- Dr. Chathula Wickramasinghe, Dr. Kasun Ekanayake, Dr. Gayan Kumarasinghe (Senior Registrar in Forensic Medicine), Dr. Sanjaya Bandarage (postgraduate trainee) and Dr. Niranjala Kulathunga (postgraduate trainee) presented several papers at the 14th International Congress of Indo Pacific Association of Law Medicine and Science (INPALMS), held from 13th-16th December, 2022, at Galadari Hotel, Colombo.
- Educational visit to the department by a group of students of Dharmashoka College, Amabalangoda on 01st December, 2022.
- Educational visit to the department by a group of students of Hingurakgoda Ananda Balika Vidyalaya on 01st December, 2022.
- Inauguration of the 9th Batch of Diploma in Forensic Medicine for Lawyers & Judges, conducted by the Department of Forensic Medicine, was held on 26th November, 2022.
- Educational visit to the department by a group of students of Gankanda Madhyama Maha Vidyalaya, Palmandulla, Rathnapura on 25th November, 2022.
- Educational visit by the students of Devi Balika Vidyalaya, Colombo on 11th November, 2022.
- Educational visit by the students of Nikaweratiya Maha Vidyalaya on 11th November, 2022.
- The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) donated a microscope and other equipment to the Department of Forensic Medicine, on 25th October, 2022.
- Educational visit of the Biology students of St. Sylvester's College, Kandy to the Department of Forensic Medicine, on 12th October, 2022.
- Prof. Deepthi Edussuriya chaired presentation sessions at inaugural PeMSARC Annual Research Conference, held on 30th September, 2022.
- Prof. Dinesh Fernando, Prof. Amal Vadysinghe & Dr. Kasun Ekanayake (pictured) received the Faculty Research Publication Award for highly rated scientific publications in 2020-21, awarded at PeMSARC Annual Research Conference on 30th September, 2022.
- Educational visit of the Biology students of Dharmaraja College, Kandy to the Department of Forensic Medicine, on 22nd September, 2022.
- Educational visit by the student monks and teachers from G/Gnanarathana Pirivena, Nigrodharama Maha Viharaya, Makandugoda, Thalpe, to the Department of Forensic Medicine on 18th August, 2022.
- Prof. Sarathchandra Kodikara delivered a lecture on “Litigation against Medical Practitioners” on 15th September, 2022 at the Teaching Hospital, Kegalle, organized by the Kegalle Clinical Society.
- Court visit with medical students to the District Court Kandy by Prof. Sarathchandra Kodikara on 13th September, 2022.
- Prof. Sarathchandra Kodikara attended the annual academic sessions of KSM 2022 as a resource person on 26th of March 2022.
- The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) donated equipment to the department of Forensic Medicine, Peradeniya, for the establishment of a forensic anthropology laboratory for the Central Province of Sri Lanka on 25th of March 2022.
Prof. Sarathchandra Kodikara attended the 2nd Workshop for Prison Medical Officers as a resource person on 24th of March 2022.
Center based training programme for the students of Master of Forensic Medicine course 16 March 2022. Lecture on Injuries caused by firearms and explosive has been done by Prof. Dinesh Fernando.
Hands on practical training on firearms and explosives has been done by Major (Dr). Dhanushka Rabukwella.
- Workshop for Emergency Medicine PG trainees on “Medico-legal issues in the Emergency Department” conducted by the Department of Forensic Medicine, held on 10th February 2022 at the Auditorium, Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya.
- Court visit to the High Court Colombo by Prof. Sarathchandra Kodikara on 09.02.2022.
- Visit of Prof. Werner Jacobs, Professor in Forensic Medicine and Pathology, University of Antwerp, Belgium, Medical Major in the Belgian defence force to the Dept. of Forensic Medicine on 06.01.2022