Dr.Chathula Wickramasinghe |
Lecturer (Probationary) Acting Consultant in Forensic Medicine |
Journal Publications |
- Ekanayake KB, Sanjaya B, Vadysinghe AN, Kumarasinghe G, Kodikara S, Fernando D, Wickramasinghe C, Nayakarathne N. A case of Gloriosa superba poisoning. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2024;56(S1):S147–S149. doi: 10.1080/00450618.2024.2324759.
- Vadysinghe AN, Seneviratne P, Ekanayake KB, Wickramasinghe CU, Kumarasinghe WGGB, Sanjaya B. A death due to faulty airbag system—case report. Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology. 2023. doi: 10.1007/s12024-023-00715-1.
- Wickramasinghe CU, Sivasubramanium M, Muthugala R. Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis following influenza infection: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2023 May 3;17(1):176. doi: 10.1186/s13256-023-03906-0.
- Wickramasinghe CU, Vadysinghe AN. Blast Injury from Locally Manufactured “Hakka Patas”. Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine. 2023 Jan 1;9(1):81-3. doi: 10.4103/jfsm.jfsm_69_21.
- Wickramasinghe C, Vadysinghe AN, Kodikara S, Udupihilla J. Frontal sinus pattern analysis for human identification using non-contrast computed tomography images: A Sri Lankan experience. SAGE Open Medicine. 2022;10. doi: 10.1177/20503121221143628
- Wickramasinghe CU, Fernando DMG, Wijetunge S, Sumanasekara HRSD. Death following rapidly progressive demyelinating disorder in a young female- a case report. Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology. 2022 Nov 17;28:1-5. doi: 10.1007/s12024-022-00564-4
- Vadysinghe AN, Sivasubramanium M, Wickramasinghe C. A fatal muzzle/barrel injury by home-made firearm-an unusual mechanism. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine. 2022 Oct 1;91:102426. doi: 10.1016/j.jflm.2022.102426
- Kodikara S, Siddique S, Wickramasinghe C. Self-induced hemopericardium using a syringe needle: A rare method of suicide. Legal Medicine. 2022 Feb 1;54:102005. doi: 10.1016/j.legalmed.2021.102005
- Kodikara S, Wickramasinghe C, Kudagammana V, Fernando DMG, Vadysinghe AV, Edussuriya DH, Siddique S, Kumarasinghe G, Nayakarathna T, Gunasekara S, Chandradasa S, Kulathunga N. Upgrading infrastructure of an autopsy laboratory to conduct autopsies of bodies infected with SARS CoV-2 virus. SLMA News. 2021;14(07):25-26.
- Kodikara S, Wickramasinghe C, Muthugala R, Fernando DMG, Vadysinghe AV, Edussuriya DH, Siddique S, Kumarasinghe G, Nayakarathna T, Gunasekara S, Chandradasa S, Wijetunge S. SARS CoV-2 epidemic and autopsy practice in Sri Lanka: Can it be erroneous without a comprehensive autopsy? SLMA News, 2021;14(06):24
- Fernando DMG, Thilakarathne SMNK, Wickramasinghe CU. Pulmonary artery dissection—A review of 150 cases. Heart and Lung. 2019;48:428-435. doi: 10.1016/j.hrtlng.2019.02.007
- Vadysinghe AN, Wickramashinghe CU, Nanayakkara DN, Kaluarachchi CI. Suspicious scars: physical child abuse vs Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Autopsy & case reports. 2018;8(1). doi: 10.4322/acr.2018.008
- Edussuriya D, Marambe KN, Tennakoon SUB, Rathnayake RMISD, Premaratne BG, Ubhayasiri SK, Wickramasinghe CU. Emotional intelligence in first year medical students and its correlates: A study conducted at a faculty of medicine in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine. 2018;27(2):4–13. doi: 10.4038/sljm.v27i2.104
- Kodikara KAS, Siddique MS, Bandara KVUKS, Katugaha BHMKD, Wickramasinghe CU, Dayaratne SP, Lakma MRY, 2017. Increasing the fine to 25,000 Rs. for drinking & driving: Injustice by prejudice in medico-legal diagnosis. Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law. 2017;8(2):4–6. doi: 10.4038/sljfmsl.v8i2.7793
Oral and Poster Presentations (with abstract) |
- Wickramasinghe CU, Pathirana WPSR, Govinnage CP, Dassanayake PB. Traumatic bonding: a hurdle in the management of intimate partner violence - a case series. Proceedings of the Forensic Medicine Postgraduate Research Sessions 2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Wickramasinghe CU, Sanjaya B, Jayasooriya RP, Ekanayake EMKB, Senarathne KNC, Kodikara KAS. Wischnewsky spots in a cluster of deaths in a tropical setting; is it due to hypothermia? A case series. Proceedings of the Forensic Medicine Postgraduate Research Sessions 2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Senarathne KNC, Sanjaya B, Ekanayake EMKB, Wickramasinghe CU, Vadysinghe AN. Transthoracic impaling injury at a construction site: a forensic aspect. Proceedings of the Forensic Medicine Postgraduate Research Sessions 2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Govinnage CP, Wickramasinghe CU, Dassanayake PB. Non-suicidal multiple self-stabs to the abdomen – a case report. Proceedings of the Forensic Medicine Postgraduate Research Sessions 2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Vadysinghe AN, Ekanayake EMKB, Jayarathna MJS, Kaththota KRPR, Kulathunga NP, Wickramasinghe CU. Acute cardiac event following a minor trauma: Comprehensive clinical evaluation for justice. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of Medico-Legal Society of Sri Lanka, 17th February,2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake EMKB, Sanjaya B, Senarathne KNC, Wickramasinghe CU, Vadysinghe AN, Fernando DMG, Kodikara KAS. Child’s play gone wrong: experimentation with explosives and fire – a case series. Proceedings of the Forensic Medicine Postgraduate Research Sessions 2024, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Ekanayake EMKB, Bandara KVUKS, Kulathunga NP, Sanjaya B, Wickramasinghe CU, Chandradasa KGCS, Kodikara KAS, Vadysinghe AN, Fernando DMG. Injury patterns in high-voltage electrocution – a case series. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine, 7th-9th February, 2024, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Kulathunga NP, Ekanayake EMKB, Kodikara KAS, Bandara KVUKS, Wickramasinghe CU. Intracranial haemorrhage following methamphetamine toxicity. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine, 7th-9th February, 2024, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Seneviratne P, Ekanayake EMKB, Wickramasinghe CU, Liyanage LSL, Vadysinghe AN. Single papillary muscle hypertrophy: A sudden teenage death. Proceedings of 22nd Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka. 9th-10th December, 2023, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Seneviratne P, Ekanayake EMKB, Wickramasinghe CU, Liyanage LSL, Vadysinghe AN. Methotrexate instead of metolazone: A fatal overdose. Proceedings of 22nd Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka. 9th-10th December, 2023, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Wickramasinghe CU, Sicasubramanium M. Gunasekara SB, Kumarasinghe G, Chandradasa S. Tailor made approach to investigate sudden cardiac deaths using virtual autopsy - a case report. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine, 9th-11th February, 2023, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Wickramasinghe CU, Sicasubramanium M. Uncommon presentations of mortality following influenza infection - a case series. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Academic Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine, 9th-11th February, 2023, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Wickramasinghe CU, Sivasubramanium M. Acute haemorrhagic pancreatitis following Influenza infection- a case of maternal death. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Indo Pacific Association of Law Medicine and Science, 13th-16th December, 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Wickramasinghe CU, Vadysinghe AN, Kodikara KAS, Udupihille J. Radiological morphometric analysis of frontal sinuses for person identification- a Sri Lankan experience. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Indo Pacific Association of Law Medicine and Science, 13th-16th December, 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Wickramasinghe CU, Sivasubramanium M. A rare finding of adrenal infection leading to Addisonian crisis: a case report. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Indo Pacific Association of Law Medicine and Science, 13th-16th December, 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Wickramasinghe CU, Sivasubramanium M. Custodial suicide- a case series and review of literature. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Indo Pacific Association of Law Medicine and Science, 13th-16th December, 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Wickramasinghe CU, Kodikara KAS. Missed miscarriage following physical abuse by intimate partner; the ethical and medico-legal implications- A case report. Proceedings of the KSM Annual Academic Sessions 2022, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Wickramasinghe CU, Nayakarathna T, Fernando DMG. Two cases of fatal Abamectin poisoning- a single Centre experience. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka, December 2021, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Wickramasinghe CU, Fernando DMG, Wijethunga S, Sumanasekara S. Demyelinating disease with rapid and fatal course in a young female. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka, December 2021, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Wickramasinghe CU, Vadysinghe AN. Blast injury from locally manufactured “Hakka Patas” - a case report. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka, December 2021, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Wickramasinghe CU, Vadysinghe AN, Kodikara KAS, Udupihilla J, Kumarasiri PVR. Frontal sinus pattern analysis for human identification- A digital radiographic study. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka, December 2021, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Wickramasinghe CU, Fernando DMG. Post- mortem microbiology in sepsis related fatalities: a diagnostic conundrum. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka, 2020, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Wickramasinghe CU, Fernando DMG. Mortality in muscular dystrophies: experience from a single center in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka, 2020, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Wickramasinghe CU, Vadysinghe AN. Meleney’s synergistic gangrene: a rare case of soft tissue infection. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka, 2020, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Kumarasinghe WGGB, Wickramasinghe CU, Vadysinghe AN. Diagnosis of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia: role of forensic practitioner. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka, 2020, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Edussuriya DH, Wickramasinghe CU, Perera S, Herath N. Usefulness of virtual autopsy in diagnosing pathologies in the paediatric population- A systematic review. Proceedings of the 134th Anniversary International Medical Congress, 2021, Colombo, Sri Lanka.