Exercise and Sports Physiology Laboratory
This facility was established at the Department of Physiology, by Dr. A.A.J Rajaratne and Dr. S. A. Rajaratne, with the support of the Australian Sports Commission.
The laboratory has the facility to assess physical fitness of sports men and women belonging to University, School level or Defense Services Sports teams. The facility is also utilized for research purposes and for teaching undergraduates and postgraduates

The laboratory is equipped with:
- Instruments to measure anthropometric parameters: stadiometers, ultra sensitive weighing scales, Vernier calipers, Digital caliper, Standard steel ruler
- Equipment for body fat percentage assessment including Harpenden Skin fold calipers (SKU: LHSC-C, 0120), Standing bioimpedence (Lot 820910, Tanita) and hand held bioimpedence (OMRON, HBF-306) devices
- Equipment to assess muscle strength: Hand grip dynamometer (TTM 07874; Tokyo, Japan), back and leg dynamometer (TKK 5002; Takei, Japan), Shoulder Arm Push Dynamometer (TTM, Japan)
- Quantum QT-835 Treadmill
- Monark Sports, VO2 Max/SubMax Testing Upper body Ergometer 891E
- Monark Sports VO2 Max/SubMax Testing Ergomedic Ergometer 828E
- Monarch Anaerobic Ergonomic Testing Bicycle 894E
- Modified Sit and Reach Box, Goniometers (Upkar), Heart rate monitors, Medicine balls