Prof. Padma Badra Hewavithana |
Professor / Head of the Department & Consultant Radiologist |
Peer Reviewed Publications |
- Channa Ratnatunga, Badra Hewavithana. Atherosclerotic occlusive disease of the aorta, clinical aspects. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine 2001;10(2):25-36
- Wickramasuriya N.I. Muthucumaru M.,Hewavithana P.B. A rare cause of acute urinary retention in a male infant; Journal of Pediatric Urology 2008;4:243-244
- S Rosairo, P B Hewavithana. The role of abdominal ultrasonography in diagnosing extra hepatic obstructive jaundice The Bulletin Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya 2004;1(1): 25-26
- Marasinghe J, Hewavithana PB. Assessment of knowledge on Radiation physics prior to exposure to the module on radiation physics among radiography students: SriLanka Bulletin of Nursing and Allied Health sciences 2009; (1): 3 – 4
- G. M. N. R. Gajanayake, R. D. Yapa and B. Hewawitharana. Comparison of Standard Image Segmentation Methods in the use of Segmentation of Brain Tumors from 2D MR Images.proc International conference on Industrial and Information systemsICIIS 2009; 301- 305
- Hewavithana PB. Imaging of Breast Cancer, Radiologist’s point of view and future perspectives; Sri Lanka Journal of Radiology 2012;( 1)1:3-9
- Madushanka EAW, Christine Ferris, Hewavithana PB. Development of Radiography in Sri Lanka. News and views, International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists 2012
- Hewavithana P.B, Jayarathne Y.G.S.W, Kumarasiri PVR. Association of non alcoholic steatosis of liver in polycystic ovarian disease. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine 2012;21(2): 04 – 11
- Hewavithana P.B,Galabada.S,Galketiya KB.Endovascular treatment of an acute renal arteriovenous fistula(RAVF) following a penetrating injury: A case report. Sri Lanka journal of Medicine.2013,Volume-22:19-22
- Hewavithana P.B, de Silva Ajith; A Rare case of liver Abscess due to an Injested Metallic Foreign body . Sri Lanka Journal of Radiology 2013; 2(1): 23-24
- Perera MGRS, Hewavithana PB. The usefulness of chest radiography as a health screening method prior to employment. Sri Lanka Journal of Radiology 2013; 2(1):12-16
- Wettasinghe MC, Rosairo S, Pethiyagoda AUB, Indika KLU, Hewavithana PB. Persistent Mullerian duct syndrome, Sri Lanka Journal of Radiology 2013; 2(1):17-18
- Chandrasekara P P, Hewavithana P B, Rosairo S, Herath MHMN, Mirihella D M R D. Ultrasonographic Manifestations of Germinal matrix hamorrahge and periventricular leukomalacia in preterm neonates at Teaching Hospital Peradeniya. International Journal of scientific and Technology Research2014; 3(9):62 – 65)
- Dinesh Malcolm Gerard Fernando, Padma Badra Heawavithana. Penetrative injury to the face resulting in delayed death after rupture of cavernous sinus on the contralateral side. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and pathology.2015.Volume:36,271-273
- R.R.Nanayakkara, Y.P.R.D.Yapa, P.B.Hewavithana, P. Wijekoon. Automatic breast boundary segmentation of mammograms. International Journal of soft computing and engineering 2015, Volume 5:97-101.
- Wettasinghe MC, Hewavithana PB, Alahakoon AAK, Galketiya KB, Presacral giant schwannoma with extra pelvic extension:A Case report. Sri Lanka Journal of radiology 2016 May ; 2(1)
- DC Perera, GB Hettiarachchi, NVI Ratnatunga, PVR Kuamarasiri, PB Hewavithana Demographic, clinical and mammographic characteristics of invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast; A Sri Lankan experience ,Srilanka Journal of Radiology 2017;( 2)2
- PB Hewavithana, WM Jayawardhane, R Gamage, C Goonaratna, Skeletal fluorosis in Vavuniya District: an observational study,Ceylon Medical Journal 63 (3),2018
- PCA Ratnatunga, R Gunawardene, V Pinto, R Perera, P Amerasinghe, Atherosclerotic occlusive arterial disease of the lower limbs: a historical account of surgical evolution and vascular reconstruction over thirty four years, Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 36 (2),2018
- LK Dissanayake, PB Hewavithana, RMPM Rathnayake, Partial splenic artery embolization: an alternative management strategy for resistant thrombocytopenia of immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP).Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine 27 (1), 2018
- Wettasinghe, M.C., Weerasinghe, V., Wijetunge, S. and Hewavithana, P.B., 2018. Occult breast carcinoma presenting with unilateral orbital and cutaneous metastases in a hypothyroid patient. Sri Lanka Journal of Radiology, 4(1).
- Dissanayake, L.K, Hewavithana, P.B, Rathnayake, R.M. and Pethiyagoda, A.U.B., 2018. Partial splenic artery embolization: an alternative management strategy for resistant thrombocytopenia of immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine, 27(1).
- Bopeththa, B. V.K.M., Hewavithana, P.B., Hewapathirana, H.L.I and Ralapanawa, U., 2019. Myasthenic crisis following iodinated contrast material (iohexol) aspiration: a case report. Journal of medical case reports, 13(1),
- A.Anniestan, K.B. Galketiya, A.B. Jayathilake, E.R.I.A.N.D Ranasinghe, P.B. Hewawithana, 2020. Acute Abdomen: A Rare presentation of breast cancer: Asian Journal of Case Reports in Surgery, 5(4)
- Vijithananda, S.M., Jayatilake, M.L., Hewavithana, B. et al. Feature extraction from MRI ADC images for brain tumor classification using machine learning techniques. BioMed EngOnLine 21, 52 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12938-022-01022-6
- Kumara RMMSK, Jeevani U, Prabodini MAM, Sulochana W, Badra HP. Metastatic proximal-type epithelioid sarcoma presenting as a chest lesion with a pathological fracture of the humeral neck. Int J Case Rep Images 2022;13(2):137–141
- Chandrasiri, L., Hewavithana, B., Jayasinghe, A., Weerakoon, B., Gunathilake, P. and Abeysundara, S., 2022. A quantitative approach to assess the correlation of mammographic breast density with selected affecting factors. Ceylon Medical Journal, 67(3), pp.102–107. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/cmj.v67i3.9697
- Rathnakumara LRS et al. Differentiating healthy and mesial temporal lobe epileptic(MTLE) brains by analyzing the adjusted volume of the hippocampus using Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI). Anuradhapura Medical Journal 2023; 17 (1): 54-61, DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/amj.v17i1.7739
- L.R. S. Rathnakumara1, B. G. S. Nadeeshan1, I. U. Wickramarathne1, Sahan M. Vijithananda2, Anil De Silva3, Manjula de Silva4, Padma B. Hewavithana5, Mohan L. Jayatilake1*
- Vijithananda S, Jayatilake M, Goncalves T, Rato L, Weerakoon B, Kalupahana TD, Silva AD, Dissanayake K, Hewavithana B. Discriminating Malignant and Benign Brain Tumors Using Texture Features of MRI-ADC Images. Multidisciplinary Cancer Investigation. 2023 Jan 10;7(1)
- Vijithananda SM, Jayatilake ML, Gonçalves TC, Rato LM, Weerakoon BS, Kalupahana TD, Silva AD, Dissanayake K, Hewavithana PB. Texture feature analysis of MRI-ADC images to differentiate glioma grades using machine learning techniques. Scientific Reports. 2023 Sep 22;13(1):15772.
- Hassen F.F., Dayaratne K.M.P.L., Prabodhini M., Maggonage C.G. and Hewavithana P.B. (2024) ‘MR Imaging of Mullerian Duct anomalies: Pictorial Review of a Sri Lankan experience’, Sri Lanka Journal of Radiology, 10(1), p. 36-44.
Peer Reviewed Presentations at Conferences Published as Full Papers |
- Hewavithana P.B, Kumarasiri P.V.R., A Preliminary Study of cholelithiasis. Proceedings & Abstracts of the Annual research sessions University of Peradeniya, 1999;;33
- Hewavithana. P.B; Bandaranayake B.M.P; Validity of use of Stanford university values in the assessment of bone age in Sri Lankan children; Proceedings of the Annual research sessions, University of Peradeniya; 2006;112
- Jayatilake M.L, Vijithananda S.M, Hewavitharana P.B, Goncalves T.C, RatoL.M,Weerakoon B.S. Benign and malignant brain Tumor classification by analyzing texture features of MRI-ADC images using machine-learning technique.Peradeniya Medical School Annual Research Conference (PeMSARC- 2022) (PP-04).
Peer Reviewed Presentations at Conferences Published in Abstract Form |
- Hewavithana P.B; Diagnosis of deep Venous thrombosis of lower extremities by duplex Ultra Sound Scanning; Book of abstracts; 19th annual sessions; The Kandy Society of Medicine; 1997; 55
- Hewavithana P.B; Amaratunga AG; Preliminary study of fetal umbilical artery Doppler flow characteristics; 1998; 31st Annual Academic sessions, Sri Lanka College of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians ; 19
- Hewavithana P.B; Rosairo S.; Gunathilake .D.; Intussusception: The Radiological Criteria for Reduction; 2002; Book of abstracts 24th annual sessions of Kandy Society of Medicine ;11;
- Hewavithana P.B.; Rosairo .S; Jayabahu.S; Hysterosalpingography by using a Foley catheter An alternative method; annual sessions of Kandy society of Medicine; 2003
- Hewavithana P.B. ; Atapattu N.; Assesment of renal size by Ultrasonography; The Book of Abstracts; 26th annual academic sessions; Kandy Society of Medicine 2004;
- Hewavithana P.B.; Premathunga .K.S.S.; Fatty liver revisited in Sri Lanka Population; 3rd Annual academic sessions; Proceedings, Sri Lanka College of Radiologists 2004
- Hewavithana P.B.; Bandara J.M.R.P; Jayakody J.R.H.R; Harischandra P.K. ;Rosairo .S ; Accessory Renal arteries in prospective kidney donors; Proceedings of Annual academic sessions of Sri Lanka College of Radiologists & Annual Scentific Meeting of Asian Musculoskeletal Society 2005; 41
- Hewavithana P.B. ; Nanayakkara D.P; Muhandiram T; Steatohepatitis among patients with fatty liver : a preminary study; Book of Abstracts; 28th Annual Sessions of the KandySociet of Medicine 2006; 37
- Hewavithana P.B; Wijayatunga N.N; Attanayake A.M.N.S; Halpage I.P Assessment of splenic size using ultrasonography in a selected sample of normal individuals in Kandy district; Book of Abstracts; Annual Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine 2006; 39
- Hewavithana P B; Protocol for peripheral vascular imaging; 7th Annual academic sessions Sri Lanka College of Radiologists
- Hewavithana P B; Abdominal Tuberculosis, A diagnostic Dilemma; Proceedings of Annual academic sessions Sri Lanka College of Radiologists ; 2007
- Hewavithana P.B; Nandadeva .D;Siribaddane .A ; Nagarajah N. ; Pattern of radiographic manifestations of pulmonary tuberculosis in patients attending chest clinic Kandy; Book of Abstracts; Annual Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine 2008;130-131
- Hewavithana P.B; Bandaranayake A.M.P; Dissanayake N.T; Malaviarachchi K.A.M.K.U.N.; Walgampaya D.S ; Doppler sonographic assessment of chronic venous insufficiency of lower limbs; Proceedings of Annual academic sessions of Sri Lanka College of Radiologists 2008; 35
- Hewavithana P.B; Rosairo .S; Pathmini S; Disease pattern of peripheral arterial disease on angiography; Annual academic sessions of Sri Lanka College of Radiologists 2008; 37
- Hewavithana P B ; Role of Radiologist in the management of uterine fibroids; Proceedings of South Asian Conference on Radiology, Kathmandu, Nepal; 25; 2008
- Hewavithana P B; Sonography in symptomatic breast; proceedings of 15th National Radiological conference, Radiological society of Pakistan; 2008
- Hewavithana P.B ; Malaviarachchi K.A.M.K.U.N; Walgampaya D.S ; Jayabahu S; Descriptive analysis of four hundred mammograms; Annual Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine 2009; 116-117
- Hewavithana P.B; Pussepitiya D.M.U.R.K; Emphysematous pyelonephritis: The Radiologist role; Proceedings of Annual academic sessions of Sri Lanka College of Radiologists & Conference of the Radiological Society of SAARC Countries 2009
- Hewavithana. P.B; Weeratunga S.L; Kannangara .R ; Lal D.P.C.K.A ; Angiograpghic patterns of Takayasu’s arteritis in patients diagnosed at Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya; Proceedings of Annual academic sessions of Sri Lanka College of Radiologists & Conference of the Radiological Society of SAARC Countries 2009
- Hewavithana P.B; Kannangara K.M.R ; Endovascular embolisation of traumatic pseudo aneurysm of Right Hepatic artery, A case report; Proceedings of Annual academic sessions of Sri Lanka College of Radiologists & Conference of the Radiological Society of SAARC Countries 2009
- Hewavithana P.B; De Silva. K; Malaviarachchi K.A.M.K.U.N; Walgampaya D.S ;Jayabahu . L; Efficacy of mammography in the diagnosis of breast disease; Proceedings of Annual academic sessions of Sri Lanka College of Radiologists & Conference of the radiological society of SAARC Countries 2009
- Hewavithana P B; Dissanayake DMDP; Hemali PLM; Igalawithana LT; Mammographic Characteristics and presence of known risk factors in a selected sample of women who attended for screening mammography ; Annual Sessions of the Kandy Society of Medicine 2010; 90
- Hewavithana P B; Kamal Nazer; Rajapaksha A; Ileperuma SK; Chest Radographic manifestations of patients with suspected or confirmed H1N1 Influanza infection admitted to the Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya; 9th Annual academic sessions of Sri Lanka College of Radiologists 2010
- Hewaviyhana PB; Gunethilaka SSC; Outcome on follow up of non palpable probably benign breast lesions detected on imaging.
- Hewavithana P.B. Rosairo S; Weerathunga SL, Lal DPCKA. Angiographic Patterns of Takayasu’s arteritis in patients diagnosed at Teaching Hospital Peradeniya. Book of abstracts; 32nd annual academic sessions; The Kandy Society of Medicine; 2010; 94
- Hewavithana PB;Nanayakkara DP, Weerakoon BS; Detection of breast cancer from screening Mammography in a Sample of Patients who attended a Private Medical Institute in Kandy; The Radiographer, The Society of Radiological Technologists,Srilanka;2010; vol8: 21-22
- Hewavithana PB;Perera MGRS; The history of evolution of Magnetic Resonance imaging in the Western province of Sri Lanka;The Radiographer,The Society of Radiological Technologists, Srilanka;2010; vol8: 39
- Hewavithana PB; Rajapaksha A, Rupture of the oesophagus – two case reports; 10th annual academic sessions; The Sri Lanka College of Radiologists; 2011
- Hewavithana P.B; Alahakoon TP;De silva K;Ratnatunga N;Wijenaayake P;Attanayake AMDN; Mammographic characteristics histologically proven invasive duct carcinoma of breast; Book of abstracts; 34th annual academic sessions; The Kandy Society of Medicine; 2012; 48
- Hewawithana.P.B, De Silva Kanishka,Jayasekara.U,Jayasinghe.A.L, Effect of age and body mass index on breast cancer.Proceedings peradeniya university international research sessions volume 18,2014.
- P.B.Hewavithana, G.Hettiarachchi, K.B.Galketiya, P.V.R.Kumarasiri, K.De.Silva. Mammographic breast density patterns, duration of breast feeding,number of breast fed children among histologically proven breast cancer patients. Proceedings peradeniya university international research sessions volume 18,2014.
- P.B.Hewavithana,G.B.Hettiarachchi, S.T.Goonasekara, K.B.Galketiya, P.V.R.Kumarasiri, K.De.Silva. Destribution of breast cancer patients and stage at presentation by sector of living.one health international conference 2014.
- P.B.Hewavithana,G.B.Hettiarachchi, F.F.Hassen, K.B.Galketiya, P.V.R.Kumarasiri, K.De Silva. Family history of breast cancer: A Sri Lankan experience.International conference onpostcolonial societies in transition, 2015.
- Hewavithana P B, Pethiyagoda A U B, Hegoda G S S, Dissanayake L A M J, Manjula Wijesiri, Kumarasiri P V R, Herath H M M N B, Swarnamali A M N. Ureteric jet characteristics on colour doppler sonography as an outcome predictor of patients with ureteric calculi: a preliminary study ,Book of abstracts; 38th annual academic sessions; The Kandy Society of Medicine; 2016
- Premasiri DGKMM, Watawana L, Hewavithana P.B. Scinitigraphy for the localization of gastrointerstinal bleeding-A ten year experience; Book of abstracts; 38th annual academic sessions; The Kandy Society of Medicine; 2016; 138
- Wickramasinghe.O,Rathnayake P.M,Samarasinghe B., Hewavithana.P.B, Muthunayake.T, Rathnayake H.M.S.S.May-Thurner syndrome related deep vein thrombosis;A case report Book of abstracts; 38th annual academic sessions; The Kandy Society of Medicine; 2016; 134.
- Hewavithana P B, Pethiyagoda A U B, Hegoda G S S, Dissanayake L A M J, Manjula Wijesiri, Kumarasiri P V R, Herath H M M N B, Swarnamali A M N.Variation of ureteric jet characteristics according to size and site of ureteric calculi. Book of abstracts; 38th annual academic sessions; The Kandy Society of Medicine; 2016; 106
- Pethiyagoda A U B, Hegoda G S S, Dissanayake L A M J, Manjula Wijesiri, Kumarasiri P V R, Herath H M M N B, Swarnamali A M N, Hewavithana P B. Usefullness of colour Doppler ultrasound scan and serum creatinine in evaluation of patients with ureteric calculi. Book of abstracts; 38th annual academic sessions; The Kandy Society of Medicine; 2016; 105
- Senavirathne KU,Rajapaksha RWMAL,Hewavithana.P.B.Use of computed tomographic pulmonary angiography in the evaluation of suspected pulmonary embolism;are we over using it?-A retrospective analysis. Book of abstracts; 38th annual academic sessions; The Kandy Society of Medicine; 2016,100
- Jayasinghearachchi.DNK,Samarasinghe.E,Athauda.N,Ranaweeraarachchi.RA, Chandrasena.H,Rathnayake M,Rajapaksha A, Hewavithana P.B. Evaluation of short term outcome of patients who underwent endovenous laser ablation at teaching hospital peradeniya. Book of abstracts; 38th annual academic sessions; The Kandy Society of Medicine; 2016,69
- G.B.Hettiarachchi, K.B.Galketiya, P.V.R.Kumarasiri, P.B.Hewavithana, K.De.Silva.Trend of mammography screening and distribution of risk factors among an asymptomatic group of women in Kandy district,Sri Lanka. Proceedings Peradeniya university international research sessions 2016 ;(20).
- U.Jayasekara,M.L.Jayathilaka,A.Jayasinghe, P.B.Hewavithana and P.V.R.Kumarasiri. Prevalence of risk factors of breast cancer among females of Yatinuwara Divisional Secretariat area in Kandy district, Sri Lanka. Proceedings Peradeniya university international research sessions 2016 ;(20).
- KMD Jayasooriya, P.B.Hewavithana, K.B.Galketiya, S.Wickramasinghe, L Yatawara. Identification of mutation in BRCA1 exon 11 of breast cancer confirmed patients and in at risk individuals. Proceedings Peradeniya university international research sessions 2016 ;(20)
- G.B.Hettiarachchi,P.B.Hewavithana, H.J.Suraweera, P.V.R.Kumarasiri,M.C.Weththasinghe,M.Rathnayake,C.Hettiarachchi. Comparison of efficacy of intra-Bursal Injection of steroid with autologous Platelet rich plasma[PRP] for Shoulder Impingement Syndrome, Peradeniya University International research sessions,Vol.21 24th November 2017
- R.K.Kotagodahetti, M.A.Elangasinghe, P.B.Hewavithana, G.B.Hettiarachchi. Investigating the capability of artificial neural networks for breast cancer detection using clinical, mammographic and histopathological data Peradeniya University International research sessions,Vol.21 24th November 2017
- PB Hewavithana, WM Jayawardhane, R Gamage, C Goonaratna, Skeletal fluorosis in Vavuniya District: an observational study,Ceylon Medical Journal 63 (3),2018
- PCA Ratnatunga, R Gunawardene, V Pinto, R Perera, P Amerasinghe. Atherosclerotic occlusive arterial disease of the lower limbs: a historical account of surgical evolution and vascular reconstruction over thirty four years, Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery 36 (2),2018
- LK Dissanayake, PB Hewavithana, RMPM Rathnayake, Partial splenic artery embolization: an alternative management strategy for resistant thrombocytopenia of immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP).Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine 27 (1), 2018
- P.B. Hewavithana, M.L. Jayatilake, B.S. Weerakoon and L.P.G. Sherminie. Morphometry-based radiomics for predicting prognosis in soft tissue sarcomas of extremities following radiotherapy. Proceedings of the 11th Annual Science Research Sessions, FAS, SEUSL, Sri Lanka 15th November 2022 Scientific Engagement for Sustainable Futuristic Innovations pp. 56
- Liyanage, Sudeeptha&Hewavithana, Padma &Hewavithana, Padma. (2022). Evaluation of the Occupational Radiation Exposure from C-arm Fluoroscopy during Common Orthopaedic Surgical Procedures: DAP Based Dose Simulation Method.Proceedings of the International Research Conference in Health Sciences 2022 - FAHS, USJ
- I.N Kosgallana, S Welarathna, S Velautham, & Badra H, 2024. Formulation of Facility Reference Levels for Routine Diagnostic Head Computed Tomography Examinations at Tertiary Care Hospital in Central Province of Sri Lanka. Paper #225, Abstract in the Proceedings of the 28th Annual Technological Advances in Science, Medicine, and Engineering (TASME 2024) Conference (Hybrid Conference). Toronto, Canada. July 6-7