Prof. Sarathchandra Kodikara |
Chair and Senior Professor of Forensic Medicine / Consultant in Forensic Medicine |
* Publications in refereed journals (ORCID ID – 0000-0002-3790-0489) |
Journal publication |
- Izzath, M.H.M.A. and Kodikara, S. Attrition of Cases of Sexual Offences from The Criminal Justice System of Sri Lanka; A Pilot Study. Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka, 2022. 10(2), pp.7–11. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/mljsl.v10i2.7466
- Wickramasinghe C, Vadysinghe AN, Kodikara S, Udupihilla J. Frontal sinus pattern analysis for human identification using non-contrast computed tomography images: A Sri Lankan experience. SAGE Open Medicine. 2022;10. doi:10.1177/20503121221143628
- Kodikara, S, Siddique, S, Wickramasinghe, C. Self-induced hemopericardium using a syringe needle: A rare method of suicide, Legal Medicine, Vol. 54, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.legalmed.2021.102005.
- Kodikara SK, Wickramasinghe C, Kudagammana V, Fernando DMG, Vadysinghe AV, Edussuriya DE, Siddique S, Kumarasinghe G, Nayakarathna T, Gunasekara S, Chandradasa S, Kulathunga N. Upgrading infrastructure of an autopsy laboratory to conduct autopsies of bodies infected with SARS CoV-2 virus. SLMA news, 2021;14(07):25-26
- Kodikara SK, Wickramasinghe C, Muthugala R, Fernando DMG, Vadysinghe AV, Edussuriya DE, Siddique S, Kumarasinghe G, Nayakarathna T, Gunasekara S, Chandradasa S, Wijetunge S. SARS CoV-2 epidemic and autopsy practice in Sri Lanka: Can it be erroneous without a comprehensive autopsy? SLMA news, 2021;14(06):24
- Kodikara, S., Izzath, A., Wijerathne, S., Jayasooriya, P. and Kudagama, M., 2021. Novel tools for assessment of drunken driving: are they legal within the Sri Lankan jurisdiction?. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine, 30(1), pp.90–93.
- Vadysinghe, A. N., Kumarasinghe, W. G. G. B., Kodikara, S., & Wickramasinghe, N. (2021). Suicide by ethylene glycol/brake oil poisoning—a case report. Egyptian journal of forensic sciences, 11(1), 1-5.
- Kodikara, S., Kumarasinghe, G., Rambukwella, D., & Chandradasa, S. (2021). Murder and Culpable Homicide versus Trauma and Disease: A Case-Based Forensic Pathological Review from the Perspectives of Penal Law in Selected South/South-East Asian Jurisdictions. Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka, 9(1).
- Kodikara, S. (2021). Forensic Research in Sri Lanka: Is the Magistrate’s Authority Essential to Use Medico-Legal Records Retrospectively?. Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka, 9(1).
- Kodikara, S., Wijerathne, S., Kudagama, K. M., Jayasooriya, R. P., Dayapala, A., & Subasinghe, D. (2020). A legislation made on smelling of liquor: Erroneous in the context of scientific novelty after four decades. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law, 11(2).
- Sivasubramaniam, M., Kodikara, S., Jayasooriya, R.P. and Chandrakirthi, A., 2017. Safety of the rear seat passenger: the importance of a new legislation. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law, 7(1), pp.27–29.
- Kodikara, K.A.S., Siddique, M.S., Bandara, K.V.U.K.S., Katugaha, B.H.M.K.D., Wickramasinghe, C.U., Dayaratne, S.P. and Lakma, M.R.Y., 2017. Increasing the fine to 25,000 Rs. for drinking & driving: injustice by prejudice in medico-legal diagnosis. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law, 8(2), pp.4–6.
- S. Kodikara. K.M. Kudagama. Trap Gun: An Unusual Firearm, Aimed at Wild Animals but Causing a Silent Epidemic of Human Fatalities. American Journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology, March 2014, Volume 35, Issue 1, p1-3.
- S. Kodikara. Over-a-Century-Old Death Investigation System in Sri Lanka: An Appraisal for Reforms. American Journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology, September 2013 34 (3) 283-285.
- S. Kodikara. A Death Following Hemopericardium Due to Rupture of a Right Ventricular Aneurysm Due to a Congenital Ventricular Septal Defect. Journal of Forensic Sciences, Volume 58, Issue Supplement s1, pages S258–S260, January 2013
- S Kodikara, P. Paranitharan, Michael S. Pollanen. The role of the Armanni- Ebstein lesion, hepatic steatosis, biochemical analysis and second-generation anti- psychotic drugs in fatal diabetic ketoacidosis. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Volume 20, Issue 2, February 2013, Pages 108–111
- S. Kodikara. Left-sided ventricular cardiomyopathy with minimal right ventricular involvement. Medicine Science and The Law April 2012 vol. 52 no. 2 p116-118
- S. Kodikara. Attempted Suicidal Hanging: An Uncomplicated Recovery. American Journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology: December 2012 - Volume 33 - Issue 4 - p 317–318
- S. Kodikara. Accidental Hanging: A Novel Mobile Suspension Apparatus Partially Hidden Inside the Clothes. American Journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology, December 2012 - Volume 33 - Issue 4 - p 311–313
- S. Kodikara. Strychnine in amoxicillin capsules: A means of homicide. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Volume 19, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 40–41
- S. Kodikara, Practice of clinical forensic medicine in Sri Lanka: Does it need a new era? Legal Medicine, Volume 14, Issue 4, July 2012, Pages 167–171
- S. Kodikara, K Cunningham, M S Pollanen. “Excited delirium syndrome”: Is it a cause of death? Legal Medicine Volume 14, Issue 5, September 2012, Pages 252– 254
- S. Kodikara. Pericardium: An exceedingly rare site for a primary biphasic synovial sarcoma. Indian J Pathology and Microbiology 2012; 55:227-9
- S Kodikara, M Pollanen. Fatal pediatric head injury due to toppled television: Does the injury pattern overlap with abusive head trauma? Legal Medicine, Volume 14, Issue 4, July 2012, Pages 197–200
- M Salvatori, S Kodikara, M Pollanen. Fatal subarachnoid hemorrhage following traumatic rupture of the internal carotid artery. Legal Medicine, Volume 14, Issue 6, November 2012, Pages 328–330
- Michael S. Pollanen, S Kodikara. Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: a retrospective analysis of 24 adult cases. Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology, March 2012, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp 13-18
- Jacqueline L. Parai, Sarathchandra Kodikara, Christopher M. Milroy, Michael S. Pollanen. Alcoholism and the Armanni–Ebstein lesion. Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology, March 2012, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp 19-22
- S. Kodikara. Uncompromised unilateral adrenal calcification following a complicated birth event in an adult death due to hanging. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law-December 2011-Volume 2 No.2, p18-19.
- S. Kodikara. Idiopathic pulmonary artery aneurysm: A case report. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Year 2011, Volume 5, Issue 1, p77-78
- S. Kodikara. Suicide by electrocution- A case report. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine &Toxicology. Year: 2011, Volume 5, Issue 2, p109-110
- Michael S. Pollanen, S. Kodikara. Sudden death due to hemoperitoneum following rupture of cirrhosis-related mesenteric varices. Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2011, Pages 77–79
- S. Kodikara, R Alagiyawanna. Accidental Hanging by a T-Shirt Collar in a Man with Morphine Intoxication: An Unusual Case. American Journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology, September 2011 - Volume 32 - Issue 3 - pp 260-262
- Budagoda BDSS, Kodikara KAS, Kularatne WKS, Mudiyanse RM, Edussuriya DH, Edirisinghe JP, Karunaratne IP, Weerakoon KGAD, Medagedara SC, Kularatne SAM. Giant Asian honeybee or Bambara stings causing myocardial infarction, bowel gangrene and fatal anaphylaxis in Sri Lanka: a case series. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine. 2010, p586-588.
- Weerakoon KGAD, Kularatne SAM, Edussuriya DH, Kodikara KAS, Gunatilake LPG, Pinto VG, Seneviratne AB, Gunasena S. Histopathological diagnosis of myocarditis in a dengue outbreak in Sri Lanka, 2009, BMC Research Notes 2011, 4: p268
- S. Kodikara. Death Due to Hemorrhagic Shock after Delayed Rupture of Spleen: A Rare Phenomenon. American Journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology, December 2009 - Volume 30 - Issue 4 - p 382-383
- S. Kodikara, M Sivasubramanium. Mechanisms of delayed splenic rupture: A new hypothesis. Legal Medicine, Volume 11, Supplement 1, April 2009, Pages S515–S517
- S. Kodikara, M. Sivasubramanium. Bilateral pulmonary artery aneurysms. Legal Medicine, April 2009 Volume 11, Supplement 1, Pages S496–S497
- S. Kodikara. A death due to concussive brain injury augmented by alcohol (case report) Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology, December 2007, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp 283-284
- S. Kodikara. Uneventful recovery from suicidal hanging. Medicine Science and The Law January 2006 vol. 46 no. 1, Pages 89-91
Oral and Poster Presentations (with abstract) |
- Kumarasinghe G, Kodikara S, Vadysinghe AN, Edussuriya D. Sex and stature determination by handprint measurement of a Sri Lankan population. 14th International Congress of Indo-Pacific Association of Law Medicine and Science, December 2022 Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Wickramasinghe C, Vadysinghe AN, Kodikara S, Udupihilla J. Radiological morphometric analysis of frontal sinus for person identification- A Sri Lanka experience. 14th International Congress of Indo-Pacific Association of Law Medicine and Science, December 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Siddique M.S, Kodikara K.A.S. Self-induced hemopericardium by a needle shaft: a bizarre and novel method of committing suicide. Annual Academic Sessions, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka 2020/2021.
- Ekanayake EMKB, Kulathunga NP, Kodikara KAS, Vadysinghe AN, Sanjaya B. Cardiac and great vessel injuries secondary to blunt trauma to the chest. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine, 9th-11th February, 2023, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Kodikara.S, Pollanen.M. Comparative analysis of the injury pattern in homicidal pediatric head injury deaths in two groups: Those with and without a history of trauma. International Journal of Legal Medicine (2012) 126 (Suppl 1): S 109.
- Edussuriya D.H, Dissanayake D.M, Aluthgedara R, Jayasekara U.J.K.B, Fernando D.M.G, Kodikara K.A.S, Vadysinghe A. The vitreous humour potassium and sodium concentration and time since death-preliminary findings of an ongoing study. 31st Annual academic sessions of the Kandy society of Medicine, Sri Lanka.2009;31:156-157
- Weerakoonk K.G.A.D, Kularatne S.A.M, Edussuriya D, Kodikara K.A.S, Gunatilake P.G.L, Pinto M.V.G, Senevrathne A.B, Gunasena S. Outbreak of dengue in 2009: Histopathological confirmation of myocarditis by autopsy studies. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions, Sri Lanka. Vol 14. 3rd December 2009
- Kodikara S, Sivasubramanium M. Bilateral pulmonary artery aneurysms. Presented at the International Symposium of the Advances in Legal Medicine, organized by the Japanese Society of the Legal Medicine, August-September 2008, Osaka, Japan
- Kodikara S. Mechanisms of Delayed Splenic Rupture: A New Hypothesis. Proceedings of American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington DC. 18-23 February 2008.
- Gooneratne, Kodikara K.A.S, Piyaratne T.A.C.L. Estimation of age from the pubic symphyses in a Sri Lankan population. Presented at the 9th Indo-Pacific Congress of the Law Medicine and Science, organized by the Indo-Pacific Association of the Law Medicine and Science, July 2007, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Kodikara S. Uneventful recovery from a suicidal hanging. Presented at the 9th Indo-Pacific Congress of the Law Medicine and Science, organized by the Indo- Pacific Association of the Law Medicine and Science, July 2007, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Kodikara S. Death due to delayed rupture of spleen. Presented at the 9th Indo- Pacific Congress of the Law Medicine and Science, organized by the Indo-Pacific Association of the Law Medicine and Science, July 2007, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Kodikara S. Idiopathic pulmonary artery aneurysm. Presented at the 9th Indo- Pacific Congress of the Law Medicine and Science, organized by the Indo-Pacific Association of the Law Medicine and Science, July 2007, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Kodikara S. Bizarre pattern of accidental hanging. Presented at the 9th Indo- Pacific Congress of the Law Medicine and Science, organized by the Indo-Pacific Association of the Law Medicine and Science. July 2007, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Kodikara S. Suicide with digoxin overdose. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University research Sessions, Sri Lanka. Vol 11, November 30, 2006
- Kodikara S. Uneventful recovery from suicidal hanging. Presented at the Australian-New Zealand Forensic Science Society meeting, April 2006, Fremantle, Australia
- Kodikara S. Delayed death following suicidal hanging: A rare phenomenon. Presented at the Australian-New Zealand Forensic Science Society meeting, April 2006, Fremantle, Australia
- Kodikara S. Death due to concussion augmented by alcohol. Presented at the Australian-New Zealand Forensic Science Society meeting, April 2006, Fremantle, Australia
- Kodikara S. Suicide by electrocution. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University research Sessions, Sri Lanka. Vol 10, November 10, 2005
- Kodikara S. Gunawardana S.A. A medico-legal view on wife battery. Presented at the Annual Academic Sessions of the Medico-Legal Society of Sri Lanka. 2005, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Kodikara S. Delayed death following suicidal hanging. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University research Sessions, Sri Lanka. Vol 9, November 10, 2004
- Kodikara S. Lansakara R, Loganathan K. Bizarre hanging. Presented at the Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka-Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Books |
- Kodikara S. Non-silent Evidence (part 1). Dayawansa Jayakody Book Publishers; Colombo: 2008.
- Kodikara S. Non-silent Evidence (part 2). Dayawansa Jayakody Book Publishers; Colombo: 2011.
- Kodikara S. Non-silent Evidence (part 3). Dayawansa Jayakody Book Publishers; Colombo: in press.
- Kodikara S. Non-silent Evidence (part 4). Dayawansa Jayakody Book Publishers; Colombo: in press.
- Kodikara S. Death Inquiries, Investigations and Registration. Dayawansa Jayakody Book Publishers; Colombo: in press.
Text Book Chapters |
- Sarathchandra Kodikara, Michael Pollanen. Shaken Baby Syndrome and the Legal Perspective. In: Legal and Forensic Medicine, R.G. Beran (editor), DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-32338-6_144, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013, pp 1373- 1388
- Sarathchandra Kodikara, Michael Pollanen. Legal and Forensic Medicine: A Sri Lankan Perspective. In: Legal and Forensic Medicine, R.G. Beran (editor), DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-32338-6_149, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013, pp 461- 8