Tertiary care unit for any child from any part of the country! The services provided include:
- General Paediatric Clinics and subspeciality clinics
- Special Care Baby Unit and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- Paediatric ward
- Other services
General paediatric ward
The professorial unit comprise of a 110 bedded paediatric ward which caters for children with general paediatric conditions as well as children with renal disease and Thalassemia major. The ward has a fully equipped high dependency unit which handle paediatric emergencies and apart from the service provided for the patients, the paediatric ward is an excellent resource for undergraduate and postgraduate training

General Paediatric Clinics and Clinics for Subspecialties
Children discharged from the wards are followed up at General Paediatric Clinics as well as the patients referred directly from the Out Patient Department. These clinics are conducted daily, except on Weekends.
Subspeciality clinics are conducted by the respective consultants, providing additional care for special care seekers. The Paediatric nephrology clinic and the post renal transplant clinic is conducted by a paediatric nephrologist led team. The "Well Baby Clinic" on Tuesdays, provides services with regard to Immunization, Assessment of Growth and Development and separate neonatal clinic is conducted on Fridays by a consultant perinatologist and neonatologist.
Apart from these, several other special clinics are conducted by the department members. The child development assessment clinic and clinic for children with Down syndrome is conducted by Prof Pathum Dissanayake, a clinic for childhood allergy and asthma is conducted by Prof Thushara Kudagammana and a special clinic for children with obesity is conducted by Dr Vasana Kiridana.

Special Care Baby Units and Neonatal Intensive Care Units
The 24 bedded Neonatal ICU and the special care baby unit has facilities to cater for extreme premature neonates as well as neonates with a variety of clinical conditions. The facilities are of equivalent to a level 2 NICU in a developed country. The Unit offers training for paediatric post-graduate trainees as well as basic neonatology training for undergraduates.

Pediatric nephrology services
The pediatric professorial unit caters for a wide range of pediatric renal conditions including providing care for children with end stage renal disease. A separate pediatric renal unit was recently added which provides facilities for dialysis and renal transplant. This is the unit which initiated pediatric renal transplant services in the country.