Prof. K.N. Marambe |
Professor in Medical Education |
Dept. of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya |
kosalnm@yahoo.com |
081-2396233 |
081-2389106 |
Educational /Professional Qualifications |
- PhD - Maastricht University, The Netherlands, 2007
- MBBS – University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1992. – 2nd class Honours
- Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education, Staff Development Center, University of Colombo. June 2000
Research Interest |
- Learning behavior of Medical students
- Facilitation of active learning, outcome based education
- Stake holder perspectives on medical training
- Learning environments
- Curriculum development
PhD thesis |
- Patterns of Student Learning in Medical Education- A Sri Lankan study in a Traditional Curriculum ISBN 978-90-5278-632-2
Professional Experiences |
Previous Positions |
- Temporary Senior Lecturer, Medical Education Unit, Faculty of Medicine 2007 to 2008s
- Temporary lecturer -Faculty of Medicine- 2004 to 2007
- Lecturer probationary -Faculty of Medicine University of Peradeniya – 1996 to 2004
- Medical officer -Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka - 1993 to 1996
Faculty Committees and Managerial Experiences |
- Member Research and Development Unit, Faculty of Medicine since September 2017
- Faculty coordinator Internal quality assurance activities 2013 to date
- Chairperson Curriculum coordinating Centre from January 2011 to 31.03.2014. later 2015 to September 2016
- Convenor, Monitoring and evaluation committee (Z committee) of the new curriculum of the Faculty of Medicine, Univ. Peradeniya (since March 2007 to Dec. 2012)
- Member of the Curriculum Coordinating Committee (CCC) since its inception
- Member of the Curriculum Development Committee (CCC) since 2009
- Member of the Monitoring and evaluation board (Z committee)
- Head/ Technical resource centre (TRC) – From 16th October 2014 to August 2015
- Member of curriculum development subcommittees of the Faculty of Medicine since 2000 to date
- Module coordinator- Foundation module year 1 and 2 for 2005/06 batch and 2006/07 batch
- Course coordinator - effective communication skills development through student assignments (eCSSA) of the Communication Learning and Research stream
- Member of the electives/selectives subcommittee of the new curriculum 2005-2009
- Member of the Ethical Review Committee - Faculty of Medicine, Univ. of Peradeniya 2008 to date
- Member of the Peer evaluation of teaching group, Faculty of Medicine 2014 -2016
- Member Higher degrees committee since 2014 to date
- Member Ethical review committee 2008 to date
- Project coordinator - WHO project on developing a student manual (CD version) in relation to selected Non Communicable Diseases to be shared by Faculties 2011
- Coordinator ‘train the trainer program’ conducted by staff of University of California Davis USA - 2014 to 2015
- Chairperson academic committee – Forum of Sri Lankan medical educationists (FOSME) Second academic sessions and 3rd SEARAME conference November 2014
- Faculty representative for organizing the regional workshop on prioritized research agenda for prevention and control of non communicable Diseases through a PHC Approach, Kandy, Sri Lanka 8 – 10 August 2012. Sponsored by the WHO SEARO
- Senior student counselor – 2009
- Academic counselor - 2011/2012 batch – 2013 and 2013/ 2014 batch
- Member of course management committee Diploma in Exercise and Sport Sciences offered by Faculty of Medicine, UoP
University Committees |
- Faculty representative – Planning committee Staff development Centre, UoP -2000 to 2003, 2013 to 2015
- Faculty Representative- Member of the Senate from February 2012 to 2017
- Member of the senate as a Professor
- Faculty representative- Member Academic development and Planning Committee (ADPC)–from February 2015 to date
Undergraduate Teaching |
MBBS program |
- Coordinating and teaching and examining - in a module in Communication Learning Research stream (18 hours), year 2
- Facilitation of problem based learning (CCR) sessions in year 1 and 2
- Supervising and examining undergraduate student research projects year 3 and 4
BSC programs faculty of Allied Health Science |
- Teaching and examination in the teaching learning module in BSc nursing program and BSc Pharmacy program.of the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences
Postgraduate Education |
- Member of the Specialty Board in Medical Education PGIM, Colombo from January 2009 to date
- Module Coordinator, Resource Person and Examiner: the Postgraduate certificate in Medical Education/ Health Professions Education conducted by the PGIM, Colombo. Since its inception to date
- Module Coordinator. Resource Person, and Examiner: Pg Diploma in Medical Education/ Health Professions Education program conducted by the PGIM, Colombo
- Supervisor: MD Medical Education program conducted by the PGIM Colombo
- Member Board of study MSC in Exercise and Sport Science
- Examiner- Mphil degree, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peardeniya
Postgraduate Supervision |
- Supervised the award of 1 PhD in 2013
- Supervision of 1 MPhil project (2016 onwards) and PhD 2018
- Supervision of 4 MD Medical Education research projects – 2 completed and 2 ongoing under Post graduate Institute of Medicine (PGIM) Colombo
Paper reviewer of national and international conferences |
- Peradeniya University Research Sessions (PURSE)– 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014
- Kandy Society of Medicine (KSM) Academic sessions – 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017
- 8th Asia Pacific Medical Education conference (APMEC) -National University of Singapore (2011) 9th APMEC National University of Singapore in 2012
- 10th Asia Pacific Medical Education conference (APMEC) National University of Singapore in 2013
- 11th, 12th ,13th , 14th 15th and 16th Asia Pacific Medical Education conference (APMEC) Organized by the National University of Singapore
- First Academic sessions- Forum of Sri Lankan Medical Educationists (FOSME) August 2012
- FOSME Second academic sessions and 3rd SEARAME conference held in November 2014
- Inaugural Colombo conference on Medical education 10-11th November 2017
Reviewer of Research Proposals |
- Member of the Ethical Review committee Faculty of Medicine UoP
- On invitation reviewed proposals referred by the Ethical Review committee, Faculty of Dental Science Univ. of Peradeniya
Reviewer of Scientific Journals |
- Journal of Post graduate Institute of Medicine, Sri Lanka
- Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine -2016, 2017
- Journal of Teaching and Learning 2012
- British Journal of Education, Society and behavior – 2014
- Australasian Journal of Paramedics -2014
- South East Asian Journal of Medical Education-2015, 2016
- TAPS –The Asia Pacific Scholar 2016
Visiting Lecturer |
- Faculty of Allied Health Sciences University of Peradeniya 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016,2017, 2018
- Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences Rajarata University 2011, 2012
Organizing Conferences |
- Member organizing committee Colombo Conference in Medical Education 10-11th November 2017
- Member of the Organizing Committee - SEARAME conference 2014
- Member of the Organizing Committee - ‘One health’ international conference 4-6th September 2014
- Member registration committee iPURSE – 4-5th November 2016
- Member of the Organizing Committee - Golden Jubilee Celebration Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya -January 3-5th 2012
Coordination of Workshops |
- Coordinator from 2006 to date of the UGC accredited Staff Development Program for probationary/ new recruits Teachers in the Faculties of Health Sciences (induction program) conducted by Medical Education Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya.
- Staff Development Program for Teachers in the Faculties of Health Sciences, June – September 2018
- Staff Development Program for Teachers in the Faculties of Health Sciences, February– May 2
- Staff Development Program for Teachers in the Faculties of Health Sciences, March– July 2016
- Staff Development Program for Teachers in the Faculties of Health Sciences, March– May 2015
- Staff Development Program for Teachers in the Faculties of Health Sciences, May – August 2014
- Staff Development Program for Teachers in the Faculties of Health Sciences, August – November 2013
- Staff Development Program for Teachers in the Faculties of Health Sciences, November 2012- February 2013
- Staff Development Program for Teachers in the Faculties of Health Sciences, September- November 2011
- Staff Development Program for Teachers in the Faculties of Health Sciences, July- October 2010
- Staff Development Program for Teachers in the Faculties of Health Sciences, August - October 2009
- Staff Development Program for Teachers in the Faculties of Health Sciences, August - October 2008
- Staff Training Program for Teachers in the Faculties of Health Sciences, September - November 2007
- Staff Training Program for Teachers in the Faculties of Health Sciences, September/October 2006
- Workshop on Educational Technology, 7th-18th June 2004. Conducted by the Medical Education Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Resource Person – Regional/ International Workshops |
- Speaker of a symposium on promoting biomedical research in undergraduate medical education in the inaugural Colombo Conference on Medical Education organized by the College of Medical Educationists 10-11th November, 2017. Hotel Cinnamon Lakeside, Colombo
- Speaker in the plenary on the opportunities and challenges of developing a culture of continuing professional development and the way forward. 2-3rd March, Faculty of Medicine Ragama. Organized by the staff development centre, University of Kelaniya -National forum on Continuing professional development in Higher Education 2017
- Resource person workshop on peer assisted learning and publishing research - 3rd South East Asian Regional Association for Medical Education (SEARAME) and 2nd Forum of Sri Lankan Medical Educationists (FOSME) conference, 12th to 15th November 2014 at Hotel Galadari, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Fourth Regional Training Program in Innovations in Health Personnel Education”, 26-30 October 1998, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya. Conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO
- Workshop on Medical Ethics: A Regional Workshop for WHO Fellows”, 24-28 February 1997, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka Conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO)
Resource Person of National/University Workshops |
- Meeting of Surgeons teaching undergraduate medical students of the University of Peradeniya titled ‘further improvement of undergraduate teaching/ assessment programme’ session on ‘good practices in teaching training and assessment’ held on 21st July 2018 at the Peradeniya Rest House, Peradeniya
- Resource person session on orientation to Medical officers on ‘Out patient department and emergency unit exposure within family medicine appointment’ 8th June 2018
- Resource person for the session on ‘levels of learning and learning outcomes’ in the induction program of Staff development Centre University of Peradeniya 5th February 2018
- Resource person examination related good practices, moderation and double marking FAHS 31st October 2017
- Resource person Quality assurance awareness programs ‘program design, module design and student assessment’at the Faculty of Allied Health sciences, University of Peardeniya 20th June 2017
- Resource person two day workshop on Health professions training for Ministry of Health staff - sessions on reflective practice and portfolio building and Problem based learning. 29th August 2017 at the Regional training centre, Kadugannawa
- Resource person for the session on ‘learning outcomes and alignment of courses in the induction program of Staff development Centre, University of Peradeniya January – March 2017
- Resource person, Plenary discussion on SLQF mapping/ assessment of higher order thinking and panel discussion on Medical education issues 15th June 2016 Joint academic meeting of College of Medical Educationists and faculty of Medicine, Peardeniya
- Resource person workshop on essential life skills 9th to 30th June 2016 organized by Peradeniya Medical school alumni association (PeMSAA)
- Resource person portfolio development CPD session faculty of dental sciences University of Peradeniya November 15 2015
- Resource person National Trauma Management ‘train the trainers’ course 8th November 2015 organized by the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka
- Resource person, faculty workshop/ meeting with MoH staff, Completion of work by undergrad students prior to clinical appointments Senate room University of Peradeniya August 8 2015
- Resource person post congress workshop of the Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA) on ‘peer assisted learning’ held on 9th July 2015
- Resource person workshop on ‘How to teach communication skills to undergraduate students’ at the Faculty of Medicine, UoP 29th May 2015
- Resource person ‘Mini CEX’ workshop for Clinical staff, Faculty of Medicine held on 3rd March 2014
- Resource person session on ‘Problem based learning: Sri Lankan experience’. Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya 22nd May 2014
- Resource person, Curriculum development meeting Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Peradeniya. 3rd May 2013
- Resource person teaching practice session in the induction program for academic staff conducted by the staff Development Centre (SDC) University of Peradeniya (UoP), 23rd April 2013
- Resource person Induction program for academic staff session on ‘Objective questions’, organized by the Staff Development Centre UoP, 21st March 2012
- Resource person- Induction program for academic staff session on ‘Subjective questions’, organized by the Staff Development Centre, UoP , 26th March 2012
- Resource person of the session ‘Medical Education clinic- focusing on problems in medical education’ at the First academic session organized by Forum of Sri Lankan Medical Educationists 10-11th August 2012 , Faculty of Medicine Colombo.
- Resource person academic workshop on designing a curriculum model for Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Rajarata University 30th April 2012
- Resource person workshop on student assessment and program evaluation for clinical teachers of the Ministry of Health 6th September 2012
- Resource person Principles of student assessment and issues in constructing SBA type MCQs for academic staff, Faculty of Medicine UoP. 20th October 2011
- Resource person 2 day workshop on teaching and learning process and student assessment for clinicians of the Ministry of Health on 23rd February 2010.
- Resource person ‘essentials and strategies in curriculum revision’ organized by the Faculty of Dental Sciences, Univ. of Peradeniya. 4th and 5th September 2008
- Resource person workshop on ‘How to conduct an interactive lecture’ organized by the Department of Radiography and Radiotherapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, UoP, 12th August 2007
- Resource person “International Consultative Workshop for the Development of Curricula for B.Sc. Degree programmes in Nursing, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Physiotherapy, Radiography and Bachelor of Pharmacy”, 11th- 15th November, 2005
- Resource person two week educational technology workshop conducted by the MEU 7th to 18th June 2004
- Resource person for sessions on General nature of learning and Theories
learning, organized by the Staff Development Centre (SDC), UoP 30th January 2004
- Resource person teaching practice session in the induction program for academic staff conducted by the staff Development Centre (SDC) University of Peradeniya (UoP), 29th April 2003
- Training of Trainers - Community Based Mental Health Programme”. 24-26th February 2003. Ministry of Health, Central Province, Sri Lanka
- Training of Trainers - Community Based Mental Health Programme”. 3-5th March 2003. Ministry of Health, Central Province, Sri Lanka.
- Workshop on Educational Technology”, January 2002. Conducted by the Medical Education Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- Workshop for peer communicators in support of reproductive health - session on ‘counseling’ organized by the Health centre UoP, 7-8th November 2002
- Training Programme on Teaching Methodology for Academic Staff”, January – June 2001, conducted by Staff Development Center, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- Workshop on educational technology for academic staff of faculties of Health sciences organized by the Medical Education unit 3rd to 14th July 2000
- Workshop on Educational Technology”, 29th June –9th July 1999. Conducted by Medical Education Unit, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- Workshop on Nursing Ethics”, 1-5th November 1997. Conducted by the Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- Resource person of sessions on concept of learning, Domains of learning, Writing learning Objectives, Teaching practice sessions, Small group discussion, Different teaching roles of an academic and Research project in the UGC-accredited Annual Staff Development Program for Teachers in the Faculties of Health Sciences”, conducted by Medical Education Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya from 2006 to date
- Resource person of the Faculty of Medicine workshops /meetings on curriculum development, identifying competencies, assigning credits, Quality assurance, Clinical cases of relevance (CCR), process and principles of giving feedback to students, during the period 2010 to 2015
Membership in Professional bodies and positions held |
- Life member, Kandy Society of Medicine (KSM)
- Life member Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA) - L3504/3
- Council member KSM 2010
- Founder Member, Forum of Sri Lankan Medical Educationists (FOSME)
- Council member, Forum of Sri Lankan Medical Educationists(FOSME) 2011 to 2015
- Founder member and Council Member College of Medical Educationists, Sri Lanka since 2016/li>
- Secretary, Forum of Sri Lankan Medical Educationists (FOSME) 2013, 2014
- Member and office bearer, Peradeniya Medical School Alumni Association (PeMSAA) 2017