The Museum of Human Anatomy, at the Department of Anatomy, University of Peradeniya is a state-of-the-art museum, show casing intricate and complex anatomy of the human body. The main purpose of the museum is to aid the undergraduate medical and allied health students and postgraduates of many disciplines. In addition, the museum is open to the public and the schools to disseminate knowledge regarding the human body and to illustrate the beautiful story of human Anatomy as a discipline in the history. One who visits the museum, will also realize that this is an art gallery with elegant portraits and works of art created by a talented artist.

The museum was opened on the 28th of May 2018 by the Vice Chancellor of the University of Peradeniya Prof. Upul B. Dissanayake and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Vajira Weerasinghe. It was a long-standing need of the department and finally saw light as the brain child of Professor Ajith Sominanda, who’s dedication and tireless effort made this project a success.

The museum boasts, human specimens of all anatomical regions dissected and mounted by our expert team of academic and technical staff. The specimens are displayed in brightly lit glass showcases and are accompanied by information cards written in all three languages to aid any medical student or laymen to understand the structure of the human body. Thin sections of the whole human body on display aid the students in understanding the cross-sectional anatomy and is used by postgraduate students to a great extent. A wide range of normal embryos as well as those with congenital abnormalities are also on display.

One of the unique features of the museum are the beautiful paintings by one of our own graduates Dr. Prashan Edirisinghe. These paintings grace the walls of the museum adding color and diversity to it and hence converting it to a gallery of art.

The museum is opened to the public on all working days of the year. Prior permission must be sort from the Vice Chancellor of the University of Peradeniya in order to visit the museum.




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