Physiology studies life from the basic molecular processes that drive the functions of individual cells right through to the workings of the body's systems and how they interact to produce a healthy living individual.

The academic and nonacademic staff of Physiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya extend their united efforts in maintaining undergraduate education in Physiology. Our primary role is to teach physiology principles, whilst emphasizing its applications in the medical world at the very outset. Physiology along with other basic sciences make up the well-structured curriculum of the preclinical years (semesters Y1S1 through Y2S1). The physiology academic programme is delivered using both traditional and modern teaching methods – lectures in system based physiology, small group discussions (SGDs) and tutorials whilst encouraging to engage in continuous active learning and self learning. Simultaneously, physiology practicals are conducted in our two upgraded laboratories. Substantial amount of time is also dedicated in teaching clinical examination techniques.

The department also offers a number of lectures in the paraclinical and clinical years as well. Our undergraduate teaching does not limit to medical students, but also extends to the students of Faculties of Dental Sciences, Allied Health Sciences and Veterinary and Animal Sciences of University of Peradeniya.

The staff also support and supervise undergraduate research activities and projects.

Students are assessed by means of MCQs, SEQs and OSPEs at the end of each semester.

Our students have been taking part in Inter medical school Physiology quiz programmes since 2013, at both national and International levels. The team representing the faculty at IMSPQ 2015 (Inter Medical School Physiology Quiz) - Malaysia, bagged the runners up position.

Recommended Text Books
  • Textbook of Medical Physiology by A.C. Guyton and J.E. Hall
  • Review of Medical Physiology by William F. Ganong
  • Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function by Kenneth S. Saladin
  • Essentials of Medical Physiology by K. Sembulingam and Prema Sembulingam
  • Berne and Levy Physiology by Bruce M. Koeppen and Bruce A. Stanton
  • Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach by Dee Unglaub Silverthorn
  • Vander’s Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Functions by Eric Widmaier, Hershel Raff and Kevin Strang
Practical Sessions



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