The undergraduate and postgraduate program in Obstetrics & Gynaecology trains student at the interface of several disciplines to prepare them for the challenges of modern medicine.
Medical student are trained in Obstetrics & Gynaecology during there 3rd, 4th and final (5th) academic years. During 3rd & 4th years students are trained for history taking and examining in patient and they are given opportunity to witness deliveries and surgeries.
In the final year medical students are given lectures, demonstration and 12 weeks of clinical clerk ship. During this 12 week they have to work in the clinic (Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Family planning & Infertility), wards (Antenatal, Postnatal, and Gynaecology), labour room & operating theatre under supervision of consultant.
A description of course offered to student before the start work. The course includes instruction in all basic fundamentals of Obstetrical and Gynaecological anatomy and physiology. The physiological embryology and mechanisms of normal pregnancy and process of labour are dealt with them. This involves also the diagnosis, course and management of a normal pregnancy and labour and various systemic diseases which complicate pregnancy and how to deal with them.
Instructions are also given in pathology of common gynaecological conditions, and methods of examination and management of these conditions. The student also required identifying and knowing the use of certain common instruments. The student must also be able to distinguish between a healthy neonate and a sick one.
Not only Sri Lankan medical students, but also foreign students who have qualification can follow our under graduate course.
Trainees from the institute for post graduate studies are working in the department and in the teaching hospital Peradeniya. They are provided resident throughout their training period. Classes and case presentation are arranged frequently or those who prepare for Master of Surgery in Obstetrics & Gynaecology [MS (Obs & Gyn)] part I & II.
Hospital based teaching

Skills Lab