Notices Posted
* 5th Clerkship of the LCR 2025-03-19
* 5th Clerkship of the LCR - Groups 2025-03-19
* Final Year Lectures - 10th to 21st March 2025-03-10
* Calling Online Entry forms ---- Year 2 Semester 2 Examination - April 2025  [Click Here for Online Entry Form] 2025-03-03
* Faculty Scholarship Committee - Notice 2025-02-25
* Notice - Infection 1 Module 2025-02-24
* Notice- Log Book Viva Examination 2025-02-03
* Year 4 Repeat Examination | February 2025 --- Issuing admission cards 2025-02-03
* Year 4 Repeat Examination | February 2025 --- Time Table 2025-02-03
* Notice - Faculty Scholarship Committee 2025-01-22
* Notice for 3rd Year Repeat Students 2025-01-17
* Notice for Infection 2 Repeat Students 2025-01-17
* Calling Entry Forms --- Year 4 Repeat Examination - February 2025 2025-01-07
* Reminder: General Feedback - Deadline Extended to 25th January 2025 2025-01-07
* Notice - Log Book Viva Examination - Department of Family Medicine 2024-12-30
* Notice - Log Book Viva Examination - Department of Family Medicine 2024-12-17
* Faculty Scholarship Committee - Notice 2024-12-13
* Final year lectures scheduled on 11.12.2024 2024-12-09
* NOTICE - PeMSAA-UK Award 2024-12-06
* General Feedback Notice | General Feedback - Link | 2024-12-03
* Final MBBS Examination for Medical Degrees - November 2024 (2017/18 Batch) | Out of Bounds Notice [Revised] 2024-11-21
* Notice - Lectures 2024-10-25
* Notice - Family Medicine 2024-10-22
* Notice - Lectures 2024-10-21
* TimeTable 2024-10-14
* Change of time of the OSPE Examination component - IAM 2 Module 2024-09-20
* Issuing Admission Cards ---- Year 4 Semester 2 Examination - September 2024 2024-09-09
* Year 4 Semester 2 Examination Time Table - September 2024 2024-09-09
* Y4S2 TT Modification - CLR 4 2024-08-22
* Calling Entry Forms --- Year 4 Semester 2 Examination - September 2024 2024-08-22
* Y4S2 TT Modification - Pharmacology 2024-08-20
* Issuing Admission Cards ---- Year 4 Semester 1 Examination - August 2024 2024-08-07
* Year 4 Semester 1 Examination Time Table - August 2024 2024-08-06
* Calling Entry Forms --- Year 4 Semester 1 Examination - August 2024 2024-07-22
* Y4S2 TimeTable 2024-07-17
* 6th rotation of SA commencing from 06.05.2024 2024-05-02
* 6th rotation of SA commencing from 06.05.2024 - Groups 2024-05-02
* Change of Venue Notice 24.04.2024 2024-04-24
* Change of Venue Notice 26.04.2024 2024-04-18
* Y4S1 TT Modification - Family Medicine 2024-04-08
* Y4S1 TT Modification - Family Medicine 2024-04-03
* Family Medicine Viva 2024-03-28
* Year4 Semester1 Timetable 2024-03-25
* Notice - Medical Imaging - Lecture Cancellations 2024-03-18
* Y3S2 Examination - March 2024 --- TimeTable 2024-03-06
* Y3S2 Examination - March 2024 --- Issuing Admission cards 2024-03-06
* Y3S2 TT Modification - Venue Change 2024-02-21
* Calling Entry Forms --- Year 3 Semester 2 Examination - March 2024 2024-02-19
* Y3S2 TT Modification - Pathology 2024-02-19
* Y3S2 TT Modification - Community Medicine 2024-02-12
* Y3S2 TT Modification - Pharmacology 2024-02-05
* Notice - Pharmacology 2024-01-29
* Notice - Pharmacology 2024-01-17
* Y4S1 Log Book Viva Examination- Family Medicine [Revised] 2024-01-11
* Y4S1 Log Book Viva Examination- Family Medicine 2024-01-10
* Verification of Results - Y3S1 Examination - October 2023 ----Application form---- 2024-01-05
* Y3S2 TT Modification - Pharmacology [Revised] 2024-01-03
* Y3S2 TT Modification - Community Medicine 2024-01-02
* Y3S2 TT Modification - Pharmacology 2023-12-13
* Y3S2 TT Modification - Pharmacology 2023-12-11
* Y3S2 TT Modification - Pathology 2023-12-11
* Y2S2 Infection 1 - OSPE Examination 2023-12-05
* Y3S2 TT Modification - Community Medicine 2023-12-04
* Y3S2 TT Modification - Pharmacology 2023-12-04
* Y2S2 Examination - December 2023 --- Issuing Admission cards 2023-11-29
* Y2S2 Examination - December 2023 --- Instruction for Bubble Marking 2023-11-29
* Y2S2 Examination - December 2023 --- Time Table 2023-11-29
* Y3S2 TT Modification - Family Medicine 2023-11-27
* 2nd Rotation of Short Appointment - Roster 2023-11-21
* 2nd Rotation of Short Appointment - Groups 2023-11-21
* Y3S2 TT Modification - Pathology 2023-11-16
* Y3S2 TT Modification - Pharmacology 2023-11-16
* Y3S2 TT Modification - Community Medicine 2023-11-14
* Y3S2 TT Modification - Pathology 2023-11-14
* Y3S2 TT Modification - Community Medicine 2023-11-14
* Japanese Student Exchange Programme - 2023 conducted by Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya
in collaboration with University of Hokkaido, Japan
* Y3S2 Time Table 2023-10-25
* Y3S1 Examination - October 2023 - Issuing Admission Cards 2023-10-19
* Y3S1 Examination TimeTable - October 2023 2023-10-16
* Y3S1 Examination - October 2023 2023-09-22
* Y3S1 TT Modification - Pathology 2023-09-22
* Pahan Tharuwa Scholoarships 2023-09-18
* Y3S1 TT Modification - Microbiology 2023-09-13
* Special Notice - Y3S1 (Due to PeMSARC Congress) 2023-09-07
* Change of Venue for Lectures on 12.09.2023 2023-09-05
* Y3S1 TT Modification - Pathology 2023-09-05
* Y3S1 TT Modification - Pathology 2023-09-04
* Y3S1 TT Modification - Pathology 2023-08-29
* Notice Museum Class 2023-08-25
* Y3S1 TT Modification - Microbiology 2023-08-21
* Y3S1 TT Modification - Microbiology 2023-08-17
* Y3S1 TT Modification - Pathology 2023-08-16
* Notice - Museum Class 2023-08-11
* Special Notice - Change of Venue for Lectures on 18.08.2023 2023-08-09
* Special Notice - Change of Venue for Lectures on 17.08.2023 2023-08-09
* Special Notice - Change of Venue for Lectures on 15.08.2023 2023-08-09
* Y3S1 TT Modification 2023-08-04
* Year 2 Semester 2 Examination Feedback - May 2023 2023-08-04
* Y3S1 TimeTable 2023-08-03
* 4th rotation of MS appointment commencing from 17.07.2023 ---- Groups 2023-07-14
* Notice - Award for Excellence in Teaching 2023-07-11
* 3rd rotation of MS appointment [Revised] 2023-06-22
* 2nd rotation of MS appointment 2023-06-02
* 1st rotation of MS appointment commencing from 15.05.2023 2023-05-12
* Y2S2 Examination - May 2023 (Issuing Admission Cards) 2023-04-26
* Y2S2 Examination Time Table - May 2023 2023-04-24
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-03-30
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-03-24
* Calling for Entry forms - Y2S2 Examination May 2023 2023-03-24
* SGD on Inflammation 2023-03-20
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-03-17
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-03-17
* Faculty Awards - Notice 2023-03-14
* Faculty Awards - Application 2023-03-14
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-03-13
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-03-10
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-03-07
* Y2S2 Change of the Venue 2023-02-27
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-02-24
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-02-23
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-02-23
* Y2S2 Change of the Venue 2023-02-22
* Foundation in Pathology 2023-02-22
* Museum Notice 2023-02-22
* Pharmacology tutorial 23.02.23 2023-02-22
* SGD - Thrombosis 2023-02-20
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-02-16
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-02-14
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-02-13
* Pharmacology tutorial 17.02.2023 2023-02-13
* Pharmacology tutorial 15.02.2023 2023-02-13
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-02-10
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-02-07
* Practical & Museum class 2023-02-06
* Pharmacology tutorial 10.02.2023 2023-02-06
* Drug information 03.02.2023 2023-01-31
* Notice - Septic Shock 2023-01-27
* Y2S2 Venue Change 30-01-2023 2023-01-27
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-01-25
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-01-23
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-01-23
* Pharmacology Tutorial - Pharmacodynamics 2023-01-23
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-01-20
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-01-18
* Student Seminar on Spread of Tumours and Clinical Aspects, 2023-01-17
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-01-15
* Pharmacodynemics Tutorial/venue 13.01.23 2023-01-12
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-01-12
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-01-11
* Learning Management System [MedLMS] Login Details 2023-01-03
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-01-03
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2023-01-02
* Y2S2 TT Modification 2022-12-27
* Y2S2 TimeTable 2022-12-27
* Y2 Repeat Examination - Admission Cards [2nd December 2022 - @1:30pm] 2022-12-02
* Y2 Repeat Examination TimeTable [Revised] 2022-11-17
* Y2 Repeat Examination Physiology Revision Practical Class 2022-11-15
* Calling entry forms - Year 2 Repeat Examination 2022-11-09
* Appeal for verification of the results 2022-10-25
* ICP Modification 2022-09-28
* Introductory Clinical Programme 2022-09-23
* Notice from the Dean 2022-09-16
* Y2S1 Examination - Physiology OSPE 2022-09-13
* Y2S1 Examination Time Table- September 2022 2022-08-24
* Y2S1 Examination - September 2022 2022-08-04
* Y2S1 TT Modification 2022-07-27
* Y2S1 Amended TT 2022-07-17
* Urgent Notice - Action Plan 2022-06-18
* Y2S1 TT Modification 2022-06-16
* Y2S1 TT Modification 2022-06-08
* Y2S1 TT Modification 2022-06-03
* Y2S1 TT Modification 2022-05-23
* Y2S1 TT Modification 2022-04-22
* Medical Library Opens till 10 P.M. 2022-04-18
* Y2S1 Timetable 2022-04-18
* Notice for Students - from Scholarship Committee 2022-04-08
* International Conference on Medical Sciences 2022 2022-04-06
* Y1S2 Examination - Physiology OSPE 2022-03-29
* Y1S2 Examination March 2022 Time Table 2022-03-23
* Y1S2 Examination March 2022 2022-03-08
* Urgent Notice 2022-01-29
* Y1S2 Full Academic Program 2022-01-24
* Notice - Searching Techniques Practice Zoom Session 2022-01-10
* Postponement of Practical Sessions 2022-01-07
* Y1S2 Timetable Continuation Commencing 10th January 2022 [updated] 2022-01-05
* Revised Group List 2021-12-31
* Notice - MED1208 2021-12-23
* Notice - CLR 2021-12-22
* Y1S2 Practical TT [Revised] 2021-12-20
* CLR Practical Sessions Postponed 2021-12-17
* OSPE I & II 2021-12-13
* Y1S2 Practical TT (Modified) - Commencing on 27.12.2021 2021-12-09
* Y1S1 Examination TT (Updated) 2021-12-06
* CLR - Literature Review Practice Session 2021-12-06
* Y1S1 Examination - December 2021 2021-11-03
* Y1S1 Practical/Revision [Revised] TimeTable 2021-11-01
* Y1S2 TimeTable (Online Teaching) 2021-09-10
* Notice from the Dean 2021-08-12
* MED1103 Detailed Module Document 2021-07-26
* URGENT - Login to your G Suite Account on or before 27th June 2021, 3:00 p.m. 2021-06-25
* 2019-20 Group List [Revised] 2021-06-23
* Online Gross Anatomy Practical Schedule 2021-06-08
* Y1S1 Time Table Week - 2 Onwards --- Online 2021-05-07
* Online Lectures 03.05.2021 2021-04-30
* Y1S1 Time Table Week - 1 --- Online 2021-04-28
* Lecture on "To Become What You Should Become" @ 8.30 am on 28th April 2021 2021-04-27
* Notice - Continuation of Orientation Programme 2021-04-09
* Continuation of Orientation Programme 2021-04-09
* Anatomy: Recommended Text Books 2021-04-05
* Orientation Programme - Lecture on "Learning and preparation for exams in the Medical school" on 31st March 2021 @ 2.30 pm 2021-03-25
* Orientation Programme - Lecture on "Unleash your personal brand" on 31st March 2021 @ 8.30 am 2021-03-12
* Notice - Lecture on 10th March 2021 at 8.00 am 2021-03-08
* Orientation Programme, Commencing 01st March 2021 2021-02-25
* Notice for Zoom Lectures 2021-02-25
* The Inauguration Function LIVE on 2021-02-25


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