, Ekanayake KB, Fernando DMG. Near-fatal air gun injury in a child - Case report. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine. 2022;31(1):116-121. doi: 10.4038/sljm.v31i1.317
- Kulathunga NP, Vadysinghe AN, Sivasubramanium M, Ekanayake KB, Wijesiriwardena Y. Variation of the human skull bone thickness with the age, gender, and body stature: An autopsy study of the Sri Lankan population. Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka. 2022;10(1):1–6. doi: 10.4038/mljsl.v10i1.7451
- Vadysinghe AN, Attygalle U, Ekanayake EMKB, Dharmsena EGIA. Ammonia exposure: a review of six cases. The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology. 2021;42(4):373-378. doi: 10.1097/PAF.0000000000000690
- Fernando DMG, Ekanayake EMKB. Nail gun suicide: an atypical case report and review of the literature. The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology. 2021;42(3):267-274. doi: 10.1097/PAF.0000000000000650
Oral and Poster Presentations (with abstract) |
- Ekanayake EMKB, Wickramasinghe CU, Sanjaya B, Fernando DMG, Vadysinghe AN. Suicide attempt of a child following an encounter with law enforcement. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of Medico-Legal Society of Sri Lanka 2025, 8th February 2025, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Sanjaya B, Ekanayake EMKB, Wickramasinghe CU, Kodikara KAS, Vadysinghe AN. Concealment of drugs by “bunker" method: a review of cases. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of Medico-Legal Society of Sri Lanka 2025, 8th February 2025, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake KB, Wijayarathne P, Perera V, Premaratne C, Lowe M, Illukkumbura S, Eranda H, Govinnage C, Gamage L, Balalla D, Renushanth T. A retrospective analysis of injury patterns among motorcyclists presented for clinical forensic examination to eight medico-legal units in Sri Lanka. National Trauma Conference. 28th-30th November, 2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake EMKB, Devpura N, Vadysinghe AN, Daraniyagala DHU, Liyanage LPM, Jayasinghe SS. A retrospective study of cardiac deaths reported to the Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of Forensic Medicine Postgraduate Research Sessions 2024, 29th November, 2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake EMKB, Senarathne KNC, Sanjaya B, Somathilaka HMDD, Fernando DMG, Vadysinghe AN. Complex suicide of an adolescent. Proceedings of Forensic Medicine Postgraduate Research Sessions 2024, 29th November, 2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake EMKB, Sanjaya B, Senarathne KNC, Wickramasinghe CU, Vadysinghe AN, Fernando DMG, Kodikara KAS. Child’s play gone wrong: experimentation with explosives and fire – A case series. Proceedings of Forensic Medicine Postgraduate Research Sessions 2024, 29th November, 2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Senarathne KNC, Ekanayake EMKB, Sanjaya B, Wijesooriya HNH, Kodikara KAS. Can a fibroid uterus kill a young woman? Proceedings of Forensic Medicine Postgraduate Research Sessions 2024, 29th November, 2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Kulathunga NP, Ekanayake EMKB, Wijerathne NASP. Socio-demographic, behavioral, psychological and contraceptive aspects of victims of sexual abuse presenting to the District General Hospital, Kegalle, Sri Lanka – A retrospective preliminary study. Proceedings of Forensic Medicine Postgraduate Research Sessions 2024, 29th November, 2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Wickramasinghe CU, Sanjaya B, Jayasooriya RP, Ekanayake EMKB, Senarathne KNC, Kodikara KAS. Wischnewsky spots in a cluster of deaths in a tropical setting; is it due to hypothermia? A case series. Proceedings of Forensic Medicine Postgraduate Research Sessions 2024, 29th November, 2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Sanjaya B, Ekanayake EMKB, Wijerathne NASP, Vadysinghe AN, Fernando HI. Diagnosing pneumothorax on a chest x-ray: Is it always reliable? Proceedings of Forensic Medicine Postgraduate Research Sessions 2024, 29th November, 2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Senarathne KNC, Sanjaya B, Ekanayake EMKB, Wickramasinghe CU, Vadysinghe AN. Transthoracic impaling injury at a construction site: A forensic aspect. Proceedings of Forensic Medicine Postgraduate Research Sessions 2024, 29th November, 2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Illukkumbura CS, Ranathunga WAPS, Ekanayake EMKB, Dissanayake MR, Vadysinghe AN. A case of fatal tree failure in a school premises. Proceedings of Forensic Medicine Postgraduate Research Sessions 2024, 29th November, 2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Nayakarathne NMTB, Vadysinghe AN, Wijerathne NASP, Ekanayake EMKB. Analysis of human diaphragmatic morphology and cause of death: an autopsy study at District General Hospital Kegallle, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of Forensic Medicine Postgraduate Research Sessions 2024, 29th November, 2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Abeykoon WDSE, Ekanayake EMKB, Gowrishanker B, Koirala S, Dharmaratne SD, Gunawardane DA. Comparative analysis of fatal road traffic accidents: a study of Nepal and Sri Lanka. Proceedings of iPURSE 2024 International Conference, 29th-30th August, 2024, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
- Abeykoon WDSE, Alwis VKIU, Ekanayake EMKB, Gowrishanker B, Islam T, Nakano Y, Thilakarathne PKGNN, Obayashi Y, Gunawardane DA. Comparison of waste management practices between Bangladesh, Japan and Sri Lanka. Proceedings of iPURSE 2024 International Conference, 29th-30th August, 2024, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
- Jayarathna MJS, Ekanayake EMKB, Rajapakshe HNK, Hilma MTF, Vadysinghe AN, Udupihille J, Amaratunga HA. Variations of the cystic artery and its surgical relevance. Proceedings of the Sri Lanka Medical Association 137th Anniversary International Medical Congress, 16-18th August, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake EMKB, Gunawardane DA. The trends in suicide deaths in elderly population in Sri Lanka from 2005 to 2015. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, 8-10th August, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- De Silva PBPMN, De Silva BKM, Deshapriya NDSC, Dewagiri DMSN, Dhammadinna NBU, Ekanayake EMKB, Vadysinghe AN. Impact of intimate relationships on academic performances among medical undergraduates at the University of Peradeniya. Proceedings of the Peradeniya Medical School Annual Research Conference (PeMSARC) 2024. 30th July, 2024, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
- Jayarathna MJS, Ekanayake EMKB, Rajapakshe HNK, Hilma MTF, Vadysinghe AN, Udupihille J, Amaratunga HA. External diameter of the common bile duct – Comparison between preserved and fresh cadavers. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions 2024 of the Anatomical Society of Sri Lanka, 30th June, 2024, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake EMKB, Gowrishanker B, Abeykoon WDSE, Gunawardane DA, Vadysinghe AN. A retrospective descriptive study of elderly deaths autopsied at the Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lankan Association of Geriatric Medicine, 26th-29th June 2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- AN Vadysinghe, EMKB Ekanayake, MJS Jayarathna, KRPR Kaththota, NP Kulathunga, CU Wickramasinghe. Acute cardiac event following a minor trauma: Comprehensive clinical evaluation for justice. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of Medico-Legal Society of Sri Lanka, 17th February,2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- NMTB Nayakarathne, AN Vadysinghe, NASP Wijerathne, EMKB Ekanayake. Analysis of human diaphragmatic morphology in a Sri Lankan population. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of Medico-Legal Society of Sri Lanka, 17th February, 2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- EMKB Ekanayake, PGL Gunatilake, DMG Fernando. Estimation of postmortem interval using the life cycle of the blowfly species Chrysomya megacephala. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of Medico-Legal Society of Sri Lanka, 17th February, 2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake EMKB, Bandara KVUKS, Kulathunga NP, Sanjaya B, Wickramasinghe CU, Chandradasa KGCS, Kodikara KAS, Vadysinghe AN, Fernando DMG. Injury patterns in high-voltage electrocution – a case series. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine, 7th-9th February, 2024, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Kulathunga NP, Ekanayake EMKB, Kodikara KAS, Bandara KVUKS, Wickramasinghe CU. Intracranial haemorrhage following methamphetamine toxicity. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine, 7th-9th February, 2024, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Seneviratne P, Ekanayake EMKB, Wickramasinghe CU, Liyanage LSL, Vadysinghe AN. Single papillary muscle hypertrophy: A sudden teenage death. Proceedings of 22nd Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka. 9th-10th December, 2023, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Seneviratne P, Ekanayake EMKB, Wickramasinghe CU, Liyanage LSL, Vadysinghe AN. Methotrexate instead of metolazone: A fatal overdose. Proceedings of 22nd Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka. 9th-10th December, 2023, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- De Silva PBPMN, De Silva BKM, Deshapriya NDSC, Dewagiri DMSN, Dhammadinna NBU, Ekanayake EMKB, Vadysinghe AN. Impact of intimate partner violence on academic performances among medical undergraduates in University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 22nd Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka. 9th-10th December, 2023, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Jayarathna MJS, Ekanayake EMKB, Udupihille J, Amaratunga HA. Morphometric analysis of human bile ducts – a preliminary autopsy study. Proceedings of 22nd Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka. 9th-10th December, 2023, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Sanjaya B, Vadysinghe AN, Ekanayake EMKB, Daraniyagala DHU, Amarakoon AALIS, Liyanage LPM. An unexpected death due to peptic ulcer: is it due to bad communication? Proceedings of 22nd Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka. 9th-10th December, 2023, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 22nd Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka. 9th-10th December, 2023, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Kulathunga NP, Ekanayake EMKB, Kodikara KAS, Daraniyagala DHU, Amarakoon AALIS, Liyanage LPM. Whispers of danger: Unveiling the hazards of improvised firearms in Sri Lanka's agricultural communities. Proceedings of 22nd Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka. 9th-10th December, 2023, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Wickramasinghe CU, Fernando DMG, Ekanayake EMKB. Isolated jejunal perforations following fall from height - A case report. Proceedings of 22nd Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka. 9th-10th December, 2023, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake EMKB, Sanjaya B, Vadysinghe AN, Kumarasinghe WGGB, Kodikara KAS, Fernando DMG, Wickramasinghe CU. A Case of Gloriosa superba Poisoning. Proceedings of 23rd Triennial Meeting of International Association of Forensic Sciences (IAFS), 20th-24th November, 2023. Sydney, Australia.
- Kumarasinghe WGGB, Ekanayake EMKB, Amarakoon AALIS, Bandarage S, Daraniyagala DHU, Liyanage LPM, Vadysinghe AN. Harmonizing tradition and child welfare: The ordination of Buddhist child monks in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of iPURSE 2023 International Conference, 21st September, 2023, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake EMKB, Kodikara KAS, Kumarasinghe WGGB, Sanjaya B, Daraniyagala DHU, Amarakoon AALIS, Liyanage LPM. Enhancing legislation on improvised firearms and explosive use in Sri Lanka: Safeguarding communities through effective measures. Proceedings of Peradeniya Medical School Annual Research Conference (PeMSARC), 12th September2023, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
- Wijetunga WMKB, Sivasubramaniam M, Ekanayake EMKB, Amarakoon AALIS, Daraniyagala DHU, Liyanage LPM. Socio-demographic and medico-legal aspects of female victims of sexual assault under the legal age of consent who presented to two peripheral medico-legal units in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of Peradeniya Medical School Annual Research Conference (PeMSARC), 12th September2023, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
- Seneviratne P, Vadysinghe AN, Ekanayake EMKB, Wickramasinghe CU, Kumarasinghe WGGB, Sanjaya B. Saviour turned killer: Death due to faulty airbag system. Proceedings of Sri Lanka Medical Association 136th Anniversary International Medical Conference, 25th-28th July, 2023, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake EMKB, Kulathunga NP, Kodikara KAS, Vadysinghe AN, Sanjaya B. Cardiac and great vessel injuries secondary to blunt trauma to the chest. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine, 9th-11th February, 2023, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake EMKB, Ekanayake EMNK, Vadysinghe AN, Kulathunga NP, Sanjaya B. Silenced sexual harassment among healthcare workers: A case masked by a burn injury. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine, 9th-11th February, 2023, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake EMKB, Vadysinghe AN, Kulathunga NP, Sanjaya B, Sajeevanie BGV. Polythene bag used in place of a condom: A case of child sexual abuse. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Indo Pacific Association of Law Medicine and Science, 13th-16th December, 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake EMKB, Fernando DMG. Variations in the unpaired visceral branches of the abdominal aorta: An autopsy study. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Indo Pacific Association of Law Medicine and Science, 13th-16th December, 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake EMKB, Senasinghe DPP, Vadysinghe AN. Injury dynamics in a fatal air conditioner blast. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Indo Pacific Association of Law Medicine and Science, 13th-16th December, 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Kulathunga NP, Vadysinghe AN, Sivasubramanium M, Ekanayake EMKB, Wijesiriwardena WMSY. Variation of the human skull bone thickness with the age, gender, and body stature: An autopsy study in a Sri Lankan population. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Indo Pacific Association of Law Medicine and Science, 13th-16th December, 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Sanjaya B, Vadysinghe AN, Ekanayake EMKB, Sivasubramanium M, Ganganath R, Liyanage LPM. Sex determination by evaluation of foramen magnum on computer tomography scanning among the Sri Lankan population. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Indo Pacific Association of Law Medicine and Science, 13th-16th December, 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Kulathunga NP, Vadysinghe AN, Sanjaya B, Ekanayake EMKB, Wimalarathne NADS. Self-inflicted electrical wire inside the male urethra. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Indo Pacific Association of Law Medicine and Science, 13th-16th December, 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Sanjaya B, Vadysinghe AN, Ekanayake EMKB, Kulathunga NP. Melliodosis mimicking amoebiasis in a male with liver abscess. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Indo Pacific Association of Law Medicine and Science, 13th-16th December, 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Sanjaya B, Vadysinghe AN, Ekanayake EMKB. Explosion of phone battery in mouth: A case report. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Indo Pacific Association of Law Medicine and Science, 13th-16th December, 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Sanjaya B, Vadysinghe AN, Sivasubramanium M, Ekanayake EMKB, Kulathunga NP. Near-death due to smuggling of a mobile phone inside the rectum while in custody. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Indo Pacific Association of Law Medicine and Science, 13th-16th December, 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake EMNK, Senasinghe DPP, Ekanayake EMKB, Vadysinghe AN. Suicide of a healthcare worker by intravenous administration of potassium chloride: A case report. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Indo Pacific Association of Law Medicine and Science, 13th-16th December, 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Vadysinghe AN, Perera I, Wickramasinghe CU, Darshika S, Ekanayake EMKB, Thilakarathne I, Jayasooriya D, Wijesiriwardena Y. Prevalence, socio-demographic patterns and impact of COVID-19 pandemic on cyberbullying among Advanced Level students in Kandy municipal area - a descriptive study. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka, 11th December, 2021, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake EMKB, Dissanayake TMWCB, Edirisinghe EALS, Edirisinghe EKS, Edirisinghe GS, Ekanayaka DS, Ekanayaka EMMB, Ekanayake EMNM, Erandika NVGH, Gooneratne I. Awareness among Arts Students of University of Peradeniya on the disposal of dead bodies and inquest procedures in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Academic Sessions, Kandy Society of Medicine, 15th February, 2019, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake EMKB, Dissanayake TMWCB, Edirisinghe EALS, Edirisinghe EKS, Edirisinghe GS, Ekanayaka DS, Ekanayaka EMMB, Ekanayake EMNM, Erandika NVGH, Gooneratne I. Awareness on disposal of dead bodies and inquest procedures in Sri Lanka among Arts students of University of Peradeniya. Proceedings of the Undergraduate Research Forum - Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya, 13th Nov, 2018, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.