The Department of Anatomy is responsible for the teaching of gross and microscopic anatomy of the human body, embryology and medical genetics. The teaching is geared to provide students with knowledge in the basic anatomical concepts and their clinical relevance from the very beginning.
Anatomy is taught as a main subject in the stream, Scientific Basis of Medicine (SBM) which is designed to impart knowledge regarding the structure and function of the human body relevant to a medical graduate.
The anatomy teaching program constitutes of lectures on both regional and clinically oriented anatomy, guided dissection of human cadavers aided by prosected specimens and practical sessions on microscopic anatomy of human tissues.
Lectures are conducted by our own academic staff and also by invited visiting lecturers from different disciplines such as general surgery, ophthalmology, dental surgery and obstetrics as necessitated by the area of teaching.
Dissections are conducted at the Gross Anatomy Laboratory which houses a dissection room as well as a cadaver preparation and storage room. Groups of 14 to 16 students each are given a human cadaver in order to carry out a total body dissection. The dissections are guided by our staff and the students are expected to follow the recommended dissection manual, currently the Grants’ Dissector. Where a more detailed study is necessary during a practical session students are provided with handouts. Students are expected to bring with them a white lab coat, disposable rubber gloves and instruments for dissection.
Microscopy of human tissues is taught with the aid of lectures and histology practical sessions. These sessions are conducted in the histology laboratory and consist of demonstrations of focused slides with diagrams to aid learning and also hands on experience on focusing and studying histology slides on their own.
Embryology and genetics are taught with the aid of lectures. Embryology is taught system wise while the basic concepts of medical genetics are taught laying emphasis on its application in diagnosis and treatment of genetic disorders.
Lectures and practical sessions are conducted in order to facilitate the learning process, while these cover close to over 75% of the stipulated objectives students are advised to read the recommended text books to add to their knowledge base.
All practical components conducted by the department are compulsory and a minimum of 80% attendance is required in order to be eligible to sit for the semester examination.
Distinctions in Anatomy
The department of anatomy awards distinctions to students who achieve an average of 70% or more for the anatomy component of all modules, at the end of two years.
Anatomy objectives
A set of objective or ILOs (Intended Learning Outcomes) are given to students as a guideline to the knowledge they have to gain at the end of the anatomy course.
Course Objectives can be downloaded here 
Practical Sessions

Other teaching involvements
- Undergraduate programme for the Department of Allied Health Sciences
The staffs of the Department of Anatomy are also involved in teaching components of the AHS curriculum. This includes teaching basic Anatomy for the students in physiotherapy and the anatomical basis of radiology for the students in radiography
- Diploma in Sports Science
The department of Anatomy undertakes the teaching of basic human anatomy and sports biomechanics for the Diploma in Sports Science Course conducted by the Department of Physiology